

(Sul. frequently serves to rouse the reactive powers when carefully selected remedies fail to act (especially in acute diseases, in chronic, Pso.). In this respect it is a close analogue and ally of Medor. and Syphilinum, which should be studied with it.) *Antidoted by: Aco., Camph., Chamomilla, Chi., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sepia, Thu. Antidote to: Aco., Aloe., Chi., Iodium, Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Oleander, Rhus, Sepia, Thu., ailments from abuse of metals generally. *Compatible: Calcarea, Calcarea ph., Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Pulsatilla (Sul., Calcarea, Lycopodium, and Sul., Sarsaparilla, Sepia frequently follow in this order. It is generally said that Calcarea should not be used *before Sul.). *Follows well: Mercurius *Complementary: Alo. (Sul. is generally the remedy when Alo. has been abused as a purgative), Aco., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla (Sul. is the “chronic” of the last three. If a patient is sleepless Sul. may be given at night. If the patient sleeps well it is best given in the morning, as it may disturb sleep if given at night, Nux may be given at night and Sul. In the morning when their complementary action is desired). Sul. complements Rhus in paralysis. Follows and complements Antim tart. and Ipecac. in lung affections, especially left, atelectasis. An interpolated dose of Sul. helps Silicea In indurations. Pso. complements Sul., Pso. loves heat, Sul. hates it. Teste includes in the Sul. group: Croton tiglium, Mercurius c., Bovista, Aethusa c., Kre., Lobelia i., Mercurius sol., Aster., Cicuta, Rat. *Compare: Meningitis, Apis. Injuries to eyes, Aco. (Sul. follows). Early-morning diarrhoea, Bryonia (as soon as he moves), Natrum sulph. (with much flatus), Rx. c., Podophyllum (stools changeable, go on all day, though worse at noon, Sul. raw, sore anus), Diosc. (colic flying to other parts). Defective reaction, Pso., Cuprum, Laur., Val., Ambr., Carb. v. Flushes at climaxis, Lachesis, Sul. Ac., Amyl., K. bi. Intermittent fever and neuralgia, Chi., Arsenicum, Baptisia Ravenous hunger with heat at vertex, Calcarea, Phosphorus Tuberculosis, Bac., Calcarea, Phosphorus Itch, Mercurius, Sepia, Causticum Dyspepsia, Nux vomica, Sepia Excessive venery, masturbation, Nux vomica, Calcarea Yellow-brown spots, Sepia, Lycopodium, Curare. Rheumatism, paralysis, Rhus. Sour stools, sore anus, Chamomilla Pneumonia, restoration imperfect, Sanguinaria Paralysis from cold, Aco., Causticum, Rhus. Accumulation of flatus, sour and bitter taste, Lycopodium (with Sul. Patient refers accumulation to left groin, region of sigmoid flexure). Bad effects of mental exhaustion, of seminal losses, Selenium (Selenium is a cognate element of Sul. and close analogue, Selenium Worse from tea, Sul. Worse from coffee, Selenium has “tingling in spots”).Morning aphonia, Carb. v.(Carb. v. also evening). Edges of eyelids, Graphites, Bac. Congestion of lumbar spine, Pic. ac. Atrophy of infants, Arsenicum Sinking worse 11 A.M. Na. m., Phosphorus, Indm., Na. C., Zn. (nervous symptoms, Argentum nitricum). Prophylactic of cholera, Cuprum Weak from talking, Stannum, Cocc., Verbascum, Calcarea Falls easily, Na. c. Hasty speech and action, Belladonna, Lachesis, Dulcamara, Hepar Weak ankles, Sul. Ac., Causticum better Open air, desire to be uncovered, Pul., Lycopodium Wetting bed in deep sleep, Belladonna (In first sleep, Sepia). Effects of losses of fluids, Arsenicum, Calcarea, Chi., Ferrum Persistent speck before left eye (right Selenium). Vision mostly green, Sanguinaria Rhagades of hands, Natrum carb. Hard, horny hands, Natrum mur., Graphites (opp. Calcarea). Left to right, Lachesis Stitches up vagina, Sepia, Phosphorus, nitricum acidum (also down and out), Alm., Berberis, Pul. (Sul. stitches go to head). Left ovarian and left inframammary pain, Lilium tigrinum, Lachesis, Caulo., Vib. o., Pul., Ustil. Bearing-down pains, Belladonna, Sepia, Gossyp., Pul., Secale worse On awaking, Lachesis, Na. m. Alarmed about soul’s salvation, Verbascum Worse Hearing water run, Hfb. Violent movements of foetus, Opium, Croc., Thuja Dread of losing mind, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Nux. Hollow sensation in region of heart (Lilium as if heart empty). Earthy complexion, Na. m. Tall, slender people, Phosphorus (Sul. With stoop). Aversion to be washed, Ant. C., Clem., Hepar, Rhus, Sepia, Spi. (Pulsatilla baby likes being washed). Fear of ghosts, Aco., Arsenicum, Bro., Carb. v., Cocc., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pul., Ranunculus bulbosus, Sepia, Zn. (I have been frequently asked by patients taking Sul. not to give them “that medicine” again as it made them “see faces,” generally described as horrible). worse Heat of bed at night, Bryonia, Mercurius, Pul., Chamomilla (toothache), Drosera, Ledum, Sbi., Apis. Laughing alternately with weeping, Aurum, Pul., Lycopodium, Croc., Phosphorus, Verbascum Vertigo looking down, Oleander (Calcarea turning head head, Pul. looking up). Throbbing headache, Gloninum, Calcarea, Pul. Drowsiness with headache, Bruc., Strych., Gins., Herac., Na. s., Gelsemium, Nux moschata Passes almost pure blood from rectum, Mercurius, Aco. Diabetes with impotence, Mosch. Phimosis, Cannabis sativa, Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Sepia, Thu., Rhus, Sbi. Hunger at night, Chi. s., Pso., Phosphorus (with febrile heat, unappeasable), Lycopodium, Ignatia Hot breath, Calcarea, Rhus. Sharp splinter sensation on slightest touch, Argentum nitricum, Hepar, Nit- ac. Throat, right then left, Lycopodium, Baryta C., left side, Lachesis, Sul. Freckles, Adren. Weak chest when speaking, Calcarea Acid smell from mouth, Nux. Taste of blood, Hamamelis Sensation of hair in throat, K. bi., Silicea Intolerance of pressure of clothes, Lachesis Blackish stools, Lept. Burning between scapulae, Phosphorus, Lycopodium Sinking sensations, worms, Scirrh. and other cancer nosodes. Vividly remembered dreams, Chi. Mistakes time of day, Mercurius, Lachesis Boils, Anthrax. Vaccination effects, Thu., Mal an Red lips, red borders round eyelids, Bac. Offensive body smell, checked eruptions and discharges, Medorrhinum Excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes, Hepar, K. ca., Pso. (Pso. is generally extremely chilly, Sul. hot). Restless, hot, kicks off clothes at night, Hepar, Sanicula Wants to find cool place for feet, Sanicula Relapsing alcoholism, Pso., Bac.


Suppressions. Alcohol. Sun. Sprains. Chills. Over-exertion. Reaching high. Falls. Blows. Bed-sores.


Melancholy and sadness, with grieving ideas, uneasiness respecting the patient’s own condition and prospects, and about business affairs, so as to become exceedingly unhappy, disgusted with life, and even to despair of eternal salvation. Egoistic. Dwells on religious or philosophical speculations, anxiety about soul’s salvation, indifference about lot of others. Vexatious and morbid ideas of the past arise and cannot be got rid of. Hypochondriac mood (through the day, in evening he is inclined to be merry). Strong tendency to weep, and frequent weeping, alternating sometimes with involuntary laughter. Disconsolate humour, with scruples of conscience, even with respect to the most innocent actions. Fits of anguish, especially in evening, timidity and great tendency to be frightened. Precipitation, restlessness, and impatience. Peevishness, childish peevishness in grown people. Ill-humour, moroseness, quarrelsome disposition, disposition to criticize, and dislike to conversation. Irritability, disposition to anger and passion. Great indolence and repugnance to all exertion, both mental and bodily. Too lazy to rouse himself up, and too unhappy to live. Indecision, awkwardness (at his work), inadvertence, anthropophobia, with feeling of giddiness. Stupidity and imbecility, with difficulty in understanding and in answering correctly. In afternoon, stupefied state after a glass of wine. Great weakness of memory, chiefly for proper names. Misplaces or cannot find the proper word when he speaks. Mistakes as to time, thinks it earlier than it is, at vesper bell (7 P.M.) insists it is only 5 p.m., quite angry when one attempts to convince her of her error. Forgetfulness of that which is about to be uttered. Great flow of ideas, for the most part sad and unpleasant, but sometimes gay, and interspersed with musical airs. Strong tendency to religious and philosophical reveries, with fixed ideas. Incoherent speech. Mania, with a settled idea of having all things in abundance, possessing beautiful things, &c. Delirium with carphologia. Errors respecting objects, a hat is mistaken for a bonnet, a rag for a handsome gown, &c. Foolish happiness and pride, fantastic illusion of the intellect, especially if one turns everything into beauty, as an old rag or stick looks to be a beautiful piece of workmanship, everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to. Melancholia and epilepsy, with strong impulsive tendency to suicide by drowning or leaping from window, five fits a day with at times two hours of unconsciousness, always worse during menses (*Sul. from cured).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica