
Upper Limbs

Tearings and shootings in the joints of shoulder and elbow. Rheumatic tension in right shoulder-joint. Pain in bones of arms at night. Weakness of arms when at work. Difficulty in moving arms as if rheumatism were creeping on, with nodes on fingers. Pain as from a sprain in right wrist-joint. Swelling of axillary glands. Nocturnal aching pains, in the arms and elbow. Drawing pain in arms. Jerking in shoulders and arms, also during a siesta. Paralytic weakness of arms. Arms and fingers easily benumbed, even at night, or only when raising them. Biting, itching, and macule hepatice in the arms. Arthritic stiffness of the elbow and wrist. Tetters on the arms. Erysipelatous inflammation in the forearm, with suppuration. Dryness of the skin of the hands. Burning sensation in the palms. Red and painless swelling of the hands. Warts on the hands and fingers. Deadness of fingers and hands. Involuntary trembling of the hands. Red swelling and arthritic tearing in joints of fingers. Arthritic nodosities and stiffness in fingers. Stiffness of the fingers during labour. Itching pimples between the fingers. Panaritium. Contraction and twitches in the fingers. Chilblains. Gouty contraction of palmar fascia: sudden pain runs down arm (left?) causing fingers to stiffen and draw away from each other and to draw towards hands, as though palmar fascia were contracting (Cooper).

Lower Limbs

Rheumatic tension in left hip. Pain as from a sprain in hip. Periodical pains, from coxofemoral joint to foot, every fourth day. Tearing: beneath right hip, in left hip-joint. Drawing along sciatic nerves to feet, evening, in bed. Pain in muscles about joints, on pressure, sitting or lying. Pain in right hip better walking in open air. Pain from right hip-joint to feet when walking, he must limp. Tearing in legs and knees, extending to tibia and instep, especially in evening and at night. Soreness in inner side of left thigh, with biting itching extending to genitals. Brown spots on inner side of thighs, inflamed with burning pain. Uneasiness, shocks, and trembling in legs and feet, especially in evening and at night. Involuntary shaking in legs, or alternate separation and bringing together again of the thighs. Burning and biting itching in the legs, especially in the hams. Curvature and stiffness of the knees. Swelling (and stiffness) of the knees. Swelling of the knee, with perspiration. Swelling of the legs, with large, red, burning spots, and pains which prevent walking. Paralysis of the legs, with emission of blood instead of urine, and constipation. Tetters on the legs and calves of the legs. White swelling in the knee. Cramps and cramp- like pains in the calves, especially when walking, and at night. Burning pain in legs. Ulcers in the legs, with nocturnal tearing, itching, and burning heat. Pain in the soles when walking. Cramps in the feet and toes. Swelling of the feet and of the malleoli, or of the soles (with shooting pain). Coldness of the feet. One foot (right) hot the other cold. Cold sweat on feet, sometimes copious, and with excoriation of the skin. Stitches in right big toe (evening). Rhagades in the heel. Cramp in the toes. Bending of the toes when walking. Contraction of the toes. Corns on the feet, sometimes with shooting pain.


Affections in general of right eye, right side of face, right hypochondrium, right abdominal ring, left chest, left lower extremity, general symptoms right side (though they may spread to the left), hair of head, rectum, bladder, hands, fingers, finger- joints, back part in the lumbar region, and ankles. Hard hearing, smell too sensitive. Deep furrows on the face, same on forehead, sensations in the temples. Collection of water in the mouth, i.e. “mouth waters.” _ Pains in different parts as from flatus: over. Hip, below chest: in lower abdomen, etc. Obstructed evacuation, painless diarrhoea. Anything running from right to _ left _ Apoplexy, erethism of blood accompanied with flashes of heat, chlorosis. Consumption resulting from badly treated pneumonia. Crooked legs, ankles weak, painless paralysis, old sprains, tension, tightness of the joints. Enlargement of the bones. Drawing and tearing in extremities, worse at night and during repose, sometimes also in the afternoon, every second day, and especially in windy and rainy weather, better by heat. Shooting pains, internal and external. Painful stiffness of muscles and joints, often with torpor and insensibility of the extremities. Numbness of the limbs. Great liability to strain the back, which, when it occurs, is often followed by stiffness in nape of neck. Cramps and contraction of limbs. Alternate spasmodic and involuntary extension and retraction of some of the muscles, or some of the extremities. Shocks and jerks is some of the limbs or throughout the body, during sleep and on waking. Cramps, internal and external, worse at night. Attacks of epilepsy, sometimes with cries, foam at the mouth (loss of consciousness, throws the arms and limbs about), and great anguish of heat (imagined he would have to die). Dropsical and inflammatory swellings. Varices. Arthritic nodosities. Swelling of the glands. Inflammation of the bones, with nocturnal pains. Distortion and softening of the bones. Ulceration of the bones. The symptoms are frequently worse towards 4 p.m., and begin to abate towards 8 p.m., the weakness excepted. Periodical sufferings. The whole body feels bruised. Ebullition of blood throughout the body, especially in he evening, with inquietude and trembling. Sensation, as if the circulation of the blood were suspended. Internal weakness. Great nervous excitability. Weakness and lassitude in limbs. Worse during repose, or on waking in morning. Fatigue, especially in the legs, after a very short walk, accompanied by a burning sensation in the feet. Fever of movement, with constant desire to remain lying down. Total prostration of strength, with falling of the lower jaw, eyes cloudy and half closed, and slow respiration through the mouth. Great emaciation, also with children. Fainting fits, especially in evening, and sometimes also on lying down, with loss of consciousness, cloudiness of sight, and great listlessness. Trembling of limbs. Want of vital heat. Great desire for, or marked repugnance to fresh air, with excessive sensitiveness to cool air. Great tendency to take cold. Worse

From east winds.


Gnawing and itching in daytime, on getting heated, or in evening, before lying down. Tendency of the skin to become chapped. Painful eruptions. Nettle-rash (chronic). Large red spots on skin. Itching macule hepatice. Abundant ephelis. Insensible tetters, of a yellowish brown, wrinkled or moist, purulent, full of deep cracks and thick scabs. Large furunculi, which return periodically. Mercurial ulcers. Bleeding ulcers, with shooting pain, which burn while being dressed, or with nocturnal tearing and itching. Fistulous ulcers, with callous, red edges, reversed and shining, sometimes with inflammation and swelling of the part affected. Excoriated places on the skin of children, the sore places are humid. Intertrigo, raw places bleeding easily. Skin unhealthy, corrosive vesicles. Naevus maternus. Vascular tumours. Warts. Corns which are very sensitive, or with tearing pains. Exanthema in general, particularly with biting sensation, moist, scurfy, tearing and painful. Want of action of the skin. Itch, burning, creeping. Skin scurfy, sticky, clammy. Brown mortification. Pale swelling. Salt rheum. Varices suppurating. Chilblains. Great dryness of the skin.


Frequent, and sometimes interrupted, yawning. Inclination to sleep during day and early in evening, with sleep retarded by mental activity and excessive nervous excitement. Disturbed and restless sleep, with anxious and frightful dreams, and frequent waking with fright. Loud coughing during sleep, screaming while asleep. Sopor. Hunger at night when waking. Unrefreshing sleep. Soporous sleep in typhoid and exanthematous fevers. Voluptuous, vivid, mournful dreams, dreams of murder or of the occupations of the day, etc. Anxious dreams of fatal accidents. Jerks, cries, starts with fright, or bursts of laughter, or tears and groans during sleep. (Sleeps with eyes half-opened.) _ Sleeps with mouth open. At night, jerking and restlessness in the legs, headache, anguish, nightmare, ebullition of blood and palpitation of heart, stomach-ache, colic, asthmatic sufferings, etc. Lying on left side is difficult on account of the palpitation of heart and stitches. It is impossible to remain lying down at night on account of every position being uneasy. Child sleeps all day and cries all night.


Shivering in evening, sometimes only on one side, or every second day, with heat, or followed by sweat without heat. Chilliness in the afternoon from 4 to 8, with sensation as of numbness in hands and feet. Chilliness in evening in bed, preventing sleep. One sided chilliness, mostly on the left side. Chills and heat alternating. Want of vital heat. Tertian fever, with sour vomiting and bloatedness of the face and hands after the shivering. Transient heat. Burning heat, with short

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica