

*Antidoted by: Camph. *Antidote to: Mercurius, Thuja, *Complementary: Coloc. *Compatible: Causticum (Causticum, Coloc., Staphysagria, follow well in this order). *Inimical: Ranunculus bulbosus, before and after. *Compare: Effects of sexual abuse, Platina (spasms, emaciation), Caladium (glans flabby), K. bro. (depression, weakness of legs), Gelsemium, Drosera, Nux vomica, Sul., Calcarea, Lycopodium, Natrum mur. Colic from mental causes, Chamomilla(hot face, red cheeks, hot sweat), Coloc. (bends double). Teeth, Kreosotum (premature decay of milk teeth, first become yellow, then dark, then decay, Staphysagria, turn black and decay), Antim crud., Chamomilla, Coffea Styes and tarsal tumours, Graphites (Cystic tumors midway between inner and outer surface), Calcarea Fig warts and condylomata, Thu. (Thu. Sessile, Staphysagria, on pedicle). Bone affections, Stillin., Mercurius, Ka. iod., Stront., Aurum mur., Platina mur., Gettys. Arthritic ophthalmias, Coloc. (gout of eyes). Stomach hanging down, Ipecac., Tabacum Diarrhoea, with flatus smelling like rotten eggs, Chamomilla (Staphysagria is worse on any attempt to take food or drink). Clean-cut wounds and operations, Arnica Crusta lactea, Vinc. m. Lumbar pains compel early rising, Rhe. Paralysis with tingling in affected parts, Aco. Paralysed by emotions, Stannum, Natrum mur. Throwing things from him, Kre. Irritated by trifles, Sul., Ig. Cauliflower excrescences, Phosphorus, Thu. Stitches from throat into left ear on swallowing, Lachesis Perspiration impossible, Lachesis Diarrhoea immediately after eating, Aloe., Arsenicum, Chi., Lycopodium, Podophyllum, Tbs. (Ferrum, *while eating). Ravenous hunger, Arsenicum, Calcarea, Cin., Iodium, Silicea Sinking immediately after meals, Arsenicum, Cin., Lycopodium, Silicea, Ur. n. Dyspnoea towards end of coitus, K. bi. Worse after coitus, K. ca. Relaxed Stomach, insufficient gastric juice, Selenium Cross, puny, sickly children, Syphilinum Nodosities on eyelids after styes, Conium, Calcarea, Mag. Teeth decay on edges (Mez., Thu. at roots). Urging to urinate after difficult labour, Opium Painful sensitiveness of sexual organs, can hardly wear a napkin, Platina Cough excited by tobacco smoke, Spo. Nodosities on fingers, Caulophyllum, Colchicum, Lycopodium Pain in small spot, K. bi. Wind blowing into ears, eruptions, Mercury antidote, Mez. Urinating with cough, Causticum worse After stool, nitricum acidum Involuntary stool when passing flatus, Aloe. Black marks on teeth, Scil.


Anger. Anger suppressed or reserved. Injury, falls, clean-cut wounds, operations. Coitus. Masturbation. Sexual abuse. Sexual craving. Emissions. Dentition. Tobacco. Mercury.


Hypochondriacal humour, with indifference to everything (after onanism). Apathetic, gloomy. Sadness, with fear for the future. Weeping, and grief respecting the state of health. Susceptibility. Patient is so sensitive that the least action or word troubles or annoys his feelings. Amorous dreams. Desire for death. Anxiety and agitation, which allow no rest. Ill-humour, irascibility, spitefulness, inducing patient to fling violently whatever is at hand, in the morning. Justifiable ill-humour over what has happened or has been done by oneself, weeping and dejected over the supposed ill consequences of it. Hypochondria and hysteria after unmerited insults (or sexual excesses), with complaints of flatulence. Dislike to conversation, meditation, and all intellectual and serious labour. Weakness of memory, a few minutes after reading anything can recollect it only dimly, and whenever he thinks of anything the sense escapes him, can scarcely recall it after long reflection. Instability of ideas. Excessively dull intellect, with inability to attend to any occupation. Delusions with respect to past events. Illusion, as if all surrounding objects were lower, and the patient himself much taller than in reality.


Head confused and embarrassed, dull feeling of head with inability to perform any mental labour. Whirling vertigo, sometimes in evening, in bed, or during day, when sitting or lying, better by walking, or by turning rapidly round on the heel. Fine, burning, needle-like stitches, externally on vertex. Hard, pressive pain in vertex. Headache in the morning on waking, as if brain were bruised. Stupefying, pressing headache, as if brain were compressed. (Stupefying headache that she had for three days goes away at once. R.T.C.) Pain in left side of head with inability to keep eyelids open (produced. R.T.C.). Stunning pain in the head, sometimes alternately with boring. Heaviness in head, especially forehead, above root of nose ( better by resting head upon hand). Pressing in forehead as from a very heavy lump (wedge of wood or plug) which will not be shaken off, worse in morning, from motion and from stooping, better when at rest, and when leaning head against something. Dulness in small spot in middle of forehead. Violent pressing boring stitches in left half of forehead, from within outward, in morning. Drawing, tearing, or lancinating pressure in the head. Headache, as if forehead were about to split, on moving it, or on stooping. Burning in left temple, internally and externally, as if bones would be pressed out, worse from touch. Compressive or expansive pains in head. Semi lateral headache, as if a nail were driven into brain. Lancinating headache. Sensation as if brain were loose. Feeling as if occiput were hollow or empty, or as if brain were not large enough for the space. Feeling as if all back part of brain was wood and could not think. Feeling as if the occiput were compressed, internally and externally. Head becomes more pulled down (agg. in an old rheumatic. R.T.C.). Neuralgia of scalp. Rheumatic and drawing pains in exterior of head. Tingling itching, sometimes also gnawing, in scalp, with pain as of excoriation, the skin peels off, with itching and biting, worse in evening and from getting warm. Much itching dandruff on scalp. Moist, fetid scald-head, with violent itching. Humid, scalding- itching, fetid eruption on back part of head, sides of head, and behind ears, when scratching, the itching changes place, but makes it more humid. (Eczema of scalp and other parts. Scald- head, hair matted together, very stinking. R.T.C.) Falling off of hair.


Eyes sunken, with blue raised rings around them. Right eye much larger than usual (lids wider open). Pupils dilated. Eyes sleepy. Aching in the eyes, lids, and canthi. Itching in margins of lids. Itching and biting smarting in internal canthi. Smarting and burning sensation in eyes biting smarting in internal canthi. Smarting and burning sensation in eyes when writing. On looking at sun, hot water runs out of left eye, scalding cheek and making eye smart. Violent lancinations in eyes on fatiguing them. Inflammation of eyes, which are surrounded by pimples. Inflammation in margins of the lids. Styes. Steatoma of eyelids (Koch). Nodosities in margins of lids. Great dryness of the eyeballs and lids. Syphilitic iritis with bursting pain in eyeball, temple, and side of face, worse from evening to morning, and on using eyes by any light. Laceration of cornea with prolapse of iris (after *Aco.) (After operations for cataract.) Much purulent dry mucus in canthi. Obstinate catarrh with swollen eyelids (Baehr). Nocturnal agglutination of eyes. Spasmodic closing of lids. Pain in upper lid worse on closing eye. Pain as if a hard substance were beneath left upper lid. Diminished power of sight. Confused sight, as if water were in the eyes. Black flashes and luminous sparks before eyes. Sparkling before eyes in the dark. Areola round candle in evening.


Shootings in ears. Tensive stitches in left ear. Eruption behind ears. Hardness of hearing, as from enlargement of tonsils, worse after abuse of *Mercury. (Perforated tympana with deafness as in winter. Deafness in children, worse at meals, with stuffy cold, thick voice and snuffles (adenoids)R.T.C.). Tinkling in ears. Ringing in ears on moving head, reports in ears, sensation as if wind blew into them. Noises in ears like sawing of wood, with swollen tonsils and vertigo, and shooting pains from temple to temple (much relieved. R.T.C.).


Nose ulcerated, with scabs, deep in interior. Violent fluent coryza, with obstruction on one side of nose, frequent sneezing, and lachrymation. Sneezing without coryza. Coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Coryza, at first discharge of only thick mucus, after of thin water. Obstruction of nasal fossa, with nasal voice.


Face wan and sharp (countenance sunken, nose peaked), with eyes hollow, and surrounded by a blue circle. Bashful look. Bluish and brownish colour of face, when excited by passion. Distressing pressive and throbbing pain in face, from teeth into eye. Sharp, burning stitches in left cheek, which provoke scratching. Prosopalgia in an old lady, on touching lips with spoon or fork inexpressible pains shot from lips over face, fluid food had to be eaten with fingers, could take no solid food, mastication impossible. Inflammation of bones of face, with burning shootings, or incisive drawings and pressive tearings. Facial eruption, with itchings and shootings. Lips scurfy, covered with ulcers and scabs, with burning pain. (Neuralgia that affects Left upper lip, with shootings up side of face. R.T.C.) Neuralgia of *Staphysagria is worse by holding cold water in mouth (R.T.C.) Swelling of lips. Easy dislocation of maxillary joint. Painful swelling and induration of submaxillary glands. Painfulness of submaxillary glands, with (or without) swelling. Sensitive induration, like a cartilage, beneath chin, pain on swallowing and on touch. Caries of lower jaw, following osteitis after tooth extraction.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica