Lobelia inflata


Precordial anxiety. Deep-seated pain in region of heart. Sensation of weakness and pressure in epigastrium rising to heart. Sensation as if heart would stand still, a pain deep in above heart. Sensation of weakness in precordium extending upwards and downwards. Dyspnoea and suffocation from every rapid movement, with vertigo, and threatened loss of consciousness and a peculiar confusion of head. Pulse small, and weak.

Back and neck

Swelling and pain left side of neck. Rheumatic pain between the scapula. Pain under right scapula worse bending forward. In back: lassitude, with heaviness of head, burning and incisive pains at lower part of spine, pain in loins, violent cramp-like squeezing in posterior part of iliac region, which renders contact with anything, or motion, almost insupportable.

Upper Limbs

Rheumatic feeling in right shoulder-joint, goes to left upper arm and around elbow-joint. Fine crawling stitches inside of right deltoid. Pain in shoulders of an elderly lady who had not menstruated for two years, *Lobelia i. relieved the pain and brought on menstruation. Rheumatic pain in right elbow-joint. Sweat of palms, backs of hands dry and cool, tips of fingers cold.

Lower Limbs

In the legs, lassitude, acute tearing in tibia, extending to knee-joint, cramps in calf in morning, on waking from a troubled sleep. Inflammatory rheumatism in right knee, with tearing pains in fibula.


Lancinating pains throughout body, extending to ends of fingers and toes, trembling of limbs, likewise of whole body, feeling of’ depression, unusual lassitude, prolonged weakness, exhaustion, state of stupefaction, convulsions, sometimes such as to require two men to hold the patient, followed by death, violent convulsive jerkings, followed by death. Other symptoms coming on when a discharge ceases.


Prickling itching of skin all over body. Eruption between fingers, on dorsa of hands and on forearms, vesicular itch-like pustules with tingling itching (Teste). Vesicular eruption on skin.


Gaping, worse followed by crawling in nose and sneezing, then gaping and belching of wind. Wakened early by very impressive dreams: arm amputated, wounded by a shot, etc. Disturbed sleep with many dreams, sometimes anxious, painful dreams, numerous, without intermediate awakening, cold sweat.


Pulse: accelerated, frequent and softer than usual, slow, in evening (after a stronger dose). Intermittent fever: commencing at noon, with great paleness and anorexia, quotidian, sometimes every morning at ten o’clock: at first violent shivering, alternating with moderate heat until noon, afterwards a predominance of heat, with slight shuddering, until evening, also, copious nocturnal sweat, great thirst by fits (especially during the shivering), respiration short, anxious, impeded and fainting, with a feeling of constriction in chest, sensation of weakness and of oppression in pit of stomach, and in chest generally, tickling in larynx, with frequent fits of short coughing, violent frontal cephalalgia, anorexia during and after the attack, white tongue covered with a thick coating on right side, and great weakness. Coldness of whole body, heat, with tendency to perspire, especially on face, tendency to perspire excessively. Thirst before the chill and through the whole fever, often only before the chill, not during the chill, but again during the heat. Drinking worse the violence of the shaking chill and the coldness. At the end of the heat, perspiration with heat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica