TEREBINTHINA symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What TEREBINTHINA can be used for? Indications and personality of TEREBINTHINA …



      “One part by weight of purified oil of turpentine is dissolved on ninety-nine pats by weight of alcohol” (Am, Hom. Phar.). making our strongest preparation the 1st.

Terebinth. was first proved by Dr. Seidel, of Germany.


      Its most marked action is on the kidneys and the mucous membrane of he urinary tract, where it causes general irritation and profuse haemorrhages from the kidneys(85) as well as strangury, and in the great majority of cases where we prescribe it there will be some urinary symptoms to guide us in its solution.

It also irritates the bronchial and intestinal; mucous membrane, causing cough and haemoptysis (27), and loose and bloody evacuations from the bowels, with the second pronounced indication for he remedy, marked tympanitis (13). Even the inhalation of he vapor of turpentine “produces nasal and bronchial irritation, frontal headache, and renal irritation, even bloody urine and strangury” (Bartholow).

Terebinth is to be thought of in r-sided ciliary neuralgia (75) and in rheumatic iritis (74), with intense pain in the eye, associated with burning in the region of the kidneys and dark,, scanty urine, as well as in amblyopia due to alcohol.

It is of great value in abdominal dropsy (11), dependent especially upon inflammations of the kidneys, and in peritonitis, perhaps due top pelvic disorders, when complicated with bladder troubles and excessive tympanitis.

In diarrhoea calling for Terebinth. We have three symptoms, which taken together mean only this remedy;’ they are the excessive tympanitis, the red, sore and shining tongue, which characteristic, and the urinary indications which we will now speak of in detail.

The urine is bloody and smoky, and there is strangury when voiding it (194), with burning in the region of he kidneys and pain extending down to the bladder. With these symptoms it is of great value in croupous nephritis (124), especially when it follows from any acute disease. It is also of frequent use in acute congestion of the kidneys, particularly from cold, associated with haemorrhage from the kidneys (85).

(When you find inflammation of the kidneys, with bloody urine, dysuria and constant tenesmus, due top the inhalation of fumes of oil of turpentine, especially in women who faint for pastime, give Cantharis. One must keep in mind that pregnant women should never be exposed top the fume of turpentine owing top its effect open the kidneys). Terebinth. is one of the remedies to be thought of when the urine smells as of violets (200).

In acute cystitis calling for the remedy we would have burning pain in the region of the kidneys, dysuria and tenesmus.

Terebinth. is top be thought of where haemoptysis (27) relieves the congestion of the lungs, and in bronchi-pneumonia (151), with scanty, bloody urine. It has been found useful; in bed-sores (210 in paralytics and for purpura haemorrhagica (158) with great weakness.

In typhoid fever it will prove of value in haemorrhage from the bowels (193), associated with bloody urine, excessive tympanitis and drug, glossy tongue.

I use Terebinth. 30th.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.