

Toothache, with swelling of cheeks and submaxillary glands. Toothache, immediately after a meal, and after mastication, and also after cold drinks, and the introduction of cold air into mouth (but not when biting on them), worse at night or in morning. Tearings and pressive drawings in carious teeth, or in the roots of those which are sound (in open air), and also in gums. Teeth sensitive to touch, especially at night and in the morning. (Front teeth get loose from alveolar periostitis going on to caries of jaw. R.T.C.) Gnawing pain in carious teeth. Blackness, brittleness, and caries of teeth (which exfoliate). Dentition: child very sensitive, teeth decay as soon as they are cut. Toothache so sensitive that one can’t bear to move the tongue (hard pressure frequently better the toothache), black streaks running through teeth. Affections of teeth on right side chiefly, decayed teeth very often excessively tender on being filled, can’t bear the operation. Painful sensitiveness, swelling, and easy bleeding of gums. Painful nodosities and excrescences on the gums. Tearing in gums of lower incisors, and their roots while eating. Gums pale, white, ulcerated (spongy).


Mouth and tongue covered with vesicles, stomacace. Conditions of mouth and throat like scurvy and mercurial poisoning. Painful excrescences on interior of cheek. Ulcers in mouth. Salivation. Sanguineous saliva. Constant accumulation of mucus in mouth. Swelling of glands under tongue. (Cysts in connection with salivary ducts. R.T.C.) Ranula. Tongue: white-coated, dry, with tough mucus stopping posterior nares, stitches in tip, sore pain in anterior part, sticking in margins. Shootings in tongue, as from splinters. Low voice, from weakness of the organs of speech (after anger). Nasal voice from stoppage of posterior nares. While talking she swallows continually. (Chronic winter throats with enlarged tonsils. R.T.C.).


Roughness (dryness) and scraping in throat, with feeling of excoriation, when swallowing and speaking. Constant deglutition when speaking. Dryness and shootings in palate and throat. Sticking in throat on swallowing. Tonsillitis, on swallowing a stitch runs up from throat into ear. Swelling of tonsils (also after the misuse of *Mercury). Painful drawing from hyoidal arch into throat, worse touching side of neck. Tonsillitis: both tonsils inflamed and swollen, left sends stitches into ear on swallowing.


Mawkish and watery taste, with normal taste of food. Bitter taste of all food. Sour taste of bread. Appetite, with want of taste. Voracity. Bulimy, even after a meal, sometimes with water brash. Child cries as soon as it eats. After eating: cutting in abdomen, dysenteric stool, after meat, cough aggravates. After drinking: cutting in abdomen, dysenteric stool. Great desire for milk. Tobacco has an acrid taste, and produces pyrosis. Appetite for liquid food only (soup). Craving for wine, brandy, and tobacco. Thirstlessness.


Eructations, generally empty or scraping. Bitter risings after acid food. Salt and bitter risings after eating meat. Frequent hiccough. Sobbing risings. Water brash. Nausea, with inclination to vomit every morning. Frequent nausea. Pressure at the stomach, as from a weight, in morning in bed. Sensation as if stomach were hanging down relaxed. Tension and pressure in stomach, worse or better by eating, especially bread. Fulness, pressure, and shootings in scrobiculus. Digging pain in stomach. Anxious tension across hypochondria, in morning, with obstructed respiration.


Biliary colic, after domestic disturbance. Tensive pressure in abdomen. Hard pressure in right side beneath umbilicus. Pinching stitch in left viscera. Enlargement of the abdomen in children. Drawing pains across abdomen. Sensation of weakness and bearing down in abdomen, as if it would drop, wants to hold it up. Gripings after all kinds of food and drink. Colic with urging to urinate. Spasmodic cuttings, with want to evacuate. Frequent production and incarceration of flatus (smelling like rotten eggs). Eruption of pimples as large as peas on whole abdomen and thighs, itch, when scratched off are moist and then burn. Frequent discharge of hot or fetid flatus. Painful swelling of inguinal glands. Inguinal hernia.

Stool & Anus

Constipation. Hard evacuations. Frequent want to evacuate, with scanty evacuations, hard or soft. Evacuation tardy, without being hard. Difficult evacuation. Obstinate constipation sets in two weeks after a single dose of (R.T.C.). Loose evacuations, preceded, accompanied, and followed by tenesmus and gripings. Diarrhoea: worse after drinking cold water, worse after eating, in children. Loose evacuations, with frequent expulsion of fetid wind. Involuntary evacuation of liquid stools. A thin stool passes unconsciously, as if flatus would pass. Dysenteric stools, with pressing and cutting in abdomen before, during, and after stool. Smarting, sore pain in rectum for long after stool. Itching in anus, while sitting. Burning cuttings, pressure, and constriction in anus, during evacuations. Haemorrhoids, with enlarged prostate, intense pain in back and through whole pelvis. Flatus: hot, smells like rotten eggs.

Urinary Organs

Itching, needle-like stitches in region of kidneys. Pressure on bladder on waking from sleep. Very frequent want to urinate, with emission drop by drop, or else of a slender stream of deep- coloured urine. Excessively painful emission of urine. Frequent (profuse) emission of clear watery urine (with much urging). Frequent emission of red urine. Constant micturition at night (produced. R.T.C.). Bloody urine (produced. R.T.C.) Involuntary emission of urine when coughing. After having urinated, a fresh want is felt, as if bladder were again full. Burning sensation in urethra, especially (after and) when urinating (with urging, as if the bladder were not emptied). Constant urging in young married women.

Male Sexual Organs

Soft, moist excrescences, upon and behind the glans (sycosis). Inflammation of testes, with burning shootings, or pressive drawing and tearings. Pressing pain in left testicle when walking, and after rubbing, worse from touch. Drawing, tearing, in right testicle, as if compressed. Drawing, burning, extending from right inguinal ring, as if in spermatic cord, into right testicle. Chronic prostatitis in old men, pain extending from anus along urethra. Sensation of worms crawling in back of scrotum. A very marked increase of sexual desire, with frequent erections, especially at night. Voluptuous itching in the scrotum, which provokes emission. Frequent pollutions, even during a siesta. Effects of onanism, face sunken, abashed look, melancholy, nocturnal emissions, backache, legs weak, organs relaxed. Seminal emissions followed by great chagrin and mortification, great prostration, dyspnoea. Dyspnoea (towards the end of, and) after coition. Discharge of prostatic fluid, during a hard evacuation.

Female Sexual Organs

Nymphomania, with extreme sensitiveness to mental and physical impressions, mind dwells too much on sexual subjects. Painful sensitiveness of genital organs (especially when sitting). Prurigo senilis, or from pediculi. Smarting and lancinating itching in vulva. Sufferings after coitus in newly married women. Inflammation of the ovaries with burning, stinging, and pressing- drawing. Very sharp shooting pains in ovary, which is exceedingly sensitive to pressure, pains extending into crural region and thighs. Flow of blood from genitals a long time after critical age. Menses which had ceased for a year, reappeared with cutting colic and violent rumbling, at the new moon. Spasmodic pains in vulva and vagina. Menses: irregular, late, and profuse, sometimes wanting, first of pale blood, then dark and clotted, occasionally spasmodic uterine contractions. Amenorrhoea from chagrin with indignation. Granular vegetations of vagina.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness, with accumulation of mucus, which adheres to larynx and chest. Sensation of pressure and contraction in pit of throat, after a fit of passion, worse by deglutition. Roughness, rawness, in larynx, after much speaking. Dry, hollow cough, excited by a tickling in the larynx. Violent cough, with expectoration of viscid mucus, in evening, after lying down. Violent spasmodic cough, with (tough) purulent, yellow expectoration, especially at night. Croupy cough in winter, alternating with sciatica in summer, cough excited by tobacco smoke. Expectoration of blood, when coughing. Dyspnoea: with constriction, after seminal emissions, towards end of coition. Pain (soreness and rawness) as from ulceration in the chest, during cough. Dyspnoea with constriction and restlessness in chest.


Aching in chest, with heaviness in that part when sitting, mitigated by walking. Contractive oppression, and great agitation in chest. Itching stitches in costal cartilages. Itching in sternum beneath pit of throat. Lancinations in chest. Pain in chest, as from excoriation and ulceration. Cramp in diaphragm, after a fit of passion. Miliary eruption on the chest, with redness and itching when heated. Herpetic eruption on lower ribs, with burning itching.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica