

*Antidoted by: Aco., Camph., Causticum, Chamomilla, Coffea, Graphites, Nux- v., Pulsatilla, Coffee. It *antidotes: Chi. (yellow face, liver and spleen swollen, flatulence, tension under short ribs worse right side, pressure in stomach and constipation), Mercurius, Chlorine (effects of the fumes when they cause impotence). *Compatible: Belladonna, Bryonia, Carb-v. (a dose of Carb-v. every eighth day facilitates action of Lycopodium), Calcarea (predisposition to constipation, hard stools evacuated with difficulty, or urging ineffective), Graphites, Hyo., Lachesis, Ledum, Pho., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Stramonium, Sul., Verbascum *Follows well: Sul., Calcarea, Lachesis Is *followed well by: Graphites, Lachesis, Ledum, Pho., Silicea *Incompatible: Coffee. *Complementary: Iodium, Chelidonium (K-i., Lachesis, Ignatia, Pulsatilla), Ipecac. in capillary bronchitis, worse right side, sputa yellow and thick. “Unless undoubtedly indicated the treatment of chronic diseased should not be commenced with Lycopodium, it is best to give first another antipsoric remedy.” *Compare: Desires fresh air, desire to be uncovered, Sul., Pul. Terrible sadness during menses, Nat- m., nitricum acidum, Sepia Action on veins, Pulsatilla, Sepia Thirst for little and often, Arsenicum (wants it cold and vomits it immediately), Ant-t. Sinking at epigastrium worse at night preventing sleep, Ignatia, (Sul. Nausea fasting, Pul., Calcarea, Silicea Moth spots or liver spots, Thuja Canine hunger, especially at night, Ignatia, Chi. Hungry but cannot get food down, Silicea Worse Every other day, Chi. Fan-like motion of alae nasi, Chlorof. (slow), Gadus and Kreosotum (rapid). Apprehension of losing senses, Calcarea, Nux-v., Sul. Acquisitiveness, Arsenicum, Pul. Fear of being alone, Kali-ca., Lilium (Arsenicum, Bism., fear and forgetfulness when alone, Pho., fears something is going to happen when alone in room, especially at night, Arg-n., fears to remain alone lest he should harm himself, anxiety compels moving about, fears to go on a lofty place lest he should throw himself down _ Anacardium also). Fear of darkness, Calcarea, Stramonium Imperiousness, Platina (haughtiness). Cursing, Anacardium, Iodium, Jug-r. Nervous before undertaking anything, Arsenicum, Arg-n. Shaking head, Ant-t., Arsenicum, Aurum sul., Cannabis indica, Eupion., Nux moschata, Sepia, Tarent. Head drawn to one side, Camph., spasmodically to right side in diphtheria, Lachn. Burning pains better by heat, Arsenicum, Caps., Alumina. Bloody sweat, Calcarea, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nux moschata, Nux-v., Arnica Hoarseness 4 to 6 or 8 p.m., hell. (Coloc. and Pul. at 4 p.m., Colocynthis, and Mag-p. 4 to 9 p.m., Carb-v. 3 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.) Constipation when from home (when on journey, Platina). laughs at serious things, Pho., Anacardium, Natrum mur., Platina Laughs and cries alternately, Aurum, Pul., lam Stramonium, Bovista, Caps., Graphites, Pho., Sepia, Sul., Verbascum Globus hystericus, Ignatia, Lachesis, Pul. worse Ascending, Arsenicum, Sul. Restlessness better by motion, Rhus (Rhus generally in recent Lycopodium in old cases), Pulsatilla better slow motion. Emaciation from above down, Natrum mur. Burning as if hot coals between scapula, lo. (burning as if hot water whole length of spine), Pho. Head symptoms better cold, Arsenicum (Arsenicum has general better by warmth, Lycopodium worse by warmth). Flashes of heat, Lachesis, Sepia, Sul. Feet cold and damp to knees, Calcarea Sore throat right to left (Lachesis left to right), less sensitive than it looks (Lachesis more), worse cold drink (Lachesis Better ), Inguinal hernia, Nux (Nux more left, Lycopodium more right). Piles, Aesculus, Nux-v., Causticum, Alo., Sul. Child screams before passing urine, just as it begins to pass better by flow, red sand (Sarsa. cries before and during flow, grey sand). Sufferings of widowers from unsatisfied desire, etc., Conium, Pic-ac., Platina, Calcarea Physometra, Br., Lac caninum, Nux-v., Sanguinaria Burning in vagina during coitus, Kre., Sul. Dryness of vagina with painful coitus, Bel., Ferrum, Natrum mur., Sepia Burning and stinging in breasts, Apis, Carb. a., Pho., Lauro. Milk in breasts when it should not be there, Cyclamen, Pul., Pho., (unhealthy milk, Chamomilla, Phytolacca, Acet-ac., Calcarea, Lachesis, Pul.) better Fanning (Carb-v. and Sul. in collapse, Lycopodium wants the back fanned). Acid dyspepsia, Mag-c., Robin. Better By warm drink and food (Pul. and Phosphorus better by cold food). Catarrh of chest after badly treated pneumonia, Sul. Chest rattling, full of mucus, Ant- t. Child sleeps with eyes half-open, Sul. Black boils, Lachesis Distress in stomach immediately after eating (Nux some time after). In labour and threatened miscarriage, pains fly from right to left (Actea r. from side to side, Ip. from left to right with nausea). Ordinary amount of food causes full sensation, Arsenicum Diphtheria, nose obstructed, excoriating discharge, patient picks and bores nose, Ar. t. (but Lycopodium has right to left, worse after sleep, even a short nap, irritable and peevish, urine stains red). Large tonsils studded with small indurated ulcers, Barayta carbonica Aneurism, Barayta carbonica, Carb. an., K-i. Naevus, Fl-ac., Arnica, Thuja, Vacc. Tympanites, Carb-v. (Carb-v. rancid belching, Lycopodium sour). Fan-like motion of alae nasi, one foot hot, one cold, Chelidonium (Lycopodium and Chelidonium are much alike and complementary, Lycopodium favors dark, Chelidonium fair people, Lycopodium pains more dull, Chelidonium lancinating, Lycopodium rumbling of flatus in left hypochondrium, sour taste, Chelidonium bitter). Distension after eating with great accumulation of flatus, Graphites (Graphites has rancid or putrid eructation, Lycopodium has not, Lycopodium has constriction, Graphites none). Intermittent fever, syphilis, ulcers, flatulent dyspepsia, worse after sleep, Lachesis Ulcers on instep (Nat-c. ulcers on heel). Half sight, Natrum mur., titan., Aurum, Lithium carb. Dyspepsia with thick urine, Sepia (Lycopodium repletion after eating, Sepia emptiness of epigastrium), ball in anus, Sepia Yellow-brown spots, Sepia, Nux-v., Curar., Sul. Cough excited by talking, Silicea Impotence, Tabacum (Lycopodium cured impotence caused by indulgence in tobacco). Ailments from fright, anger, or mortification with reserved displeasure, Staphysagria Nose stopped at night, Ammonium carb., Nux-v., Sambucus Red sand on child’s diaper, Phosphorus Cries before urinating, Borax Dryness of vagina, Hydrophob. One foot hot, the other cold, Chi., Digitalis, Ip. Waking at night hungry, Cin., Pso. enforced sexual abstinence, Conium Proctalgia, Pho. Craving for sweets, Arg-n., Sul. Pain in head during stool, Indium. Fullness after a meal, Chi. (Chi. after a full meal, Lycopodium after ever so little. The Lycopodium fullness is full right up into the throat). Colic, etc., better bending over, Coloc. Crampy pains, worse night, Nux. After-effects of fevers, Pso.


Fear. Fright. Chagrin. Anger. Vexation. Anxiety. Fevers. Over- lifting. Masturbation. Riding in carriage. Tobacco-chewing. Wine.


Silent, melancholy, and peevish humor, despair of eternal salvation. Desponding, grieving mood. Sadness when hearing distant music. Anguish, especially in region of epigastrium, with melancholy and disposition to weep, especially after a fit of anger, or on the approach of other persons. Sensitive disposition. Dread of men, desires to be alone, or else aversion to solitude. Excitement after a glass of wine, almost mischievous. Must laugh if any one looks at her to say anything serious. Inclined to laugh and cry at same time. Irritability and susceptibility, with tears. Irascibility. Obstinacy. Estrangement and frenzy, which manifest themselves by envy, reproaches, arrogance, and overbearing conduct. Disposition to be very haughty when sick, mistrustful, does not understand anything one says to them, memory weak. Avaricious. Character, mild and submissive. Complete indifference. Aversion to speaking. Fatigue from intellectual exertion, and incapability of devotion to mental labour. Giddiness. Inability to express oneself correctly, misapplication of words and syllables. Confused speech. Confusion about everyday things, but rational talking on abstract subjects. Inability to remember what is read. Stupefaction. Dullness.


Dizziness and vertigo, as from intoxication. As soon as she sees anything turning about she feels as if her body were turning about. Whirling vertigo, especially when stooping, or in a warm room, with inclination to vomit. Headache from vexation. Headache, with disposition to faint, and great uneasiness. Headache with vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Headache when shaking or turning head, and also at every step on walking. Cephalalgia above eyes, immediately after breakfast. Semi-lateral headache in evening, worse beyond endurance by intellectual labour. Aching as if head would be forced asunder and as if brain were swashing to and fro, worse walking, ascending steps, and rising from stooping, could not work and could scarcely step without vertigo. Throbbing after every paroxysm of cough. Pressive headache sometimes as if a nail were being driven into the head, or with tension, which is worse by lying down, worse at night when lying in bed, and on getting warm while walking in open air, better when walking slowly in open air, from cold, and when uncovering head. Stitches in temples, mostly on right side, from within to without, worse in evening and at night when lying in bed, from heat and exertion of the mind, better from cold and in open air. Thrust in temples during difficult stool. Pain at vertex during moderate pressure at stool. Headache after breakfast. Tearing, boring, and sensation of scraping on external head, during night. Screwing together in forehead, during menses. Jerking in right frontal bone extending to root of nose and eyebrows. Tearing headache, especially in afternoon or at night, principally in the (right) forehead, but often also in whole head, in eyes and nose, extending to teeth, with inclination to lie down. Stupefying headache, with heat in temples and ears, dryness of mouth and lips, worse from 4 to 8 p.m., when rising up, and on lying down. Pressing headache on vertex, worse from 4 to 8 p.m., from stooping, lying down, exertion of the mind, and followed by great weakness. Tearing in forehead or in right side of head, extending down to neck, with tearing in face, eyes, and teeth, worse on raising oneself up, better on lying down and in the open air. Shooting headache. Throbbing in brain on leaning head backward. Throbbing in head after lying down in evening. Congestion in head, with heat, sometimes in morning on rising up in bed. Shaking and resonance in brain at every step. Boring, scraping, and tearing in scalp, especially at night _ Involuntary movements and convulsive trembling of head. Head turned involuntarily to left _ Involuntary nodding: now to r., now to left, slow at first then constantly more rapid. Involuntary shaking makes him dizzy. Shaking head on stepping hard.Great tendency to take cold by the head. Eruption on the head, with abundant and fetid suppuration, sometimes with obstruction of the glands of the nape and neck. The hair becomes grey early. Baldness, the hair falls out, first on the vertex, later on the temples (after diseases of the abdominal viscera, after parturition), with violent burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise during the day. Scurf over whole scalp, child scratches it raw in night and then it bleeds. Contracted sensation with feeling as if the hair would be pulled up. Hair falls off scalp, but increases on other parts of body.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica