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LOBELIA INFLATA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LOBELIA INFLATA…



Emetic Herb, Indian Tobacco. See “Transaction of American Institute of Homoeopath,” Vol I.


Shivering through the whole body. Feeling of weariness. Unusual weariness.


Restless sleep, with many dreams.


Heat and inclination to perspiration, particularly in the face. Chills down the back, with heat in the stomach. Intermittent fever. Pulse more frequent and weaker than usual. Prostration of strength.


Desponding and exhausting.


Vertigo, with nausea. Pain in the head and trembling agitation of the whole body. Pain in the head. Headache, with slight giddiness. Dull, heavy pain, passing around the forehead from one temple to another. Pains through the head in sudden shocks. Heaviness in the head, and uneasiness in the back.


Pressing pain in the eye-balls.


Heat of the face.


Dull pressing pain in the molar teeth and temple.


Pungent taste in the mouth. Soreness of the throat. Dryness of the mouth. p73.


Burning in the throat. Dryness of the throat. Burning prickling in the throat, increased secretion of a viscid saliva, nausea, and eructations. Sensation as of a lump in the pit of the throat, impeding deglutition. Sensation as of a lump in the pit of the throat, impeding deglutition. Sensation in the oesophagus as if something were rising in it.


Loss of appetite. Acrid, burning taste in the mouth. Bitter taste, with coated tongue and thirst. Hiccough. Frequent gulping up of a burning, sour fluid. Acidity in the stomach, with con- tractive feeling in the pit of the stomach. Incessant violent nausea with shivering and shaking of the upper part of the body. An indescribable feeling about the stomach, compounded of nausea, pain, heat, oppression, and excessive uneasiness accompanying the affection of the respiratory organs. Nausea, great uneasiness, and vomiting. Vomiting of food, particularly after eating warm food. Dyspepsia. Heartburn of long duration.


Feeling of weakness of the stomach, or in the pit of the stomach, extending through the whole chest. Sensation of excessive weakness at the praecordium. extending upwards into the chest, and downwards as for as the umbilicus. Feeling of weight in the stomach. Burning pain in the stomach towards the back. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with bilious vomiting, oppression and anguish of the chest, and pain in the small of the back. Spasm of the stomach, during the catamenia, in arthritic patients, in drunkards, or with bilious complaints. Burning in the stomach.


Distention of the abdomen, with shortness of breath. Pain in the abdomen, always worse after eating.


Discharge of black blood, after stool. Copious haemorrhage from the haemorrhoidal vessels.


Urine of a deep red color, depositing a copious red sediment. Pain in the loins.


Uterine haemorrhage. Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, Aching pain in the urethra. Troublesome feeling of weight in the genitals.


Titillation in the larynx, with frequent, short, dry cough. Sensation as of a foreign body in the throat, impeding the breathing and swallowing. p73.


A general tightness of the chest, with short and somewhat laborious breathing. Oppression of the chest. chronic dyspnoea, with the sensation of a lump in the pit of the throat, immediately above the sternum, impending respiration and deglutition. Paroxysmal asthma. Pains in the chest, increased by deep inspiration. Slight deep-seated pain in the region of the heart.


Burning and cutting in the lower part of the spine. Rheumatic pains between the scapulae.


Slight rheumatic feeling in the shoulder-joint. Severe rheumatic pain in the elbow-joint.


Inflammatory rheumatism of the right knee, with swelling and extreme pain. Weariness in the limbs. Prickling sensation through the whole body.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.