Juglans regia

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Juglans Regia, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Including f.cinerea, L.; and f. regia, L. Nat.Ord., Fuglandeacae Juglans cinerea, butter nut.


1a. CL. MULLER, aet. 24, phlegmatic – choleric temperament, in good health, took Sept. 22nd, 1842, 9 a. m., 10 dr. tinct. of outer hull. After 1/2 hours repeated eructations.23rd. 20 dr., frequent eructations, sometimes with hiccup, good appetite. After dinner distended abdomen and discharge of much flatus. 4 p. m., very copious soft stool, latterly nearly liquid, abdomen much distended all day – 24th. 30 dr., soon violent eructation. After 2 hours pain in left side of abdomen under false ribs, increased by deep breathing, laughing, and stooping, till 6 p. m. About noon frequent flushes of heat with confusion of head and pressive pain over eyes, worse on moving. In afternoon frequent yawning and stretching. Appetite good, no stool. – 25th. 40 dr., after 1/2 hours much eructation, pain in left side of abdomen only when walking quickly, extending almost all over abdomen, appetite good, abdomen greatly distended. 7 p. m., stool scanty and hard, with straining. – 26th. No med., abdomen still distended, no stool. – 27th. 60 dr., immediately nausea and feeling of burning in stomach, eructation; on walking quickly dull pain on left side of abdomen, head confused and pain in forehead, especially when shaken and on moving eyes, till noon. 2 p. m., healthy stool, afterwards disagreeable feeling of tension and fulness of abdomen. – 28th. 100 dr., during forenoon violent loud eructations. From 11 a. m., occasional flushes of heat and coldness, with heaviness of head, which increased to pain after eating, but was gone by 3 p. m. After 4 p. m. itching for a long time on back of right hand, making him scratch, then on foot, forehead, hairy scalp, abdomen, but nothing visible on skin. No stool, distended abdomen, much flatus, profuse discharge of urine. From 9 p. m., till he went to sleep hot head with cold extremities. – 29th. No med. On waking m., tongue furred white, with bitter, slimy taste. Afternoon, normal stool, much urine. Evening, burning hot head and very cold extremities, pulse quick. – From Sept.30th to Oct. 5th no med., no symptoms. – Oct. 6th, 9 a. m., 40 dr. tinct. of leaves. Immediately nausea, nasty bitter taste lasting I hour, frequent eructations. 10 a. m., pressive pain in forehead, especially over left eye and in eyes; in nose and head feeling as of commencing coryza, confusion, sometimes vertigo, but very good appetite and normal stools. From 4 p. m. head free and light. Passed 56 oz. urine of normal character,; no increase of thirst. – 7th. Slimy taste on waking, and tongue covered with white mucus. 9 a. m., 60 dr., after which violent eructation, distended abdomen normal stool, 61 oz. dark red urine. – 8th, 9 a. m., 80 dr. Eructation, headache especially over left eye; no stool, 64 oz. urine. – 9th. No med. Normal stool, urine 40 oz. 10th. No stool, urine 44. oz.- 11th. Normal stool, urine 38 oz. – 12th to 18th. Daily normal stool, urine from 40 to 45 oz. – 19th, m., 40 dr. tinct of hull. Repeated eructation, normal stool, 47 oz. of normal urine. – 20th. 40 dr., soon nausea, retching. After I hours slight wandering pains in bowels, confusion of head, burning in eyes. 2 p. m., normal stool. Thirst, urine 55 oz. passed at six times, once in middle of n., quite unusual. – 21st. 60 dr., violent eructation and flatulence. After 1 hour confusion and heaviness of head, pain in forehead, especially left side, general weariness and disinclination for usual occupations. After dinner head free and light; no stool, 46 oz. urine. To – day and yesterday burning – itching in anus, very violent, compelling constant scratching. – 22nd. No med. Forenoon, when sitting, very severe short stitches in sacral region, making him start, stool very firm, urine 54 oz. – 23rd. Nothing but frequent itching in anus and copious discharge of urine. – 24th. No stool. Itching in anus very severe in bed at n. in fits of about of 5 m.; painful stitches in anus, so that he must frequently rise up, and for 2 hours could not sleep.

1b. Sept.7th, 1844, took 20 dr. of tinct. of leaves. After I hours slight drawing in bowels, abdomen distended, extreme hunger, constant itching on right hand. 8 p. m., after supper, nausea, loathing of tobacco smoke, discontented feeling. In bed there came on burning and itching on skin of lower extremities, arms, and body, here and there, with restless tossing about and inability to sleep. Unusually copious urine. – 8th. No med., no symptoms. – 9th, m., 50 dr. Repetition of the drawing in hypogastrium, eructation, flatulence. After I hours frequent shooting and itching in right thigh, in afternoon in fingers of right hand. 3 p. m., copious stool, followed by burning pain and pressing in anus, constant urging to urinate, the urine dribbles away involuntarily. – 10th. 50 dr., after I hours the drawing in abdomen recurred, with slight pressure in spleen and eructation, pain in forehead, over eyes with giddiness, itching on skin here and there. On nape small pimples, exuding when scratched (ordinary acne). In bed, evening, excited as if tipsy, felt as if hovering in air. – 11th, 9 a. m., 80 dr. After 1/2 hours drawing and lame feeling in legs and knees, with peculiar weakness interfering with walking on account of frequent giving way of knees, until noon; a similar but slighter feeling in right hand, lasting only a short time. Some pressive pain in forehead. In afternoon itching in several fingers of right hand. 5 p. m., peculiar drawing pain in first phalanx of left thumb and wrist, worse when moved, not increased by pressure, as if dislocated, lasting all e. In bed, same pain in right big toe, many and restless dreams. Much urine. – 12th. On waking m. pain in thumb and toe still present, that in toe goes off after getting up, but that in thumb lasts all day, often only when moved, but occasionally when at rest. – 13th, 9 a. m., 70 dr. Thumb still painful. Frequent itching and burning in anus. 6 p. m., nausea, very bitter taste, collection of saliva in mouth, frequent yawning, good appetite. – 14th. Thumb still sometimes painful, sometimes the same sensation in right index. Three pimples on the face. Burning in anus. – 16th. 30 dr., two fresh and larger pimples on mouth. Was traveling till Sept.24th. The pimples healed up after becoming pustular and forming scabs. In beginning of October took 3 times at intervals of 3 dr. 1st dec. dil., which caused symptoms, similar to those recorded, but milder. – 12th and 18th. 30 dr. tinct, same symptoms, only stronger, appeared. About this time the right axilla began to itch and burn, and the skin became sore and chapped. In Nov. the skin was quite red, desquamated, exuded, and a patch of eczema as big as half – a – crown appeared, with vesicles at its margin, which burned violently. The eczema became much worse after getting in a perspiration, sweat and discharge together made the linen greenish – yellow and stiff. Sometimes the pain was so severe that movement of the arm was impossible. The increased burning and itching was always attended by an aggravation and extension of the eczematous patch and vesicles, which came on a few hours after the burning. In Dec. a similar eruption came in the right axilla, but never got so bad as the first. In Jan. a small furuncle appeared on the coracoid process of the right shoulder, which supported and healed up in a few days, then on Jan. 10th a very large painful boil came on the biceps muscle about 2 inches above elbow, with a hard and red areola, that after poulticing discharged much pus and then healed quickly. – Feb. 8th. There appeared on the right elbow 2 red spots an inch square, which itched violently, and on which a small yellow ulceration filled with pus appeared. They lasted about 1 week. – 11th. The eczema in axilla not yet gone. – 16th. In right axilla hardly anything to be seen, but in left there is a fresh eruption of small burning vesicles, which afterwards form a red exuding spot. The burning and discharge much increased by sweating, and the linen in stained greenish yellow and stiffened to a large extent. – 18th. A large boil appeared on right side between ninth and tenth ribs, with considerable hardness and violent pain; it burst after 9 day, and discharged thick bloody pus, but soon healed, but left considerable hardness for a long time. In the middle of February there appeared on the arm, not far from the seat of the second boil, a red spot, which gradually rose up, at the end of 10 days attained the size of a hazel – nut and felt rather hard, something like a small encysted tumour or an indurated gland, but quite painless. About the same time as the trouble in the axilla came there appeared, first on the left instep then on the right, a peculiar cutaneous affection, which soon became troublesome, a red itching place the size of half – a – crown; on it arose small pimples, which became covered with small hard scabs. The whole spot became gradually elevated and very painful, the small scabs caused severe pain when pressed on by the boot. When they were scratched off healthy epidermis was found beneath them. This affection continued till March, and then gradually went off, but the part remained during the next few months of a bluish – red colour, and was swollen. By May the eczema in the axillae was completely gone, and also the small hard swelling on the arm, only a red colour remained there. – May 10th to 16th. Took every other day 30 dr. 1st dec. dil. On the 2nd day felt a violent burning and itching, and there came a red spot size of half – a – crown on the outer side of forearm near elbow – joint, in the centre of which a small pimple rose. Next day the red spot had disappeared, but the pimple increased in size, was very painful, and pus appeared in it, but it disappeared without bursting, and after 6 day it was quite gone. He had never before suffered from any skin affection. (Hygea, xxii, 70.) 2a. LAURENZ FRITZ, surgeon, aet, 25, venous – bilious constitution, Sept. 26th, 1842, took 10 dr. tinct. of hulls. No symptoms. – 27th. After 20 dr. eructation, distended abdomen, hard stool. – 28th. 30 dr., violent eructation, distension and hardness of abdomen, flatulence, great hunger all day – 29th. 40 dr., yesterday’s symptoms recurred, the flatulence was very troublesome, stool hard, frequent micturition, double the usual quantity of urine, causing him to get up at n. – 30th. 70 dr., after 3 hours pressive pain on left side of abdomen, with wandering pinching in bowels, abdomen very distended and hard, very hard stool with little relief to abdomen. Urine copious and frequent. – Oct. 1st. and 2nd. Same symptoms, but slighter. b. Oct. 3rd, 5 a. m., 40 dr. of tinct of leaves, eructation. – 4th. 80 dr., flatulence, rumbling in abdomen, firm stool, tympanitic distension of abdomen, with unusually great hunger, but not increased thirst, passed 2 or 3 times the usual quantity of dark red urine, had to get up 3 times at n. to pass it. – 5th, 6th, 7th. Same symptoms. – 4th. After coitus slight burning in penis, and there appeared a chap or excoriation where the prepuce is attached to penis. This increased, and after 8 days developed into a suppurating stripe several lines in breadth half way round between glans and prepuce. Then it took on a worse appearance, the ulcer became deeper, its borders hard, its fundus lardaceous and easily bleeding it looked very like a chancre. Often slight crusts formed, but the suppuration continued under these and they fell off, leaving the suppurating ulcer as before. Thus 19 days passed, during which the ulcer continued to increase. After some days more there was formed on the centre a firm healthy scab, which eventually fell off, and the skin beneath was healthy. The ulcer now changed into 2 small round ulcers, in appearance just like syphilis. These little ulcers became covered with scabs, and when they fell off the ulcers were healed. The whole process lasted 37 d.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.