Kali Iodatum


Eructations: of air in quantities, empty, hiccough-like, _ Hiccough in evening. Nausea: with pressure in stomach, with emptiness, not better eating. Vomiting, and purging at same time. Violent vomiting with salivation. Pain in stomach, intermittent, like an emptiness and coldness in evening, not better by soup. Painful beating in left side of epigastric region in evening. Burning pressure in stomach, which is not better by risings. Burning with pressure, with acute pain. Constant inclination to water-brash without its really occurring. Heaviness, discomfort, faintness, indigestion. Clucking, a kind of crying, and borborygmi in stomach. Rumbling and shrill noises in stomach. Inflammation of stomach and intestinal canal.


Hypochondria: sticking in left hypochondrium, right and in left side of chest on talking, constriction in left on a line with cardiac orifice of stomach, burning externally in left, then in both groins. Sudden distension as if abdomen would burst, better by emission of flatus, in morning after waking, then diarrhoea twice. Movings and rumblings, rumbling as if something alive were moving in abdomen, then tension in groins. Emission of flatus. Tearing from both sides as if flesh would be torn off in afternoon, extending towards umbilicus. Cutting and burning round the umbilicus. Painful distension beneath umbilicus, better stool. Sticking at left side. Cutting in right side, cutting in attacks in afternoon, with burning and nausea, inclination to eructations, which afterwards occur, itching externally about umbilicus and inclination to emission of flatus. Griping and burning. Griping, as by a claw, and in groins, with bearing down as if something would come out at pudenda. Cutting burning pain, always better open air, always returning on entering house. Pain, then hard, then soft stool, in abdomen and stomach, better evening after lying down, returning in morning on waking. Indescribable uneasiness, worse night. Bruised pain in groins and small of back during menstruation. Drawing in left groin with feeling as if something living were in it. Heat during menstruation, sudden heat in left groin.


Discharges of serous mucus from rectum. Diarrhoea, with pain in lumbar region, as if broken, or as if menses would appear. Constipation. A few small feces, hard, tenacious lumps, difficult to evacuate.

Urinary Organs

Bladder irritable. Painful urging. Urgent want to make water, with copious emission day and night. Frequent micturition of copious urine as clear as water, worse night. Nocturnal and diurnal enuresis of childhood. Uric acid sediments disappeared gradually, while those of ammonio-phosphate of magnesia increased. Urea decreased.

Male Sexual Organs

Atrophy of testicles, right disappeared, the left of the size of an almond. Penis swollen and inflamed, with constant semi erection and desire. Extensive swelling of glans with paraphimosis. Chancre-like ulcers with raised edges on penis, with burning in urethra. Condylomata. Excoriation by least friction. Erection slow and long-lasting, coition painful, prolonged, and no emission. Erections even after ejaculation. Descent of testicles with effusion into scrotum. Lancinations in scrotum frequently after coitus. Compressive pains in testicles, as if returning into pelvis. Sexual desire diminished.

Female Sexual Organs

Biting in pudenda, with leucorrhoea. Pressure in uterus when walking. Better sitting, with dragging pain. Acrid leucorrhoea. (Leucorrhoea became thinner and more watery.). _Menses returned in a week. Menstruation that had been suppressed six months flowed profusely, with pain in abdomen and diarrhoea. Menses two days late, but more increased. Discharge of blood between the periods. Sudden dragging in groins so that she must bend together, after the usual cold milk in morning, with frequent yawning, weariness in thighs, griping in abdomen, extending to thighs, restlessness, chilliness, gooseflesh, with anxiety and warmth in head, then eructations and rumbling in abdomen, menstruation which had just begun partly stopped, then nausea, pressure in stomach, worse moving about, shivering in face and hands, with heat and sweat in face. Menstruation that had existed two days diminished. Discharge of mucus from the vagina.

Respiratory Organs

Spasmodic croup in morning. Choking in trachea, with rawness obliging hawking, where by she expectorated mucus. Affection of bronchia. Provocation in larynx to dry cough. Voice: altered in sound, nasal catarrhal, short, like her answers, feeble, at times tremulous, lost, lost at night. Inclination to cough. Dry cough, mornings, and evenings, in evening with soreness of larynx. Short, hacking cough from rawness in throat. Edema glottidis. Respiration difficult, on waking, in night, with loss of voice. dyspnoea on ascending stairs, with pain in region of heart. Hoarseness with pain in chest, cough, oppression of breathing, and pain in both eyes. Dry, hacking cough, afterwards copious, greenish expectoration.


Pain as if cut to pieces in evening. Pain in left chest as if sore externally, worse touch. Oppression. Uneasiness about chest. Sticking: deep in middle of chest, in right side, in right costal region behind breast, in middle of sternum in afternoon, with pressure, in evening, in right lowest ribs at 8 p.m., with sore pain, in middle when walking, in upper part of left when sitting bent over, better becoming erect, in middle better moving about, in middle of sternum extending to shoulders. Breasts diminished in size, supply of milk was especially diminished.


Sticking in heart, when walking. All the symptoms of endocarditis, oppression, faint like exhaustion, tumultuous, violent, intermittent, and irregular action of heart and pulse, with tensive pain across chest, especially affecting right ventricle, which gradually became dilated. Seemed unequal to the task of circulating the blood. Palpitation, fluttering, causing faintness and sickness and preventing sitting up. Pulse: rapid, and full, and irregular, and small, slow and weak, slow and irregular, hard and tense, small and soft.

Back and neck

Cervical glands enlarged. Sticking in right side of nape when lying. Hard painless tumour like a wen on nape. Cracking in nape when moving head (Cooper). Throbbing between scapula. Small of back: sticking when sitting, pain as if screwed in, pain and soreness, pain as before menstruation, with diarrhoea twice, pain as if beaten, so that she does not know how she shall lie, worse sitting bent. Pullings in loins as if something alive there. Pott’s curvature. Pain in coccyx as if she had fallen upon it.


Tremor. Tearing above right malleolus, in left index and right arm, but not in joints.

Upper Limbs

Shoulders: tearing in left, in right, then in right ear, pain in tendons of right on motion, touch, and rest, like a tension and as if swollen, bruised pain in left, paralytic pain only on moving them. Arm weak. Tearing in left elbow, now in shoulders, now in right elbow. Cramp in right forearm above wrist on moving it. Pain like a tension and sticking in articular end of radius on moving right index. Tearing in right wrist, then itching on it, not better scratching, then a itching vesicle. Hands tremble. Bruised pain in margin of right hand above little finger. Tearing: in index from base to tip, on inner margin of right thumb, on left middle and ring-fingers in evening: in inner surface of right ring-finger, which is thereby flexed and cannot be extended, in right thumb as if it would be torn out, jerking tearing in a line on outer side of bone of left thumb, with sticking. Pinching on metacarpal joint of left thumb. Contraction of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Gait disturbed, tottering. Sticking: in upper part of left thigh, now in thigh, now in tibia, in left hip on every step, obliging her to limp. Pain in hips, which produces lameness, with shootings at every step. Tearing: above hollow of knee, then also below it, in left femur, posteriorly in right thigh, with sticking, in right thigh on and after waking at II p.m., extending to below knee, better lying on sound side, lying upon right side or back was intolerable, in a spot in middle of left thigh, with paralysed pain as far as knee. Gnawing in hip-bones, in middle of right thigh in evening when sitting with right thigh over left _ Upper part of thigh seems compressed during menstruation. Tearing twitching in right knee. Housemaid’s knee. Tearing: in knees at night, in periosteum of left knee at night, with a swollen feeling, in outside of left knee when sitting, in right tibia, left calf, then weakness of whole leg, left calf when standing, better walking, with tension, downward in tibia in evening. Gnawing in periosteum of left leg. Painful drawing in calves when sitting. Legs give way. Painful weakness of legs. Tearing in back part of left heel when sitting, in right heel when standing, better walking. Ulcerative pain in heels and toes. Pain in left instep in evening as if beaten. Tearing in great toes, in right second toe.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica