

Emotions. Over-lifting. Mental labour. Repelled eruptions. Stormy weather. Thunderstorm. Injuries. Blows. Sprains. Dislocations.


*Antidoted by: Coffee. Compatible: Carb-v., Chi., Sul. (if Sul. is indicated but fails to act give Pso.). *Followed well by: Alumina, Borax, Hepar *Complementary: Sul., Bac. (Bac. is the *acute of Pso.), after Lact-ac. (vomiting of pregnancy), after Arnica (blow on ovary), Sul. after Pso. in mammary cancer. *Inimical: Lachesis *Compare: Sick babies fret day and night (Jalap), good all day, screams all night (Lycopodium opp.). Effect of thunderstorm, Pho. Headache preceded by dim vision, Lac d., Kali-bi. Headache with hunger, better while eating, Anacardium, Kali-ph., ameliorates nose- bleed, Melilot. Plica polonica, Lycopodium, Barayta carbonica, Sarsaparilla, Bac. Offensive, cheesy concretions from throat, Kali-mur. better By sweat, Caladium, Natrum mur. better Lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart (Arsenicum opp.). worse Mornings on waking and evenings lying down, Pho., Bac. Eruptions easily suppurate, Hepar Drinking causes cough ( worse by Causticum). Drinking worse, Digitalis teeth stick together (Tuberculinum teeth feel jammed together). Pediculosis, Ped., Bac., Natrum mur. Earthy, greasy face, Natrum mur., Bryonia Erratic pains, worse from fats, worse evening, Pulsatilla Tongue as if burnt, Sanguinaria As if parts separated. Arsenicum (body at waist), Baptisia (limbs). Convalescence, profuse sweat, Kali-ca. (Kali-ca. has not the hopelessness of Pso.). Despair of recovery, Chi., Lauro. (chest), Caps., Opium, Val., Amb. Lack of reaction, Opium (patient not sensitive), Lauro. (over-excitable and nervous), Carb-v. (emaciated, weak pulse, Pso. Psoric diathesis). Hay fever, Gelsemium (morning sneezing), Kali-iod. Hunger at night, Chi.

s., Pho., Sul., Ignatia, Lycopodium Axillary affections, Jug. c., Jug. r., Elaps. Crusta lactea, Melitagrinum. Explosion in ear, Alo.


Good-humour in morning, works with pleasure, enjoys everything. Excitable before sleep. Excitable, vexed with everything. Fear. Anxiety: when riding in a carriage, with trembling of hands and restlessness. Melancholy: religious, she could commit suicide, then is full of phantasms, peevishness, and lachrymation, alternating suddenly with liveliness. Despair: fear of failing in business, wishes to die in spite of the best hopes. Driven to despair by excessive itching. Ill-humour: in morning, and constant thoughts of dying, cold weep about everything. Quarrelsome. Every moral emotion causes trembling. Disinclination to work, to ride in a carriage, then desire to ride all the time, even in bad weather. Sentimental. Inability to rid himself of ideas which first appeared to him in a dream. Thinking that he understood what he had read he tried to explain it, and found that he did not understand it. Memory lost, so that she does not recognize the room after looking out of the window. thoughts vanish after over-lifting.


Vertigo: mornings, everything turns around with him, with headache, confusion, roaring in ears. Sticking in head, with weakness, had to lie down towards 7 p.m., and soon feel asleep, copious sweat at night which better. Thrusts in head. Tearing in head (which he formerly had) this time with fever and general arthritic pains. Headache: in evening, with eructations, with thirst, coldness, and dryness of mouth and lips, intermittent, spasmodically contracting, as if a hammer were beating in head, especially unilateral (in a herpetic patient), as if everything would protrude through forehead towards evening. Fullness during mental labour. Congestion of brain, ameliorates nose-bleed. Cloudy feeling in night on waking, as if he had been intoxicated in evening, with stupor and tumbling about. Heaviness in morning. Weakness of head. Pulsation of blood during mental labour. Sticking in left side of forehead, in right side extending into eye. R. side of head and right eye swollen and painful as if it would burst. Drawing in forehead extending to nose. Pinching in upper forehead beginning morning in bed, worse morning and evening, with heaviness, sometimes whole sinciput aches and then temples feel pressed in, afterwards it alternates suddenly with pain in molars, worse walking in fresh air. Pain in centre of forehead, with weakness of it. Pain in sinciput, worse temples, worse steady mental exertion, better motion, especially in open air, worse morning and evening, with heaviness in sinciput, often it suddenly passes off and attacks left molars. Pain as if brain had not space enough in morning on rising, better after washing and breakfast, contracting pain. Drawing in sinuses as in coryza. Stupefied feeling in left forehead in morning. Shooting from left temple into head. Boring in left temple. Pain in temples: after mental exertion, hammering, crampy, in skin of right at 7.30 p.m. Fullness in vertex as if brain would burst, with formication in head followed by heavy sleep. Intermittent pain in a spot in vertex. Strained pain in right side of occiput at noon. Pain in occiput as if a piece of wood lay across from right to l. Feeling as of a cord around skin, worse about occiput, which feels as if pressed outward. Always hungry during headache. Congestion of blood to head immediately after dinner. Headache worse by change of weather, if it changes in night the headache wakens him. Hair: dry, lusterless, tangles easily, glues together. Spot of white skin with white lock of hair becomes natural colour under Pso. Sensation as if head separated from body. Averse to having head uncovered, wears a fur cap in hot weather. Viscid sweat about head. Humid eruptions. Tinea capitis et faciei. Crusta serpiginosa. Rawness and soreness behind ears. Humid, scabby eruption, full of lice.


Eyes: gummy, surrounded by blue rings, glassy, with pain in them, agglutination in morning. Swelling of lids and of face. Inflammation of right eye. Pain in right eye as if it would burst. R. eye feels melting away. Ophthalmia, with pain as from sand in eyes, and lachrymation at night. Sticking: in left eye, pain in right eye, worse touch. Pain in eyes with burning, in evening when looking sharply at something, and by candle-light. Pain as from sand, or foreign body (in right evening when closed). Biting in eyes. Tired in evening as from much reading by candlelight. Lachrymation: towards evening, on looking long at one object. Pimples: like hordeola on upper lid, red, like fresh hordeola on margin of upper lids, and sensation as if something were moving before the eyes, as if one were playing with his fingers before them. Itching: of right lid, left lower lid, from one side to other, of canthi, inner canthi, with heat. Vision of sparks. All objects in room appear to tremble. Dazzling in evening when walking in street. Vision blurred suddenly.


Discharge of fetid pus (left). Otorrhoea, with headache. Discharge of reddish cerumen from left ear. Sticking: towards noon, in left lobe in evening, in left after the buzzing, in meatus internus, transiently ameliorates boring in with finger, frequently returning, worse evening during rest. Intermittent tearing through external meatus, as from temporal muscle to styloid process. Pain: in right ear, in morning, ulcerative, in l., and at the same time on right ear a pimple appearing like healthy skin, but split into four parts by a cross like a wart, in the centre a deep indentation. L. concha inwardly inflamed, with suppurating pimples. Sensation as if something burst suddenly when eating or swallowing saliva. Sensation in left ear as if breath came from it instead of from respiratory organs. Feeling as if stuffed with cotton, forenoons. Biting in left ear. Itching in ear. Coldness in right ear, then sticking. Ringing: in left ear, evening, in right or left, with buzzing in head so that she hears hardly anything, and behind ears in region of sternocleidomastoid, a sore pain, sometimes heat extending to vertex, worse towards evening, when she feels as if pulled by the hair. Roaring so that he feels stupefied. Buzzing in ears. Feeling in right ear as if he heard with the ears of another person, evening.


Inflammation of septum, with white pustules. Sticking in left nostril when boring in with finger. Boring in right nostril, then sneezing. Drawing extending up to frontal sinuses, with pain in eyes as if coryza would set in, then discharge of fluid from nose. Dry coryza, nostrils nearly dry, and sensitive when breathing through them. Scratching crawling towards root of nose as if coryza would set in. Stoppage of nose. Sneezing, without coryza. Coryza: with cough and expectoration of yellowish green mucus, dry, dry with obstruction of nose, fluent,, from left nostril. Tough mucus, he can hardly do a minute without his handkerchief, without coryza, with feeling of a plug high up in nose, which nauseates him, better stooping. Clear, watery fluid pours out, worse left nostril, worse stooping. Nose red.


Face pale, sickly looking, yellow. Congestion to head, cheeks and nose red and hot. Pain in zygoma on tough as if bone were suppurating, in evening. Sticking in lower jaw. Pain as if lame in condyle of jaw. Crusta lactea. Coppery eruption on face. Roughness of skin of face, eruption on forehead between eyes, offensive stools. Swelling of upper lip. Dryness of lips, and brown and black colour. Burning of lips, painful and seem swollen. Pimple on upper lip. Vesicles around corner of mouth, and outwardly above them larger sore spots, exuding a fluid which seemed to originate from scratching the vesicles, and cause continual scratching. Corners of mouth sore, often ulcerated, sycotic condylomata. Yellow vesicles on red edge of lower lip sore on touch. Clear vesicles on inner surface of lower lip. Painful itching on right half of upper lip as if swollen.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica