

Face pale or yellowish, with sickly complexion, and eyes deep sunken, surrounded by a blue circle. Heat and burning sensation in face, with deep redness of whole face, circumscribed redness of cheeks, or else red spots, also on neck. Pale or red swelling of face. Swelling of cheeks, with lancinating pain. Pain: tearing in right half of face, pressure on malar bone and beneath eye, stabbing below left zygoma with darting up side of head. Pain in all three divisions of fifth nerve (1.), from exposure to cold, draft of air, worry, beginning 5 p.m., lasts with slight intermissions three or four days, besides sharp dartings every few moments, extreme external sensitiveness. Drawing, sharp pain, sensation as from a bruise, pressive and burning sensation in cheek-bones. Erysipelas of face (beginning on right ear and spreading over face). Phlegmonous erysipelas in face, chiefly in eyelids, nose, and (1.) ear. Roughness and redness of skin of face. Eruption of pimples on face and on forehead. Itching and moist tetters over whole face, chiefly above nose, round eyes, and in eyelids, small white vesicles in groups and forming scabs. Ephelides and black pores in face, chiefly on nose, lips, and chin. Lips dry, rough, and cracked. Burning sensation and continued heap of lips. Yellowish hepatic spots on upper lip. Tinea facie. Trembling and jerking of lips. Swelling of lips. Swelling of lower lip with eruption on it. Scabious ulcer on red of lip. Cancer of the lips. Herpetic eruption in corner of mouth. Painful eruption round chin. Sharp, lancinating, and drawing pains, and painful swelling in jaws. Swelling of submaxillary glands, with pains and lancinations when touching.


Great tenderness of teeth. Great sensitiveness of points of teeth. Jerking, shocks, sharp or drawing pains, shootings, throbbing pains, boring and burning sensation, both in carious and in sound teeth. Tearing toothache on left side. Pulsation and boring in teeth, worse from heat. The toothache often extends as far as ears or into head, and is sometimes accompanied by congestion of blood in head, with shiverings and disposition to sleep, or with swelling of cheek. Appearance or worse of toothache, principally in evening, at night, or in open air, also from a current of air, from cold water, when masticating, and sometimes when taking anything hot. Toothache with congestions to head, or stitches in ears. Brownish mucus on teeth. Painful loosening, elongation, setting on edge, and easy bleeding of teeth. Bleeding, sensation of unfixing, and swelling of gums, sometimes with throbbing (heating) pains. Fistula dentalis. Hard, round swelling of gums, with discharge of pus and of blood.


Dryness, heat, and burning sensation in mouth, sometimes in morning with moist tongue. Great dryness of palate with much thirst, obliged to drink much. Mouth dry, insipid, and sticky in morning. Ptyalism from abuse of Mercury or during a fever. Accumulation of saliva in mouth: sanguineous, salt, acid, bitter, or mixed with blood, even after eating. Fetid, sometimes acid, smell from mouth, especially in morning or in evening or after a meal. Vesicles, blisters, and aphthae in mouth and on tongue, sometimes with burning, or with pain of excoriation, when eating. Exfoliation of membrane of mouth. Burning sensation and tickling on tongue. Pain, swelling, and inflammation of tongue for three days. Tongue dry, rough, and cracked, of colour of cinnabar, or loaded with a white coating, or covered with brownish, thick, and viscid mucus. Stuttering when speaking. Accumulation of saltish mucus in mouth. Taste: bitter, pasty, offensive, of blood, sweetish, metallic. Bilious taste in mouth when fasting, though food tastes right. Bitter taste with dulness of head and ill- humour. Acid taste all day.


Scraping, roughness (rawness), and dryness in throat (hawking and clearing throat). Pressure as from a plug or from a tumour in throat, sometimes with difficult deglutition. Stitches in throat on swallowing. Sensation as if a hard ball were ascending throat, and would close pharynx and take away the breath. Contraction and painful sensation of constriction in throat when swallowing. (Sensation of contraction in throat. R.T.C.) Dryness of throat. Pain as from excoriation, burning sensation and shootings in throat, worse during empty deglutition (soreness begins on right side and goes to left, redness of tonsils). Burning in throat as from sour eructations. Sensation during empty deglutition as of swallowing a piece of meat. Sensation as of a plug in throat, with empyreumatic taste. Sore throat, with swelling of glands of neck. Elongation of palate, swelling of palate and tonsils. Sensation of a hair in throat. Angina gangrenosa.


Bad taste in mouth, mostly acid, bitter, or putrid and sweetish or mawkish, worse in morning on waking. Taste bitter or too salt or insipidity of food. Complete anorexia and dislike to food, principally to meat, rye bread, fat, and milk. Dislike to sweet and acid things, or craving for such things, with anorexia. Continued thirst, even at night, often with desire for beer. Craving (in drunkards) for wine and brandy. Immoderate appetite and attacks of bulimy, sometimes with headache, lassitude, and want to lie down. Ravenous hunger which obliges him to eat frequently, gets headache and has to lie down if he does not. Hungry, but appetite vanishes at sight of food, feels full in abdomen, when he begins to eat is averse to it. Desire for sweets. Complaints from eating sweets. Complaints from farinaceous food. Desire for raw food. Great weakness of digestion, principally for meat, fat, milk, acids, and farinaceous food, all of which sometimes cause great suffering. Food sweetened with sugar worse the pains in the stomach and abdomen. Milk produces sour risings, an acid taste in mouth, and even vomiting. Beer is followed by a prolonged after-taste, and causes ebullition of blood. Disgust for drinking wine. After a meal oppression in chest, nausea, pressure, and cramps in stomach, colic, inflation of abdomen, flatulence, vomiting, great fatigue, shivering, confusion and pain in head, heat in face, burning sensation in hands, flow of water from mouth, and many other sufferings.


Continued eructations, principally empty, or with taste of food, or acid and burning, bitter, or fetid, with taste of rotten eggs, especially after a meal or at night. Loud eructations as soon as he presses on stomach. Heartburn. Abortive risings. The food rises into throat. Regurgitation of food and drink, often with acid taste. Pyrosis, often with burning and tingling in chest. Hiccough. Qualmishness. Nausea, which sometimes even induces fainting, with trembling, weakness, and frequent eructations, especially after a meal, in morning, at night, or when riding in a carriage. Water-brash, worse in morning or after a meal, sometimes with aching or digging in abdomen. Retching and vomiting of food, and of acid or bitter substances, or blackish, or sanguineous, &c., especially in morning, in evening, after a meal, or at night, and sometimes with nausea, pains in stomach, and cold perspiration on face. After eating but little stomach feels completely full. (Pains in stomach following a headache, worse 10 p.m., causing him to bend forward to ease himself, with flatus and prostration at stool. Tight crampy feeling in stomach on laughing and sneezing, preventing him rising from his seat. R.T.C.) Heaviness and fulness, or pressure and compression, or else contractive and spasmodic pains, or digging and shootings in stomach and precordial region, worse after a meal at night or in morning, often with nausea and vomiting, anxiety, and inflation of abdomen. Uneasy, unpleasant feeling in stomach as if several hard things were lying in it, and all in different directions (cured. J.H.C.). Pressure in pit of stomach during menses. Sensation of coldness, or heat and burning sensation in the stomach. Great sensitiveness in the region of the stomach when touched (or pressing upon it _ even the bed-cover causes pain). Swelling of the precordial region. Pulsation in the pit of stomach. Swelling at pit of stomach. Weak, empty, gone, or faint feeling in stomach. Weak, empty, gone, or faint feeling in stomach, about 11 A.M., and at other times.


Painful sensibility of hypochondria, as if they were wounded, pressure of clothes disagreeable. Drawing, pressure, tension, and shootings in regions of the liver and spleen, swelling and hardness in both regions. Stitches in spleen, worse when taking a deep inspiration and when walking. Frequent shoots in splenic region. Inflammation, swelling, and induration or liver. Bile increased. Fulness, heaviness, tension, and pressure, as from a stone in abdomen, chiefly in epigastrium and hypochondria. Enlargement and hardness of abdomen. Gripings, or sensation tearing or contractive and spasmodic pains in abdomen. Intestines feel as if strung in knots. Shootings (stitches) in abdomen, worse on the left side when walking (coughing) or taking a deep inspiration (about navel). After food sensation of weight right

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica