Kali Iodatum

between the actions of *K-i. and of *Sul. in their 30th dilutions. After bronchitis, pneumonia, erysipelas, and other inflammatory affections, *K-i., in 30th and also in cruder forms, acts like magic, apparently from the removal of the effete products left in the tissues.” _ *K-i. has also been proved in the regular way, but not so extensively as some other *Kali salts. It acts on the tissues much in the same way as syphilis does _ dissolving them _ glands atrophy, tissues, especially connective tissues and ligaments, inflame and ulcerate. The periosteum and bones are attacked and nodes appear. But *K-i. is perhaps more anti-scrofulous than anti-syphilitic. It acts best in scrofulous patients, especially if syphilis or mercurialization or both are super added. It also causes infiltration, edema and dropsy of various kinds. The blood is acted upon, haemorrhage occurs, and purpura haemorrhagica. A grand indication for *K-i., as pointed out by Cooper, is a “diffused sensitiveness” over parts affected. This appears in the provings: “The scalp is painful on scratching, as if ulcerated (after eleven days).” This is from Hartlaub and Trinks. “Swelling of the whole thyroid gland, increasing very rapidly, *with some sensitiveness to touch and pressure.” It has removed sensitive syphilitic nodes. I have often verified this indication. In all neuralgic or inflammatory conditions where there is heightened and diffused sensitiveness of the affected part, *K-i. must be considered. I cured with *K-i. 30, in a middle-aged man, neuralgia occurring daily over the left eye, in addition to this he complained that his *head was very sore. He had also sore gums and a cough, and was better lying down. There was no syphilis in this case. Farrington mentions “Headache of the external head, hard lumps like nodes on the scalp which pain excessively.” This may be either syphilitic, mercurial, or rheumatic. Cooper cured with *K-i. 30 a case of rheumatic gout in a lady, every joint affected, unable to sleep for weeks on account of the pain. The keynote indication was: “After fatigue, hepatic region becomes tender.” he commends it in affections of the spleen with diffused sensitiveness of spleen region and dropsy. *K-i. also corresponds to serous effusion on the brain secondary to hepatization of the lungs. The action of *K-i. in the respiratory sphere is very important. The coryza of *K-i. is well known, and constitutes for the old school the only generally recognized indication of “Iodism,” as it is called, with supreme disregard of the Kali element. The discharge is acrid, watery, the eyes smart and are puffed, there is lachrymation. (This action on the eyes may develop into iritis, keratitis, and chemosis.) The coryza recurs repeatedly from every little cold, and makes the nose red and swollen. The discharge may become thick, green, offensive, ozena and perforation of the bones may occur. The voice becomes nasal, hoarse, or is lost. “Awakened especially 5 a.m., with dry throat, oppression, loss of voice, glands swollen,” as in croup and edema glottidis. *K-i. corresponds to many cases of phthisis, laryngeal and pulmonary. A characteristic is: Stitches through the lungs, in middle of sternum, through sternum to back or deep in chest while walking. “Deep, hollow, hoarse cough with pain through breast.” The characteristic expectoration is greenish, copious, and *looks like soapsuds. Hering speaks of *K-i. as having been curative in pneumonia and Bright’s disease. Lutz (quoted *H. W., xxviii. 175) remarks on the frequency (from atmospheric causes) of bronchial asthma among both whites and natives in the Sandwich Islands, the symptoms being those of a suffocating capillary bronchitis with defective expiration, *K-i. (crude) giving speedy relief. “The initial, pronounced, and unmistakable symptoms of *K-i. are: coryza, sneezing and bronchitis, and from these spread out an expanse of symptoms such as might be expected from so usual a starting-point of disease” (Cooper). *K-i. has been

commended as a protective against foot and-mouth disease in cattle (*B. M.F., June 26, I895). The heart is profoundly affected, as we have seen above. “Fluttering on awaking, must get up, fearing otherwise he will smother.” It is a favorite remedy for aneurism among old-school practitioners, but there is no need to imitate their massive doses, its action is evidently specific. Walking greatly worse all heart symptoms. It is suited to many cases of rheumatic heart, as well as other rheumatic conditions. The digestive tract is no less disordered than other mucous membranes. There is a terrible pain at the root of the tongue which is characteristic. There is loss of appetite and indigestion with flatulence and bloating almost as intense as that in *Lycopodium Cold much worse all these symptoms. The rectum and genitourinary tract have many symptoms. I cured with it a case of spasm of the rectum with a little pain in the urethra coming on after coitus. *Psorinum and Sulphur had given partial relief before. This worse after coitus relates *K-i. to the other *Kalis _ *Causticum, *Kali-bich., and *Kali-carb. Eruptions of many kinds appear, scrofulous and syphilitic in appearance. There is a papular and pustular eruption, especially on scalp and down back, the pustules leaving scars when they heal. Among the peculiar sensations of *K-i. are: As though head was enlarged, as if it were screwed in, as if a large quantity of water were forced into brain, as if it would be forced asunder, as if a leaflet were at root of nose. As if a worm was crawling at root of nose. Back as if in a vice. As of a tumour in ovaries. In chest as if cut to pieces. In coccyx as if bruised. Cooper has cured with it many cases of noises in the ears, giving a single dose of 30 or higher and allowing it to work. The chief time Condition of *K-iod.* is in the main the same as those of the other great anti- syphilitics. *Syphilinum, *Aurum, Mercurius, and of the disease itself, worse at night, from sunset to sunrise. This applies to its rheumatic and other affections. The sciatica of *K-i. is worse at night, worse lying on painful side, better in open air. The chest symptoms, like those of *Kali-ca., may be worse in early morning 2 to 5 a.m. Headache worse 5 a.m. (also headache worse after a night’s rest). Loose stools also occur at that time (*Kali-bi.). Like *Mercurius, *K-i. has great sensitiveness to atmospheric changes: Every little exposure every damp day will set up the symptoms. At the same time there is the better in open air of *Iodium, etc.: “Irresistible desire for the open air, walking in open air does not fatigue.” The chill of intermittent fever is not better by warmth, but warmth better many symptoms of teeth and scalp. In general, however, there is aversion to heat. Heat worse headache. Motion worse, especially walking, after the first movement, in the lower limbs it is more bearable. Sitting hurts, and flexing limbs better some of the pains. Worse From touch is a very marked feature of *K-i., this is part of the ” diffused sensitiveness: noted by Cooper. All symptoms worse by drinking cold milk. ” *K-i. is a remedy that has a great number of keynotes. It seems to meet all temperaments, and while suitable for pale, delicate subjects, is also required for those who flush easily and are manifestly plethoric. A diffused arterial vesiculosus is met by it, but it is also called for in venous state. Its characteristic tinnitus aurium is certainly the sharp, shrill, hissing and piercing noises, but it also relieves the throbbing, pulsative noises, especially when the heart is hypertrophied and inclined to fatty degeneration. Diversity of lesion, diversity of aggravation, and prolixity of symptoms without any one feature being in prominence, calls for it: a moderate amount of catarrh of one or more of the orifices of the body, with tendency to flatulent distensions, depression, used up feelings, inability to think, are characteristic. But perhaps the most satisfactory action of *K-i., in the 30th, is in rickets (and rickety conditions) along with its many attendant symptoms. When children cannot bear to be touched, cannot ride in jolting conveyances, have big heads and emaciated limbs, big teeth and small jaws, and when they incline to frequency of urination and of defecation, *K-i. 30 will work wonders. In child-life *K-i. acts at once if indicated and completely clears away the symptoms: in adult-life it may often have to be reverted to during the treatment of very obstinate forms of disease. While this is true in a broad sense, it is also true that there is no known prescription that gives a better chance of removal of that very obstinate symptoms tinnitus aurium than a single dose of *K- i. 30 allowed to act., This must not be taken as justification for careless selection of the remedy in cases marked by contraindicating features. ” (Cooper).


*Antidoted by: Hepar. (Also nitricum acidum I have found in many instances nitricum acidum 2I or 30 give vast relief to syphilitics who had been saturated with K-i. under old-school treatment, and were getting worse under it. This includes cases of iritis. Burnett mentioned to me a case of actinomycosis affecting the anal region cured by him with nitricum acidum 3x. The patient had been under leading old-school doctors, among whom massive doses of K-i. is the general treatment of this disease.) Arg-n. relieved “fullness and indigestion after each dose ” caused by K-i. in a patient to whom I had given it. Antidote to: Mercurius, Lead-poisoning. *Follows well: Mercurius *Followed well by: nitricum acidum *Compare: Iodium (goitre, heart affections, worse from warmth, phthisis), Causticum ( worse by touch, syphilis), Kali-carb. ( Worse from coitus, worse 2-4 a.m., extreme sensitiveness), Lachesis (smothering sensation on waking, than that of Lachesis And has hard lumps on scalp, K-i. causes infiltration of bones as well as soft tissues, Lachesis only of the latter), Mercurius (syphilis, catarrh, sensitiveness to weather, stitching pains through lungs. Mercurius in different directions, K- i. through sternum to back), Pso. and Gelsemium (Hay fever, Gelsemium Has more sneezing), Eriodict. “Yerba Santa” _ (catarrhal phthisis), Ant-t. (threatened paralysis of lungs), Arsen. (catarrhal symptoms, wasting, restlessness), Belladonna (brain congestion), Apis (dropsy, worse by heat), Lycopodium (flatulent distension), Mez., Pul., Silicea, Sul., Actea R., Chi., Nat-sul., and Carb. Sul (nisus in the ears).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica