

Tremulous palpitation of heart, on least movement, after least intellectual fatigue, when listening to music, after a siesta. Stitching pains in heart, or region of heart, stopping breathing. Heart feels weak (produced. R.T.C.).

Back and neck

Drawing, rheumatic pressure, and tension in nape, with rigidity. Stiff-neck, shoulders sore to lie on (produced. R.T.C.) Weakness of muscles in nape and neck. Eruption of itching pimples on nape. Painful swelling of glands of neck, of nape, and under axillae. Lancinations under axillae. Pain as if broken in loins, or sensation as from overlifting, or straining the back, especially during repose, and principally night and morning. Pain in loins on rising from a seat, or on turning in bed. Itching stitches in region of kidneys. Violent (stitches) lancinations, which pass up back. (Suppurating swelling in the psoas muscle.) Lumbar abscess.


Drawing, tearing, stitching pains in extremities. Limbs feel beaten and painful, as after a long walk, below shoulders and below hip-joint.

Upper Limbs

Aching of shoulders. Stitches in shoulder-joints, worse on touch and motion. Dislocation pains in right shoulder-joint, only on moving. Stiffness of shoulder-joint in morning. Shoulders sore to lie on, and stiff-neck (produced. R.T.C.) Pains in bones of arms, during movement. Pressive, paralytic, drawing, and lancinating tearings, in arms ( worse on motion and touch), and forearms, shoulders, hands, and fingers. Painful pressure in bone of arm. Paralytic drawing in metacarpal joints, worse from motion. Hands become anaemic from cardiac inertia, gouty pains in little finger, index and thumb of left hand at night, and loss of power in left thumb with pain in right shoulder (produced. R.T.C.) Herpes on hands. Herpes with scabs on elbows. Numbness in ends of fingers. Jerking tearing in fingers, especially in the tips. Burning itching in left thumb. Arthritic nodosities in joints of the fingers. Osteitis of phalanges of fingers. Cramps in fingers. Convulsive movements of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Pulsating pain in hip-joint as from beginning suppuration. Stiffness of coxofemoral joint in morning. Nates ache while sitting, pain extends to small of back, sacrum, and hip-joint. Daily pains beginning at crest of ilium, right side, extending backward and downward to thigh, worse early morning, on rising or on sitting down, better standing and from warmth. Exceedingly severe pain in right leg, extending into genitals, especially testes, attacks followed by great prostration. Painful weakness of thighs and legs, especially of knee-joint. Pain as of a fracture in thighs when walking. Itching tetters on thighs and legs. Itching on inner side of thighs. Drawing shootings in the knees and knee-joints ( worse on motion). Drawings, and pressive tearings in tibia, and bones of feet. Boring stitches in right tibia during rest. Nocturnal cramps in calves and soles. Tearing in muscles of legs when sitting and standing. Stitches in right calf. Swelling of instep. Swelling of metatarsal bones. Burning itching in toes, as if they had been frost-bitten. Right toe inflames round nail and forms an abscess (produced. R.T.C.).


(Flatulent colic, where the flatus is incarcerated, gnawing pains, darting pains, sensation of trembling in inner parts. Pains in zygoma, in cheeks, in under jaw. Affections of angles of eye, particularly the inner, glands about neck and lower jaw, diseased ovaries, particularly right one. Yellow scabs behind ear. Flat taste, obstructed evacuation of bowels. Micturition too frequent, too sparing. Polypus, arthritic nodes, restlessness of the body, scurvy. Worse from: mental affections, anger, grief, mortification, especially if caused by offence, from loss of fluids, tobacco, *Mercury, sexual excesses, sleeping in afternoon, touching the parts (as in toothache, can’t bear to have the tongue, drink, or anything touch the teeth), from the least touch on affected parts. Better after breakfast, from breaking wind. H.N.G.) Has been used as an application for healing recent wounds. Paralytic drawing in joints, especially during movement, or when the parts are in a false position. Drawing tearing in muscles, especially when seated. Twitches at night. Acute, penetrating, deep lancinations in different parts. Cramps in limbs. Painful inflammations of bones, suppuration of bones and periosteum. Swelling of bones. Semi lateral paralysis, after a fit of anger. Syncope. Painful sensibility of all muscles, when touched, and of joints, when using them. Mechanical injuries from sharp-cutting instruments. Painful weariness and excessive lassitude, especially during movement, better by sitting or lying down. Continued disposition to remain lying down. Great fatigue, early in morning, with stiffness of all joints. Sore and stiff all over, swollen fingers and sore tibia (produced. R.T.C.). After a siesta, cloudiness, with heaviness in limbs. Relieves pains of cancer (R.T.C.).


Tingling, as from insects, over whole body, especially in morning. Chronic miliary eruptions, sometimes with convulsive jerks at night. Eruption of itching, oozing nodosities, with burning pain. Scald-head with yellow scab, smells badly, itches very much, &c. Exanthema on cheeks, face, or particularly if it is yellow, with a creeping itching. Incised wounds, with great pain. Herpetic eruptions, with itching in evening, and burning sensation after scratching them. Arthritic nodosities on the joints. Dry, crusty tetters on the joints. Painful engorgement and induration of the glands. Unhealthy skin, easily suppurating. Frequent furunculi. Ulcers, with tearing shootings (gnawing pains), or itching smarting. Jerking and tearing round ulcers, especially morning and evening. Wens and encysted tumours burst after *Staphysagria 200 (R.T.C.).


Strong tendency to sleep all day. Violent yawnings and stretchings, which cause tears to come into the eyes. Sleep retarded by mental activity (crowding of ideas), or in consequence of an itching and burning sensation in the tetters and ulcers, or of violent pains in calves. Sleepy all day, awake all night, body aches all over. Jerking of limbs, when sleeping. Disturbed sleep, with unquiet dreams, and frequent waking with a start. Child wakes, pushes everything away and wants everybody to go away, restless at night as from frightful dreams, calls for mother often. Lascivious dreams, with emissions.


Pulse very fast but small and trembling. Frequent shivering and shuddering, also at night. Fever in evening, manifesting itself only by chilliness. Chilliness and coldness predominate. Violent chill in evening with heat in face. Chilliness 3 p.m., better when exercising in open air. Chill ascending from back over head. Chill running down back. Before and after the paroxysms of intermittent fever, ravenous hunger. Tertian fever (with symptoms of scurvy, such as putrid taste), bitter taste, bleeding gums, anorexia, and constipation. External burning heat, with ebullition of blood, and thirst (after midnight, followed by chill towards morning). Burning heat in hands and feet, at night, which renders it needful to uncover them. Great tendency to perspire by day, even when seated quietly, or else inability to perspire, with paleness of face and headache. Profuse perspiration at night, sometimes with putrid smell (like rotten eggs). Cold sweat on forehead and feet.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica