

Twitching through left chest, anterior side. Sticking: in left chest, left mamma, under left false ribs, in right side on coughing or breathing, even when not breathing, in sternum on deep breathing, and on touch a pressing and bruised pain. Feeling as if everything in it were torn when lifting. Pain as if a lung had been torn loose and something were pressing it down. Cutting as with knives, in evening, with burnt feeling in throat, eructations, then emission of flatus. Boring in right chest, with oppressed breathing. Pain under sternum when coughing as if something would be torn away, extending to throat. Pain on spots, ulcerative pain under sternum, pain as from a load, worse bending head forward, with want of breath. Oppression, pressure, contracted feeling in chest. Dull feeling in chest, with pain in back. When in bed has to remove the arms as far as possible from chest, otherwise they increase the pain. Hot sensation in chest. Suppuration of lungs. Chronic blennorrhoea of lungs. Hydrothorax.


Stitches in cardiac region, low gurgling extending to heart, for a moment breathing is impossible. Pain in heart better lying down, thinks the stitches will kill him if they continue. Gurgling in heart region especially noticeable when lying down. Pericarditis. Palpitation, with anxious oppression. Pulse: weak, irritable, indicating a return of abscesses on neck.

Back and Neck

Glands of neck swollen, and on touch bruised pain extending to head. Sticking in neck, with pustules. Herpetic eruption on side of neck extending from cheek. Nape excoriated by discharge from eczema capitis. Tearing in nape. Boring in nape, with stiffness. Pain in nape in afternoon, only in the house, when supporting head with hands it feels as if it had no body, as if he could pass through it with the hands. Pain in muscles of right neck, in their upper sinewy part, as from sudden tension, on turning head to right backward or sideways, ameliorates pressure. Tensive pain in nape after waking, as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position. Drawing pain extending to shoulder, after waking. Sticking in back, extending towards chest on coughing. Boring in vertebrae in morning, with colic, as from rheumatism. Aching in back, bruised feeling in evening, cannot straighten it. Scapulae: sticking between in morning, tearing, rheumatic sticking tearing in and between, down sides. Boring in dorsal vertebrae, pain between second and third in afternoon. Sticking: in loins extending to knee in morning, in os pubis during bodily exertion. Cutting in loins so that she could not walk alone. Pain in loins, and itching, like molimina haemorrhoidalia, worse motion, so that he could not walk straight comfortably, as if third vertebra from below were wanting or broken. Drawing in loins, and sometimes in testicles. Tightness in ischia when walking, extending to knees. Weakness of loins. Backache: with constipation, after suppressed eruption. Spina bifida.


Trembling of hands and feet. Stretching. Tearing: in left knee and shoulder, intermittent, in joints, in humerus, knee, and toes, better motion. Wandering pains, worse tibiae and soles, also in finger-joints, at times in right patella, better motion. Weakness of joints as if they would not hold together.

Upper Limbs

Tearing in left shoulder in afternoon and evening when resting. Tearing in arm, intermittent sticking in left arm. Arm and shoulder swell up from an old eczema-patch on left wrist, and immediate relief follows dose of Pso. (***R.T. C.) Spasmodic pain in bones of left arm in evening at rest. Sensation in left arm, in morning in bed, as if asleep with crawling in fingers, with numbness of three first fingers and half of hand. Tearing in elbow, right in evening. Sticking in left index. Tetter on arm, with small, millet-like eruption, exuding a yellow fluid, itches intensely in heat. Eruption in bends of elbows and around wrists. Itch-like eruptions on wrists, with rheumatism in limbs. Trembling of hands. Swelling and tension of backs of hands and of fingers. Pustules on hands, near finger-ends, suppurating. Copper-coloured eruption or red blisters on backs of hands. Itching between fingers, vesicles. Herpes on palms. Sweat on palms, especially at night. Warts, size of pin’s head, on left hand and fingers. Nails brittle.

Lower Limbs

Pain in hip-joints as if dislocated, worse when walking, with weak arms. Sciatica: tension down to knee while walking. Paralysis of legs from suppression of eruption on arms. Legs, worse tibiae and soles, pain as from too much walking, mornings in bed, better rising, with restlessness of legs. Leg on which he lies in bed too weak to endure to pressure of the other, he has to change his position continually. Sensation in right leg as if it would go to sleep. Tibiae and soles feel bruised, as after a tiring walk, mornings in bed. Sticking in right ankle in morning on every step with strained sensation. Feet, trembling, inclination to turn left inward when walking, with sensation as if he really had turned it the wrong way. Pain in feet worse during rest, with itching. Gouty pain in left food. Cramp or spasm in toes, worse left great toe, when stretching them or taking off boots.


Looks pale, exhausted, thin, his clothing is too large for him. Hot trembling over whole body in morning during rush of business. R. side of body full of burning pains. Soreness. Gouty pains in left toe, both knees, and back. Stormy weather affects him, causes restlessness in his blood a few days before head, makes him sick and causes haemorrhoidal troubles. Weakness: towards evening, better going to bed, after riding in a wagon, from a little labour. Sensation when in the sun as if it pushed her down, she had to rest in the shade in order to walk on. Heaviness of whole body as before intermittent fever. worse in Morning, in fresh air, when lying.


Rash: above left brow and on left cheek, red, on external throat, beginning with sticking. Nodules on face, neck, and legs. Pimples: on forehead, on neck and mammae, with black points in center, painful when scratched, on external throat. Burning like heat-rash below eyes, causing itching, smarting pain, burning after scratching, and feeling sore (in a herpetic patient), and ulcers, from which watery fluid oozed for hours after being opened, worse hands, wrists, and palms. It worse herpes and causes smarting and itching. A scab on nose which commonly fell off when coughing is now adherent and hard. Pustules on nape, with sticking. Boils on chest and loins, on buttocks, with burning itching, soon disappearing, leaving crusts. Itch-like eruption on face, hand, back, and leg, and agglutination of eyes. Vesicles: on face, quickly filling with yellow lump, sore to touch on forehead, face, and behind right ear, filled with lymph, painful to touch on various parts, some forming itching papules. An old rhagades near right styloid process suppurated, itched, and was surrounded by blisters filled with clear water, these soon changed to pustules, which healed under a crust. Crawling on all limbs, with falling asleep of them. Itching: on forehead, tip of nose, left arm, biceps of left arm, right elbow, soles in evening after a glass of Muscat wine, with tickling and heat, of face, neck, and hands on touch, over whole body after rubbing papules and vesicles, between fingers, and vesicles filled with lymph, on right carpus, with red spots, voluptuous, where a flea had bitten, with white, hard blisters on a red base. Worse of the itching, which he had had for years on knees, worse l., and the herpetic eruption begins to become pustular.


Yawning: at noon, and shivering pale blue rings, with tearing and spasmodic pains in umbilical region in evening, in evening, with early sleepiness. Sleepy all the time, in daytime, early. Sleeps when she sits down. Sleep unusually sound. Cannot fall asleep in evening. Cannot sleep on the habitual right side, but sleeps on l. Gnashing of teeth at night, so that he wakes. Restless sleep, and unrefreshing. Sleep restless but refreshing. Restless sleep on account of disquiet dreams. Dreams: anxious in morning, of robbers, travels, and dangers, uneasy, earnest, that he is on the closet, and thus nearly soils his bed, of his business and of his plans.


Coldness worse evening, with hot flashes, debility, and sleepiness. Coldness with heat, thirst, and sweat. Internal coldness towards noon, with shivering and horripilation. Creeping coldness in afternoon, with internal shivering. Horripilations. Feet cold all night. Heat: in afternoon, in evening when riding in a carriage, with sweat, of whole body suddenly, at meals and in evening, with trickling sweat all over face, frequent thirst, dryness, and burning in mouth. Heat in evening, as if she would lose her senses, at night delirium, thirst, and sweat, then she feels well. Burning: in head, or forehead, in nose, transiently better by discharge of mucus. Burning in nose, then fluent coryza. Burning in face, then vesicles. Burning in right ear with itching. Sweat: on waking, in morning when out of doors, with consequent debility, and taking cold easily, sweat on palms, on face, on palms at night, perinaeum on moving about. Want of sweat, dry skin.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica