

Confusion in head, with difficulty in meditating, or weakness, dizziness, and stupor, sometimes with necessity to lie down, and especially in morning or in evening, or when walking in open air, or when going up an ascent. Vertigo and staggering, especially when seated, or after a meal, or when exercising in open air, when stooping, looking down, walking, going up an ascent, rising from a seat, lying on back, passing over running water, and also in morning, in evening, or at night, and often with nausea, syncope, weakness, and bleeding at nose (with inclination to fall to left side, with vanishing of sight). Headache as if caused by incarcerated flatus, by obstruction in head, or by a debauch. Painful sensibility of head, chiefly of vertex, on least movement, with pain at every step, when coughing, blowing nose, or masticating. Sensitiveness of the vertex, pressing pain when touching it, worse from heat of bed, in morning when waking, on scratching it, it bites and burns. Fulness, pressure, and heaviness in head, chiefly in forehead ( worse when raising head and after sleeping and talking. Better when sitting or when lying with head high) and occiput. Tearing or stitches in forehead or temples, from within to without, worse from stooping, better when pressing head together, or when moving about. Sensation of emptiness in back part of head, worse in open air and when talking better in room. Pulsation in head with heat in brain, pulsation of carotid arteries and of heart, worse on waking in morning, when moving about, on stooping, when talking, in open air, better when at rest and in warm room. Hammering headache on vivacious talking. Throbbing all over head with furious pain taking away her sight and preventing her from stooping: it affects vertex more and is worse by washing her head (produced. R.T.C.) Heat on crown, cold feet, frequent flushings. Painful tingling on vertex and in temples. Violent pain in vertex in evening, as if hair would be torn out, it bristles on the most painful spots. (Pain in vertex, right side, worse 5 to 8 p.m., better by warmth. R.T.C.) Boring headache on top, beneath vertex, the spot is painful to touch externally. Severe burning in vertex, went off after getting up, succeeded by cool feeling in same place. Aching, burning, throbbing, pressing in vertex. Vertex very sensitive when touched, and when not. Tension in forehead and eyes on exercising brain, worse when lifting up

eyes, after sleeping, better when sitting in room. Tension and painful contraction in brain, sometimes with a sensation as if head were compressed by a band (with the sensation as if the flesh were loose around it, followed by inflammation of the bones and caries, worse in wet, cold weather and when at rest, better from motion). Expansive pressure, as if head were about to burst, principally in temples. Sharp and jerking pains, or drawing and shootings in head. Painful sensation, as if brain were wounded or bruised. Sensation as if the head were soft, as if the brains had been bashed in. On moving head brain strikes against cranium. Congestion of blood in head, with pulsative pains, clucking, and feeling of heat in brain. Rush of blood to head, a pressure out at eyes, with roaring in ears and heat of face, during menses, during soft stool, at night in bed, arising from chest with throbbing, worse when stooping, talking, in open air, better sitting in warm room. Tinkling, buzzing, roaring, and vibration in head. The headache is often only semi lateral, or confined to vertex, or to occiput, or to forehead above eyes, with inclination to frown or to close eyes, confusion of sight, unfitness for meditation, humming in ears, and nausea, with inclination to vomit. Quotidian, periodical, and intermittent headaches, appearing principally at night, or in evening in bed, or in morning, or after a meal, (every 3, 4, 6, 12, or 24 hours, 12 noon or 12 midnight, worse midsummer or midwinter). Movement, walking, open air, and meditation often excite or worse the headaches. Pimples with itching in head, principally in forehead. Dry or thick yellowish scabs in scalp, with secretion of a thick and fetid pus, but always with great itching. Dry (seldom humid), offensive, scabby, easily bleeding, burning, and sore paining eruption on back part of head and behind ears, with cracks, better from scratching (tinea capitis). (Scabby eruption over head and on various parts of body, with hard lumps that discharge and irritate and prevent sleep. R.T.C.) Coldness in head, sometimes only in circumscribed places. Painful sensitiveness of the roots of hair and of scalp when touched. Mobility of scalp. Falling off of hair, with great dryness of the hair, painfulness of scalp to the touch and violent itching in evening when getting warm in bed, with swelling of glands on neck (also in lying in women). Fontanelles remain open too long. Head bent forward when walking. Itching in head, with impatience. Exanthema and itching on forehead.


Heaviness and aching in eyes and lids, with a sensation of friction as from sand. Itching of eyebrows. Itching, tickling, and burning sensation in eyes, canthi, and lids. Pains as from a bruise or wound, and smarting in eyes and lids. The pains in eyes often extend into head, and are worse by movement of eyes, and also by light of the sun, which sometimes worse them to an insupportable degree. Pain (cutting) in right eye, renewable by touching right side of tip of nose. Stinging in eyes, especially in sunshine and from light of a candle. Inflammation, swelling, and redness of sclerotica, conjunctiva, and eyelids. Pain in lid, as if rubbed against spiculae of glass. Smarting pain as from dryness of margins of lids. Redness of borders of lids. Ulceration in the margins of the eyelids. Pustules and ulcers round orbits as far as cheeks. Inflammatory redness of iris. Affections in general of the cornea, eyeball, sclerotica. Opacity of cornea, as if covered with dust, or clouded, with a deposit of greyish lymph between the lamellae. Specks, vesicles (pustules), and ulcers in the cornea (with redness of eye). Injection of vessels of conjunctiva. Pupil unequal, or dilated and immovable, or contracted. Cloudiness of crystalline lens. Nodosity, like hordeolum, in lids. Eyes water, itch, and feel hot. Profuse lachrymation, especially in open air, or great dryness of eyes, worse in a room. Pain as from dryness of eyeballs, and a sensation as if they rubbed against the lids. Lachrymation in morning, with burning. Retinitis, caused by over-use of eyes, congestion of optic nerve. Oily tears. Copious secretion of mucus in eyes, day and night. Nocturnal agglutination of lids. Palpitation and quivering of eyelids. Contraction of eyelids in morning. Trembling of eyes. Confused sight, as if directed through a mist, or as if down or a veil were before eyes. Dim- sightedness, cataract. Great dimness of vision, as if cornea had lost transparency, confusion of head and dull aching in forehead. Objects seem more distant than they are. Presbyopia. Myopia Clouded sight when reading. The eyes are dazzled by daylight. Dazzled by looking long at an object. Sparks and white spots, or dancing flies, black points, and spots before eyes. Night- blindness. Visions of faces appear on closing the eyes. Objects appear to be yellow. Great sensitiveness (and aversion) of eyes to light, principally to that of the sun, and during warm and oppressive weather. Halo around a lamp light, cataract. Yellowish colour of sclerotica.


Itching in ears (in external ear). Stitches in left ear. Sharp or drawing pains, or shootings in ears, sometimes extending into head or into throat. Recurring earaches in tubercular meningitis. R.T.C.) Burning heat which goes out at ears. Gurgling in ears as if water were in them. Discharge of pus from ears. Otorrhoea, worse left ear. Discharge from both ears, dirty, very offensive, profuse, of a penetrating odour, at times causing an eruption about auricles, objects strongly to having ears washed. Bed effects from suppression of otorrhoea, hard hearing, especially if ears are very dry, noise in ears in general, particularly a humming. Otitis, in psoric subjects. Furunculus on tragus. Great acuteness of hearing, the least noise is insupportable, and playing the piano occasions nausea. Something seem to come before ears. Swashing in ears. Hardness of hearing preceded by hypersensitiveness of hearing. Dysecoia, especially for human voice, from disposition to catarrhs, worse after eating or blowing nose. Obstruction and sensation of stoppage (pressure and pain when sneezing, as if ulcerated) in one ear, often when eating or blowing nose. Tinkling, humming, and roaring in ears (in evening in bed), sometimes with congestion of blood in head. Cracking in ear, like the breaking of a bladder full of water. Excoriation behind ears. Ears very red with children.


Boring in root of nose. (Itching and) burning in nostrils. Inflammatory swelling (redness) of nose, chiefly at extremity, or in alae nasi ( worse in r.). Tip of nose red and shiny. Right ala nasi and entire septum inflamed and painful to touch. Inflammation, ulceration, and scabies in nostrils. Cracking in nose, like the bursting of a bladder full of air. Ephelides and black pores in nose. Herpes across nose, like a saddle. Obstruction of nose, sometimes semi lateral. Great dryness of nose. Dry coryza, or fluent coryza, with copious secretion of mucus. Burning coryza in open air, obstructions of nose in room. Discharge of burning mucus, or secretion of a thick yellowish, and puriform mucus in nostrils. Blood or sanguinous mucus is blown from nose. (Discharge of watery fluid from nose tinged with blood, and synchronous with precordial pain, severe headache and pains in soles of feet, high-coloured urine and confined bowels: symptoms followed on a severe wetting. R.T.C.) Bleeding of nose, especially in morning, and sometimes with vertigo (at 3 p p.m., afterwards it feels sore when touched). Frequent, even spasmodic sneezing, sometimes preceded by nausea. Smell increased or diminished, and also entirely lost. Offensive odour of nasal mucus on blowing nose. Smell of inveterate coryza, of burnt horn or of smoke. Offensive odour of nasal mucus, as of an old catarrh.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica