Lobelia inflata


*Antidoted by: Ipecac. *Compare: The other Lobelias, Digit. and Tabac. (heart affections, vomiting, worse by motion, sudden pallor with profuse sweat), Arsenicum (hay fever, gastric troubles), Veratrum alb. (gastric troubles), Ipecac. (asthma _ but Lobelia i. has, with the asthma, weak sensation at epigastrium spreading up into chest, nausea, salivation, feeling of lump in stomach), Ipecac. and Ant. t (morning sickness). Nux (morning sickness of drunkards, Lobelia in fair people, Nux in dark), Bryonia ( worse by movement, cough causes headache ), Asafoetida (reversed peristalsis), Sul. (occipital headache, cough causes headache), Ab-n. and Thuja (effects of tea), Lact-ac. (vomiting with profuse salivation _ Mercurius at night), Lilium t. (pain at heart _ Lobelia i. at base, Lil, t., apex), Daph. i. and Rhus (semi lateral coating on tongue, with Rhus the coating is white), Kali-i. (meningitic headaches).


Alcohol. Tea. Tobacco. Wetting feet. Suppressions. Foreign bodies.


Mental inquietude, great depression and exhaustion, presentiment of death, and dyspnoea. Sobbing like a child. Violent raving with flushing of face and palpitation, every evening, after an hour’s sleep. Lost his reason and became convulsed, it required several men to hold him, this continued till death. Felt he was dying, with distress at chest. Felt he was dying, but was unconcerned.


Cerebral suffering, giddiness, vertigo. Vertigo with nausea. Headache with slight giddiness. Vertigo as if starting from left eye. Feeling of disorder: at first in occiput, afterwards in forehead, in head, after a meal, increasing to a violent aching pain, with heat in face. Headache worse by coughing, brain racked by cough which causes intolerable pain. Heaviness in head, with lassitude in back. Cephalalgia, especially during movement, and when ascending a staircase, chiefly in vertex, with vertigo and lancinations in temples, dull pain and heat in occiput, in evening, violent, in forehead, from time to time (during the fever). Outward pressing in both temples. Tension in head, in evening, especially in occiput, or else with heat in face. Aching in occiput, sometimes chiefly in open air, or else diminished on covering the head. Pressive pain on left side of occiput, worse at night and from motion. Wens. Seborrhea. Seborrhea of scalp smelling offensively (produced in an infant every time one drop of *Lobelia i-ac. O was taken. Cooper.).


Burning in eyes, (hemiopia). Pain and soreness in right eye. Burning in eyes. Itching in angles of (left) lids. Pressing pain in eyeballs, most in upper part. Pupils dilated. Vision dim.


Aching in left ear. Shooting pain extending into left ear from painful spot in throat to left of larynx. Sudden shutting up of right ear, as if stopped by a plug, at 2 p.m, better boring finger in ear. (Profuse discharge from the ear. Constantly recurring earache and deafness following suppressed otorrhea.


Heat of face, sweat on face, with nausea. Chilly feeling in left cheek extending to ear.


Flow of clammy saliva in mouth (with nausea). Sharp, disagreeable taste in mouth, especially at tip of tongue and back of throat. Accumulation of saliva, frequent expectoration of a very watery saliva, copious salivation. Tongue white, charged with a thick coating, on right side only. Acrid, burning taste in mouth, bitter, with foul tongue and thirst.


Scraping in throat, changing into aching and nausea, which in turn is succeeded by retching, with squeezing and convulsive heaving in larynx, with risings and burning, arising from stomach, with sensation of rawness in throat, and constriction in esophagus, with great dryness, which is not removed by drinking, after a meal. Burning in throat, which becomes a scraping sensation, increased secretion of viscid saliva, with scraping, nausea, and risings, burning scraping from velum palati to larynx, worse on swallowing, and with frequent hawking, by reason of an increased secretion of mucus in throat, burning followed by dryness, during the forenoon. Viscid mucus in throat. Tough mucus on fauces, causing frequent hawking. Aching in esophagus: with nausea, griping in abdomen, and emission of fetid wind, along esophagus, as far as stomach, worse in certain parts, and especially below the larynx. Sensation in esophagus as if it contracted itself from below upwards. Deglutition impeded as by a foreign body, in swallowing, sensation as if something rose in larynx, and prevented the food from descending.


Anorexia. Frequent risings, with accumulation of water in mouth, frequent regurgitation of an acid and burning liquid, acidity in stomach, with sensation of constriction in pit of stomach. Frequent and violent hiccough, with abundant accumulation of water. Pyrosis, sometimes constant, or else with accumulation of saliva. Heartburn and running of water from mouth. Faintness, weakness, and an indescribable feeling at epigastrium, from excessive use of tea or tobacco. Violent and constant loathing, with shuddering and shivering, relaxation of the stomach, sometimes with loathing, or with a very marked sensation of anti- peristaltic movements (but without nausea). Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, with profuse running of water from mouth. Burning in stomach. Feeling of weight in stomach. Nausea: in morning, disappearing after taking a draft of water, with cold sweat on face, great disposition to vomit, without vomiting. Vomiting: of all kinds, even the most violent, with sighing, and continual nausea, vomiting of food after a meal, especially hot food. Vomiting, with cold perspiration of face. Dyspepsia. Pain in stomach, sensation of weakness in stomach, or else in pit of stomach, with oppression, which thence extends itself throughout chest.


Aching in stomach: sometimes after eating but very little, after the meal, with fullness and gurgling in abdomen, ascending towards chest, which becomes oppressed, with nausea, accumulation of water in mouth, and retching. Pressure in pit of stomach, across body into spinal marrow, as by a plug, by intermitting action, becoming each time stronger, as from a weight, when fasting, and after a meal, worse chiefly in evening, also with vomiting of bile, and oppression and anguish in chest, and pains in loins. Violent and painful constriction in epigastrium. Cramps in stomach of various kinds., _ Pains in abdomen, worse after eating, with cephalalgia, on returning from a walk, after a meal, cutting and drawing pains in abdomen, griping and twisting, with nausea, violent risings, and emission of fetid wind. Inflation of abdomen, with dyspnoea, flatulency and abundant emission of wind, with borborygmi in abdomen, which are sometimes painful.


Soft, whitish stool. Discharge of black blood after stool. Copious hemorrhages from haemorrhoidal vessels. Stools, like pap, soft, green, diarrhoea, sometimes with frequent evacuations and confusion of head.

Urinary Organs

Increased secretion of urine, sometimes with want to urinate. Frequent emission of urine, even during night, and following morning (secretion of urine diminished). Urine cloudy: with loose deposit deep red, with sediment of a dull red, soon becoming turbid, with sediment of a rose colour, having small blue crystals.

Male Sexual Organs

Fatiguing heaviness in genital parts. Smarting of the prepuce.

Female Sexual Organs.

During menstruation violent pain in sacrum. Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, etc., supervening on suppression of the menses during their flow.

Respiratory Organs

Tickling in larynx, with frequent fits of short coughing, dryness in throat, with sensation as though a solid body were there impeding both respiration and deglutition. Irritation which provokes coughing and expectoration.


Respiration anxious, difficult, sobbing, with sensation of obstruction in chest, short, imperfect, with sensation of fullness in chest, during inspiration, tickling in inferior region of sternum, on breathing deeply, mitigation of the pressive pain at pit of stomach, and a feeling of improved health. Pain in chest, with breathing, while sitting after dinner, better moving about. Congestive pressure and weight in chest as if blood from extremities was filling it, better by rapid walking. Want of breath, sometimes with respiration impeded, hurried, with frequent want to breathe deeply, great difficulty in retaining the breath. Oppression of chest, causing laboured respiration, asthma, chiefly with gastric symptoms, and sensation of weakness in pit of stomach, dyspnoea, sometimes with a sort of presentiment of death, difficulty of respiration, after the least fatigue, after washing in cold water, likewise from a current of air, and from heavy food. Asthmatic symptoms, hysterical asthma. Violent pains in chest, worse on breathing deeply, on returning from a walk, after a meal. Dyspnoea and asthma, with sensation of a lump in the throat, immediately above sternum. Burning feeling in the chest, passing upwards. Tension in chest on turning body, burning pain as of excoriation at one spot below right breast, with sensation on breathing deeply, on sneezing, and on moving body quickly, as though something there were dislodged, which in the midst of the suffering returns to its place, with a like sensation at pit of stomach and left side, perforating pain at one spot in chest, extending sometimes to back and shoulder-blade, worse by movement, and with sensation of paralysis in the part affected. Pain in the breast. Burning feeling in breast passing upward. A tightness of the breast with heat in forehead. Drawing in left breast from nipple to axilla.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica