

*Antidoted by: Phosphorus *Antidote to: Phosphorus, Mercurius *Followed well by: Merc-c. *Compare: Botan., Thu., and other Coniferae. Haemorrhage in typhus, Alumina Melaen, Arnica Albuminuria, Arsenicum Smoky urine, dropsy after scarlatina, dry, glossy tongue, Lachesis (Ter. has more tympanites). Capillary bronchitis, drowsiness, lungs clogged up, urine scanty, almost dark from blood, Ipecac. Dropsy from kidney congestion, Helleborus Renal congestion, smoky urine, Colchicum Urticaria after eating shell-fish, Apis., Urt-u. Glazed tongue, Kali-bi., Lachesis, Pyrog. Haematuria, Pul. Burning tip of tongue, Mur-ac. Burning in anus and rectum, fainting and exhaustion after stool, Arsenicum Worms, with foul breath, choking, Cin., Spigelia Purpura, fresh ecchymoses in great numbers from day to day, Sul-ac. Burning and drawing in kidneys, bladder, and urethra, Berberis, Cann-s., Cantharis Passive haemorrhages, strangury, Camph. Metritis, peritonitis, bearing down, burning in hypogastrium, cloudy, dark, muddy urine, tongue dry, red, Belladonna Catarrh in children, Pix. Umbilicus retracted, Plb. Kidney-ache, Santal. Warmth at heart, Kalm., Rhododendron, Lachn. Pains causes frequent micturition (Thuja, urging to urinate accompanies the symptoms). Rheumatism, Sulphur ter.


Alcohol. Falls. Strains. Tooth extraction. Damp cellars.



Stupefaction, inability to fix attention (uraemia). Mania. Intense nervous excitement. Children fly into tempers. Intense irritability, with irritation of membranes of brain (especially in teething children). Anxiety on going to bed. Facility of thought. Fears apoplexy, fulness and pressure in head. Weary of life. Suicide by hanging in two cases following washing of laces in turpentine and alcohol. (Frightful maniacal temper, wanders about at night meaninglessly. ***R.T.C.) Intoxication. Coma.


Dizziness, with nausea. Attack of vertigo, which nearly occasions falling, with cloudiness before eyes. Headache, with pressive pain and disposition to sleep. Dull headache, with colic. Sensation of a band round head. Excessive heaviness, and troublesome pressive fulness in head. Tearing cephalalgia. Rending, tickling pain in left temporal region, coming and going

while in bed in evening, rubbing removes it. Erysipelas capitis.


Eyes shrunk, ciliary neuralgia with acute conjunctivitis. Amblyopia potatorum. When walking in open air, muscae volitantes and transient dizziness. Photophobia. Rheumatic iritis. Contracted pupils. Half-opened, up-turned or rolling eyes. Opened eyes only when swallowing. Spots and black points before eyes.


Voice sounds unnatural, worse right ear. Sensation in ears as of striking of a clock. Right ear hot, left cold. Otitis. Otalgia. (Earache in children worse in left, and at night. ***R.T.C.) The internal use of *Ter. prevents otitis after syringing Eustachian tube (Eugene Weber). Deafness after measles with high vascularity of meatus and membranes (***R.T.C.) Eczema in front of ear. Sudden stitch in right mastoid process. Tinkling in ears. Cannot tell direction of sounds. Loud talking is very painful.


Discharge of serum from nose, without coryza. Violent nose- bleed. Passive epistaxis in children.


Pale, earthy colour of the face. Herpes on lips.


Toothache, with drawing pain. Gums detached, easily bleeding, with pain as from a burning wound, every morning. Gumboils form in a child under *Ter. (***R.T.C.). Dentition: suppressed urine and convulsions.


Tongue red, smooth, and glossy, as if deprived of papillae. Coating of tongue peels off in patches, leaving bright red spots, or entire coating peels off suddenly, leaving tongue dry and red, burning on tip. Tongue swollen hard and stiff even without fever. Foul breath. Burning in mouth. Ulcers in mouth. Mercurial ptyalism, stomacace. The child dribbles (***R.T.C.). In mouth and

angles of lips ecchymoses which bleed. Stomatitis from mouth to anus.


Scraping, scratching in throat, frequently with coughing in evening. Burning in throat. An agreeable coolness in throat. No power over deglutition.


Hunger and thirst with debility. Loss of appetite, great thirst. Desire to eat more, after a satisfying meal. Diminished appetite. Aversion to animal food. After eating: sick at stomach, loud rumbling in bowels, while pain in hypochondrium disappears, pressure in scrobiculus and distension of abdomen. Warm drinks causes burning in chest.


Eructations: rancid, flatulent, acrid. (Continual loud eructations and belching up of much flatus. ***R.T.C.) Belching and nausea. Nausea and vertigo. Vomiting: of mucus, of yellowish mucus, of food, of blood. Retching and vomiting of mucus. Excessive sensitiveness of region of stomach to touch. Pressure at stomach and in scrobiculus, as from hasty swallowing, as if he had swallowed a bullet, which had lodged there. (Severe circumscribed flatulent pain below scrobiculus cordis. ***R.T.C.) Pressing in stomach: better by belching, when lying on Left side, better turning on right and passing wind. Burning sensation in the stomach.


Burning sensation and pressure in hypochondria. Pressing below diaphragm, extending left to right. Colic from calculi, chronic liver complaints. Pressing and cutting in left hypochondriac region while sitting, better moving about. Pressure, burning sensation and drawing in renal region. Abdomen very sensitive to touch. Heaviness, fulness, and pressure in abdomen. Slight pressing pain in small spot in epigastrium, better stooping, lying down, or taking a deep breath. Distended abdomen, frequent colic. Meteorism. Cuttings in epigastrium and hypogastrium, often extending into thighs. Sensation of excessive coldness in abdomen, especially in exterior of umbilical region, which is retracted. Pain shooting across bowels from left to right and upward. Inflammation of intestines. Noise, gurgling, and borborygmi in abdomen. Ulceration of bowels, peritonitis, with

tympanites. Great but obscure pains in lower abdomen. Sensation of pressure outwards in inguina, as if caused by a hernia. Painful swelling of inguinal glands.

Stool & Anus

Constipation, with distension of abdomen. Ineffectual urging. Tenesmus, bloody stools. Constipation, with abdominal distension. Hard, scanty faeces. Dry, brown evacuations. Faeces of the consistency of pap, with pinchings in abdomen, and burning sensation in rectum and anus (after stool). Stools consisting of mucus and water, worse in the morning. Intestinal catarrh and diarrhoea, with nephritis. Loose, liquid faeces, of a greenish yellow, with expulsion of taenia and lumbrici. With a loose stool, immediate cessation of nausea. Stools: frequent, profuse, fetid, bloody. Haemorrhages: from bowels, with ulceration, epithelial degeneration, passive. Diarrhoea with tetanic spasms. Piles, internal, bleeding. Burning and tingling in anus better applying cold water. Worms: with foul breath and choking sensation, dry, hacking cough, spasms. Threadworms. Burning sensation and tingling in anus (with the sensation as if ascarides would crawl out), during evacuations, and at other times.

Urinary Organs

Pressure in the kidneys when sitting, going off during motion. Sensation of heaviness and pain in region of kidneys. Violent burning drawing pain in region of kidneys (Nephritis that follows an irritation of the skin. ***R.T.C.) Frequent desire to urinate. Transient movement in region of bladder during a stool as if bladder were suddenly distended and bent forward. Spasms from any attempt to urinate. Suppressed secretion of urine. Strangury, followed by soreness. Diminished secretion of urine. Secretion of urine considerably augmented. Urine smelling strongly of violets, deposit of mucus, or thick, muddy deposit. Thick, slimy yellowish white sediment in urine. Haematuria. Much blood with very little urine and constant painful dysuria (produced in a child from poisoning. ***R.T.C.). Burning sensation in urethra, felt also when urinating. Urethritis, with painful erections. Stricture of urethra. (Burnett, after Rademacher). Urine scanty and bloody. Burning sensation, incisive pains, and spasmodic tenesmus of bladder.

Male Sexual Organs

Spasmodic and incisive drawings in the testes (especially left) and spermatic cords. Tearing in mons veneries. Feels as if symphysis pubis were suddenly forced asunder. Spermatorrhoea in man. 25, no bad habits, urine turbid, and had a yellowish mucous sediment. Gonorrhoea, chordee, gleet.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia retarded and scanty. Drawing in thighs and colic as if menses would set in, a week after she had them. Uterus and ovaries very painful. Ovarian dropsy. Terrible burning in uterus, with great bearing-down pain, caused great heat all over, craves drink, inward heat. Uterine diseases after wearing pessaries. Fibroids, bloody leucorrhoea, burning in uterus, menorrhagia, black blood. Herpes labialis. Abortion. Neuralgia during pregnancy. Burning and bearing down in uterus during urination. Metritis, lochia checked, burning in uterus. Peritonitis after confinement from tight-lacing.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica