Kali Iodatum


Drinking cold milk. SYMPTOMS.


Half mad all night. Talkative and full of jokes. Sadness. Anxiety. Fright at every trifle, every little noise starting. Apprehensive and lachrymose in evening. Irritable, irascible, especially towards his children, and excited, quarrelsome. Weeping from slightest cause. Sadness. Anxiety. Dreads the return of dawn, and the trivial details of life seem insupportable. Always troubled. Troublesome and unreasonable impressions easily strengthened into fixed ideas. Loss of memory, cannot find words at the moment wanted, cannot write his reports, cannot play music, formication in hands, marked weakness of lower limbs. Intellectual weakness and paroxysms of dementia, accompanied by headache.


Intoxicated feeling. Vertigo. Vertigo in the dark, worse railway travelling. Headache, at 5 a.m., inability to find a resting- place for head, better rising, with heaviness of it. Heaviness, on stopping, after dinner, making her fretful, and dullness. Congestion. Feeling as if much water were being forced into brain, as if head being distended. Violent, compressive or expansive headaches, with sensation of coldness in part affected, jerking stitches in left sinus, tearing in right side in evening, transiently better by pressure, with sticking, digging in left side, aching, aching in sinuses and right ethmoid cells. Digging or throbbing in one side of forehead only. Heaviness in sinciput and vertex, evening and night, with sensitiveness to touch. Temples: sticking in left at 6 p.m., with tearing, heaviness in right, painful throbbing in left in evening. Vertex: stitches in front of in evening, pinching here and there, pain as if it would be forced asunder, better external warmth but often returning, with external heat in vertex, but general chilliness, tension, with sticking in it and with tear in left temple extending into nape. Screwing together from both sides in morning, better open air. Occiput: pain, heaviness towards evening, tension in bones, with stitches. Pain in scalp on scratching, as if ulcerated. Hard lumps on skull with headache. Hair changes colour and falls out.


Eyes: surrounded by dark rings, and sunken, ferrety in morning. Cellular tissue about eyes oedematous. Protruding eyes. Discharge of purulent mucus in morning. Constant oscillation, inability to fix them, pupils dilated. Tearings beneath left eye. Pain waking him, with lachrymation and burning in nose and throat. Biting in right eye, better scratching recurring in evening. Burning in afternoon, in evening, with purulent mucus, with redness of lids and with lachrymation of right eye. Uneasy feeling in left eye in morning and on waking, external edge of periosteum of orbit tender on pressure, left eye similarly affected, next day a peculiar pain in a direct line from external border of one orbit to that of the other. Lachrymation, (of right eye) Balls painful on movement. Balls felt as if in a rubber covering, which kept up a constant contraction. Lids: swelling of, swelling of upper and tarsal regions, which were bluish red, tarsal cysts. Cutting in right external canthus in evening, burning, with photophobia, evening. Conjunctive injected, chemosis. Orbital margins: gnawing on right lower, painful drawing in right upper. Sensitiveness to light and vision obscured by undulations. Vision: dim, double, disturbed, dim with ringing in both ears.


Sticking: in right ear during day, in left in evening in bed, extending into head, extending into left ear. Tearing: now in right, now in left, deep in right in forenoon, in right in evening, making it sensitive, in front of left, extending into temple, in bones, in front of right, extending into temple making whole side painful. Otalgia, with great sensitiveness of ear. Piercing pain, worse right. Gnawing within and behind left Boring pain in right ear. Indescribable pain extending outward from left ear in evening, and if she moves hand towards ear, even without touching it, it creeps over side of face, as if mesmerized. Feeling as if something had fallen in front of ears, with tearing. Itching in left ear. Cracking in right on attempting to swallow. Ringing, and buzzing. Sounds as of a river sweeping by, as of rain on roof, like cutting stones, grating, cracking noise, membrane sensitive. Hearing almost gone.


Tearing in upper part of left nostril. Burning: in nostrils, in upper part, with feeling as if a leaf were in front of it, and in throat. Stoppage (in morning), with running of clear water, corrosive, burning. Tingling prickling, with violent paroxysmal sneezing, alternately right and left nostril occluded, heat in nasal sinuses, acrid discharge from anterior nares. Sneezing and running of clear water. Ineffectual effort at sneezing. Coryza: with redness of eyes, nose, throat, and palate, with lachrymation, violent sneezing, running of water, frequent irritation to cough and swelling of upper lids, laryngitis. Running from nose, of burning water, making the skin sore: a stream of hot fluid, waking at 3 a.m., with salivation at 7 a.m. Discharge of thick yellow mucus. Violent bleeding. Loss of smell. Great sensibility of nostrils. From the least cold, redness of nose, ears, face, white-coated tongue, nasal voice, violent thirst, alternate heat and chilliness, dark hot urine, headache, and great soreness and tenderness of nose (in persons who have previously taken much mercury). Fullness in nose.


Face yellow, more yellowish green than dead white. Swelling of left cheek. Distension of cheeks and submaxillary spaces, with stiffness. Look earnest, wild, uncertain, excited, sometimes depressed, sad. Sticking in left cheek, with jerking, then sensitiveness. Tearing in left zygoma in morning when lying on it, with sticking. Malar bones sensitive to touch. Lost the power of moving cheeks and lips and unable to masticate. Jaws: stitches from left to upper parietal bone in morning in bed, tearing in left lower and in corresponding teeth, tearing in both sides of lower as if it would be torn out, gnawing in both sides of lower, excruciating pain in shocks like neuralgia, and in teeth, stiffness, stiffness and uneasiness, immobility. Lips dry, cracked, and coated, full of glutinous mucus in morning after waking. Painful drawing in right side of upper lips and in gum. Sensitiveness of upper lip and of nostril, even when not touched.


Jerking or shooting in right eye-tooth, worse lying down till midnight and from 4 to 5 a.m., worse cold, better warmth, at one time pain as if the tooth would break, or as if a worm were digging in it. Tearing in left upper teeth. Tearing in right upper molars and in margin of right orbit. Tearing in lower teeth in evening and feeling as if a weight hung from lower jaw. Throbbing in a hollow tooth when walking in open air. Grumbling in a hollow left lower molar. Teeth feel too long in evening and are painful. Gum swollen and painful. Swelling about a hollow tooth. Ulcerative (shooting) pain in right lower gums. Pain as from ulceration in teeth at night.


Tongue: blister on tip of tongue with burning pain, hypertrophied, tender, covered with nodes and fissured by deep cracks, coated white. Spasmodic pain at root of tongue at night before sleep, extending to both sides of throat, causing fear of impending death, with sensation as if a spasm would close the pharynx. Tongue dry in morning and stiff, coated dark brown. Burning in a spot (also sore pain) on left margin of tongue. Speech thick and indistinct. Hard and soft palate swollen, tender, and in many places excoriated, afterwards palate painful and felt as if the tissues were stretched laterally across posterior part of soft palate and root of tongue, pharynx and larynx dry, causing hoarseness, afterwards the secretions from mouth, nose, and eyes very acrid. Mouth dry, during chill in evening, with thirst. Mouth and throat dry and bitter. Burning in mouth as after hot food. Mouth numb in morning after waking. Salivation, with nausea _ Flow of mucus and saliva from mouth. Bloody saliva with disgusting taste. Offensive odor, in morning after rising, almost as after onions. Taste: bitter, worse throat, better breakfast, sweetish-bitter after waking, rancid after eating and drinking (after all kinds of food or drink), after taste of food, lost or like straw.


Swelling of thyroid gland (goitre) with sensitiveness to touch and pressure. Swelling and suppuration of submaxillary glands. Choking as if something stuck in throat, better hawking up a piece of thick mucus. Sticking in left side only on swallowing, worse evening, with ulcerative burning at epigastrium, salivation, and coryza. Swallowing painful and difficult, with redness and swelling of soft palate and tonsils ( worse right). Burning and uneasiness in esophagus and stomach. Increased secretion of mucus in throat.


Great bitterness in mouth and throat going off after breakfast. Bulimy. Appetite: increased, next day diminishing or disappearing, lost. Aversion to all food, to broth. Thirst, evenings.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica