

Aching in the eyes. Gnawing, burning, and shooting pains in eyes (and lids), especially in evening, by candle-light. Smarting in eyes. Sensation of coldness in eyes, evening. Dryness of eyes, and lids, as if dust in them, difficult to open. Smarting and burning. Swelling and painfulness of lids. Inflammation of the eyes and lids. Styes on the internal canthus. Agglutination of eyelids, especially at night, and lachrymation, worse by day, and in a cold wind. Twitching of the eyelids. Troubled sight, as from feather-down before the eyes. Photophobia. Itching in canthi. Dim, hot eyes. The eyes are wide open, insensible to light, fixed. Dryness of eyes, in evening. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark. Must wipe mucus from eye in order to see clearly Purulent mucus. Myopia or presbyopia. Hemiopia perpendicularis (sees only left half of objects, especially with right eye). The characters are confused when reading. Obscurity, black spots, glittering, and sparks before eyes. Eyes dazzled and irritated by candle-light in evening.


Otalgia in open air. Congestion in the ears Ulceration of the ears. Discharge from the ears. Hearing excessively sensitive to least noise, music occasions fatigue. Tinkling and buzzing in ears. Roaring, humming, and whizzing in ears. Sensation as if hot blood rushed into ears. Congestion of blood in ears. Singing in the ears as from boiling water. Ringing in right ear, every noise has peculiar echo deep in ear. Hears in evening music she heard played during day. Hardness of hearing. Moist scabs on and behind ears. Has improved deaf-mutism (Cooper).


Scurf in nose, crusts and elastic plugs. Nostrils ulcerated, scabby, obstructed by mucus at night. Swelling of nose, with acrid, fetid, and corrosive discharge. The ichorous discharge from the nose begins in right nostril, scarlatina or diphtheria. (Patient bores and picks nose.) _ Convulsive movements of muscles of nose. Fan-like motion of the nostrils in pneumonia. Bleeding from nose, on blowing it, and epistaxis, principally in afternoon. (Nose-bleed in morning from right nostril.) _ Excessive acuteness of smell. Coryza with acrid discharge, making the upper lips sore. Coryza of almost all kinds. Dry coryza, with obstruction of the nose, confusion in head, and burning pain in forehead. Dryness of the posterior nares. Obstruction of nostrils, especially at night, and which prevents respiration except through the mouth. Stoppage: towards morning, in evening, child’s breath often stopped in sleep for fifteen seconds even when mouth is open.


Paleness of face, worse in evening. Face yellow and earthy, with deep wrinkles, blue circles round eyes, lips bluish. Circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Face red and bloated, with eruptions and red spots. Swelling and tension of face. Tearing in bones of face. Painful sensation of coldness in face. Twitching and convulsive movements in muscles of face. At first left angle of mouth drawn outward, then right Muscles of lips and cheeks drawn together making mouth pointed, followed by broad distension of mouth. Frequent attacks of transient heat in face. Eruption on face, sometimes with itching. Ephelis. Tetters on face, which are furfuraceous, and yellow at the base. Lips pale and bluish. Soreness of corners of mouth. Swelling of upper lip. Eruption and excoriations on the lips and their commissures. Eruptions on face, humid suppurating. The lower jaw hangs down. Ulcers on the red part of the lower lip. Itching eruption round the chin. Swelling of the submaxillary glands.


Odontalgia only at night, better by hot drinks, and by heat of bed. Dull pains in teeth, with swelling of the cheeks and gums. The teeth ache as if suppurating, are excessively painful on touching them, and when chewing, front teeth loose or too long. Cramp-like drawing, tearing, and jerking, or pulsations in teeth, especially during or after a meal. Grinding of teeth. Yellowness of the teeth. (Fistula in the gums.) _ The gums bleed violently on being touched, when cleaning teeth. Gumboils. Swelling of gums, with shocks, tearings, and shootings. Ulcers in the gums.


Dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with tension of the parts, the tongue heavy, and speech indistinct. Torpor of the interior of mouth and tongue. Exhalation of a putrid odour from the mouth, especially in morning when awaking. Buccal hemorrhage. Tongue foul and coated. Involuntary movements of the tongue. In talking, all the words of a sentence were spoken completely and distinctly except the last, which was stammered, it seemed as though the tongue were affected by a peculiar cramp, no amount of attention to this was of any avail, it lasted four weeks and gradually disappeared of itself. Stiffness of the tongue, vesicles on tip of tongue, they feel scalded and raw. Soreness of tongue. Ulcers on and under tongue (from tobacco). Convulsions of the tongue. The tongue is painful and swollen in different places (tubercles on the tongue). The saliva becomes dry on the palate and lips and is converted into tough mucus. The posterior part of the mouth is covered by tough mucus. Dry and bitter mouth (in the morning.) _ Tongue dry, becomes black and cracked. Tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro, in sore throat. Tongue distended, giving patient silly expression, in angina or diphtheria.


Sensation of constriction in throat, with obstructed deglutition. Dryness of throat. Pain, as from excoriation, in throat. Burning pain in throat, with nocturnal thirst. Sensation in throat, as if a ball were ascending from the pit of the stomach. Feeling on left side of a lump moving up and down. Inflammation of throat and palate, with shooting pain, which obstructs deglutition. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. The ulceration of the tonsils begins on right side. The pharynx feels contracted, nothing can be swallowed. Hawking of hard greenish- yellow masses, granular, of bloody mucus. Sticking in region of right parotid. Sticking in throat during cough. Sticking preventing sneezing. Sensitiveness of the submaxillary glands. Ulcers, like chancres, in the tonsils. Goitre.


Loss of appetite. Mouth clammy or bitter, especially in morning, often with nausea. Nausea in pharynx and stomach. Nausea in morning and when riding in a carriage. Sourness in mouth, especially in morning, or sour taste of food. Absence of thirst, or burning thirst. Nocturnal thirst. Loss of appetite, sometimes with the first mouthful. Sudden satiety. Immoderate hunger. Bulimy. Aversion to: cooked or warm food, rye-bread, meat, coffee, tobacco smoke. Craving for sweet things. Inability to digest heavy food. After a meal: hepatic pains, oppression and fullness in chest and abdomen, nausea, heat in head, redness of face, pulsation and trembling over whole body, hands hot, palpitation of heart, colic, etc. Sourness and diarrhoea after taking milk.


Violent risings in afternoon. Incomplete eructations, burning, rising only into pharynx, where they cause burning. Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach. Burning, sour, greasy or bitter risings. Sour regurgitation of food, especially of milk. Pyrosis, especially after a meal. Violent hiccough by fits, especially after a meal. Nausea when in a room, which disappears in open air, and vice versa. Frequent continued nausea, especially in morning, with bitter taste in mouth. Nausea, caused by the motion of a carriage. Sensation of nausea in stomach in morning. Heartburn. Cancer of the stomach. Water-brash, sometimes every second day, with flow of bitter water. Vomiting of food and bile, especially at night, or when fasting in the morning. Vomiting of bitter, greenish matter. Vomiting of blood. Vomiting between the chill and heat in intermittent fever. Vomiting after a meal with salivation, during menses. Gnawing, griping sensation in region of the stomach. Slow digestion. Pains in stomach, with shivering and deadness of the hands after a slight chill. Periodical pains in stomach, better by heat of bed. Aching in stomach, in evening, and after every meal, sometimes with a bitter taste in mouth. Compressive or contractive pains in stomach. The pains in the stomach manifest themselves principally in morning, in open air, after a meal, or after drinking wine, they are sometimes better in evening, and are often accompanied by cramps in chest and difficulty of respiration. Swelling of epigastrium with painful sensibility to the touch. The clothes round the stomach cause uneasiness. Stitches in left side of pit of stomach, apparently externally. Pain in epigastrium caused by cough.


Tension round hypochondria, as from the pressure of a hoop. Pressure and tension in liver, especially on satisfying one’s appetite. Cramp-like pain in diaphragm, and contusive pain in liver, on stooping. Pain when walking in upper part of right hypochondrium, as if the suspensory ligament of the liver would tear. Pressive pain in right hypochondrium, at times took away the breath, became a sticking. Pain in liver as from a blow, worse by touch. Violent gall-stone colic. Sharp pain in dorsal hepatic region, in right shoulder and arm. Liver region sensitive. Griping, and rumbling in splenic flexure. Inflammation and induration of the liver. Immediately after a (light) meal the abdomen is bloated, full, distended. Has a great appetite, but a small quantity of food fills him up and he feels bloated. Aching pains in abdomen. Fullness and distension of stomach and abdomen. Weight in the abdomen. Sensation of something heavy lying on left side of abdomen. Brown spots on abdomen. Hardness in the abdomen. Dropsical swelling of the abdomen. Contractive cramp-like pains in the abdomen, which is distended. Tearing, drawing, tension, and pinching in abdomen and sides of abdomen. Clawing in hypogastrium, with suspended respiration. Cutting pains, especially above the navel. Pain above the navel, on touching the part. Burning pain in the abdomen. Hernia on the right side. Tearing shootings, pulsation, and pressure in the inguinal ring, as if hernia were on the point of protruding. Cramp-like pains in abdominal muscles, especially at night. Incarcerated flatus. Imperfect expulsion of flatus. The flatulence cannot pass and causes much pain. Great deal of noisy flatulence in the abdomen, or particularly in the right hypochondriac region, there seems to be a constant fermentation in the abdomen, which produces a loud croaking sound. Sometimes much rumbling of wind in left hypochondriac region. Dyspepsia with loud croaking in the abdomen. Affections of the inner lower belly. Full, distended abdomen with cold feet. Gurgling and borborygmi in abdomen, especially on left side.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica