Homeopathic remedy Terebinthina drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Oil of Turpentine. HARTLAUB. A volatile oil.


      Stupefaction; deep sleep; uraemia; fainting.

Mind clear, then unconscious, followed by inability to concentrate his mind.

Dull languid; relieved by free micturition.


      Sudden vertigo, with obscuration of sight.

Inner Head

      Dull headache, with colic.

Intense pressure and great fullness of head.


      Iritis; urinary symptoms present.

Pains in and over eye, worse at night or 1 to 3 A.M.

Eye dark red, face red and affected side.


      Sensation in ears as of the striking of a clock.


      Violent nosebleed.


      Earthy color of face, sunken features.


      Scorbutic affections with haematuria.

Tongue etc.

      Tongue smooth, glossy, as if deprived of papillae. Typhoid.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Sickness at stomach after eating.


      Dull pain in epigastrium.

Pressure as if he had swallowed a bullet, which had lodged in pit of stomach.


      Burning in right hypochondrium.


      Distended abdomen: tympany in typhoid, puerperal fever, etc., tongue agreeing; frequent colic; constipation.

Worms: with foul breath, choking sensation, dry, hacking cough; burning and tingling at the anus, with sensation as if ascarides were crawling about; sometimes.

Stool etc.

      Intestinal catarrh and diarrhoea, with nephritis. Hemorrhages from bowels, with ulceration; Epithelial degeneration.

Stools watery, greenish, and mucous; worse in morning.

Violent burning in rectum and at anus after stool.


      Affections of kidneys, worse from living in damp dwellings.

Burning and drawing from right kidney to hip.

Pressure in kidneys when sitting, better from motion.

Frequent urination at night, with intense burning.

Urine: black, with coffee-ground sediment; great emaciation and weakness; clear, watery, profuse; incontinence at night; scanty, turbid, dark, epithelial sediment; albuminous; bloody, the blood thoroughly mixed with the urine; containing sugar.

Sensitiveness of hypogastrium, tenesmus of bladder, strangury; burning in region of kidneys; urine deposits a slimy, thick, muddy sediment; urine smells of violets.

Male Sexual Organs

      Gonorrhoea, with strangury, tenesmus of bladder, smarting in urethra, chordee.


      Burning and bearing down in uterus; burning urination. Puerperal metritis.


      Difficult respiration, as if from congestion of lungs.

Asthma, worse from motion.


      Bronchial catarrh, with spitting of much phlegm.

Dry cough, no expectoration, or blood-streaked sputa.


      Hemorrhage from lungs.

Unbearable burning and tightness across chest, with great dryness of mucous membranes, or profuse expectoration.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse: increased in force and frequency; feeble, rapid.

Limbs in General

      Intense pains along larger nerves.

Sciatica in rheumatic patients; the urinary symptoms agreeing.

Position etc.

      Motion : lessens pains; increases asthma.

Sitting : Motion :, Sunken features :.


      Weakness, languor.


      Morning : Night : 1 to 3 A.M. :.

Temperature and Weather

      Damp dwelling :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Rigors, followed by feverish heat through whole body; headache, red face. Bright’s disease.

Fever, with violent thirst.

Profuse sweat.


      Right :, Affected side :.


      Dryness, burning of mucous membrane of air-passages.

Dropsy, with kidney affections.



      Terebintha in antidoted by Phosphor.

Compare : Canthar., Copaiva.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.