Juglans Regia

Stool & Anus

Stool: liquid twice a day, preceded or accompanied by pain in abdomen, thin, soft, large, at last almost thin. Stool hard, difficult, scanty. Stool delayed. Constipation. Bowels confined in morning, natural in afternoon. Large stool, then burning pain and pressure in anus. Stool scanty and frequent, difficult, omitted. Itching at the anus in the evening in bed, with stitches, compelling one to walk about.

Urinary Organs

Frequent desire to pass water from loss of tone of sphincter. Constant urging and involuntary dribbling. Continuous desire to urinate, and frequent micturition day and night, with very profuse discharge. Obliged to urinate at night. Obliged to urinate often, and much at a time. Copious urine, but no thirst. Urine scanty and clear. Urine dark red.

Male Sexual Organs

Frequent erections day and night. Burning in penis after coition with his wife, with abrasion where prepuce joins penis, afterwards a suppurating streak half-way around between glans and prepuce, then the ulcer became larger, margins hard, base lardaceous, bleeding on slight pressure, often there was a small scab, from beneath which pus oozed and which often came off and left a suppurating ulcer, afterwards a healthy scab formed in the middle and fell off, leaving healthy skin, so that instead of one long narrow there were two small round ulcers, these healed and left no scar.

Female Sexual Organs

Menstruation too early and too profuse, discharge of a large quantity of black clots, preceded by pressive drawing pains in abdomen, worse by motion, accompanied with general exhaustion and loss of appetite.

Respiratory Organs

Aphonia or great hoarseness.


Itching on the sternum. Sticking in lungs not dependent on motion or respiration. Oppression.

Heart and Pulse

Pulse rapid and full.

Back and neck

Stitches in sacral region. Violent stitches in the small of the back, causing one to tremble.


Drawing pain as if sprained, in first phalanx and joint of left thumb, worse motion, and while in bed the same pain in right great toe. Sticking and itching in right leg and right fingers. Drawing and paralysed feeling in legs and knees, with weakness and with giving way of knees when walking, and a similar sensation in right hand.

Upper Limbs

Itching of skin of axilla (right), tetters formed, afterwards (left) Electric starts in forearms and hands wake him as he falls asleep. Weak feeling in right hand. Intermittent pain in right index.

Lower Limbs

Pain in the hips or knees, impeding walking. Sticking in inner condyle of knee and feeling of impediment when walking. Rheumatic pain in knee impeding walking. Pain in right instep when walking, and sensation of impediment. A burning itching eruption of lower extremities occurring in winter, itching commencing as soon as he undressed, was cured by the proving.


Muscles relaxed. Exhaustion and disinclination for the usual business. Intoxicated sensation, as if flying.


Eruption behind ears of children. Itching eruption over the whole body. Pimples on face, red pimples on face, neck, shoulders, and back, some containing thickish fluid, pimples on nape, discharging moisture when scratched (like acne). Itching: here and there, on sternum, on hands, right hand, dorsum of right hand, then on feet, forehead, scalp and abdomen, right fingers in afternoon, legs, arms and abdomen at night, with tossing about and inability to sleep: here and there causing restless sleep, with dreams and erections, on flexor surface of right forearm, near elbow, with burning and red spot, in the middle of which was a pimple, the redness disappeared, but the pimple was painful and pus formed. Painful, large blood-boils on the shoulder and in the region of the liver. Glandular swellings (scrofulous swellings). Pustules as in eczema, with burning-itching, red, cracked skin, discharging a greenish fluid stiffening the linen. Syphilitic, scrofulous and mercurial ulcers and herpes. Itching in right axilla, with burning, skin sore and cracked then red and scaly, it became moist, on margin of tetter burning vesicles, the tetter worse after perspiring much, the perspiration, with the secretion from the eruption, stiffened the linen and stained it greenish- yellow, the pain sometimes so great that violent motion of the arms was impossible, there were always new vesicles and larger extent of redness after increased burning and itching, the same trouble in left axilla, then a furuncle on shoulder, on coracoid process, then a painful furuncle over biceps, with circumscribed redness and induration, discharging bloody matter, then two red itching spots on right elbow, upon which a yellow pustule formed, a furuncle, with induration and pain, between 9th and I0th ribs, with thick, bloody discharge, leaving an induration, about this time a red spot near seat of second furuncle, becoming like an indurated gland, at this time on left instep, then on right redness, with itching and vesicles, leaving hard scurf, whereby the whole place became elevated and painful, the scabs were pressed in by the boots and rubbed off so that the part was raw, after healing the spot was bluish red and swollen.


Yawning, in afternoon, with stretching. Sleepiness. Inability to sleep after dinner though inclined to do so earlier than usual. Restless sleep with frightful dreams. Restless dreams.


Pulse full and frequent in the evening. Cold limbs, after 9 p.m., with hot head. Alternations of cold and heat in short attacks during the day. Alternations of coldness and heat over whole body, with heaviness of head, which after eating increased to pain, better after 3 p.m. Heat over whole body in evening. Frequent and sudden attacks of flushes of heat. Heat in flushes, with confusion of head. Burning hot face in the evening, with cold extremities. Hot head in evening. Hot hands at 9 p.m., with rapid pulse, then general sweat. Sweat staining greenish yellow and stiffening linen.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica