Juglans regia

Juglans Regia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Juglans regia, Linn. Natural order, Juglandaceae. Common name: Walnut (European). Preparation: Tincture from leaves and from the rind of the green fruit (Clotar Muller).


Excited, as if intoxicated, in the evening in bed and a feeling as if the head were floating in the air. Peevish, discontented mood in the evening (first day). Disinclination to talk or argue, as was customary with him mental indolence.


Confusion. Confusion of the head (second day). Confusion at times vertigo, on the head (first day). Confusion and heaviness of the head (second day). Head confused and heavy. General head. Heaviness and dull pain in the head. heaviness of the head which after eating increases to a pain, but wholly disappears after 7 p. m. (seventh day). Headache, especially above the left eye (third day). Headache and flushed face (eighth day). Dull headache after dinner and in evening. violent headache pressive headache, especially in the forehead. Forehead. Pain in the fore head above the eyes, as if dizzy. Pain in the forehead, especially on shaking the head or moving the eyes (sixth day). Pain in the left side of the forehead (third day). Frontal headache, with yawning and great desire to sleep. although had slept well the previous night (sixth day). Pressive pain in the forehead. Pressive pain in the forehead especially above the left eye (after one hour, first day). Sharp lancinating pain in the forehead for several minutes (after third dose, first day). Temples. Throbbing in both temples and a sharp pain in front part of head, relieved by going into open air, and returning on entering the warm room (half an hour after second dose, fourth day); continues fifth day. Parietals. Migraine (hitherto unknown in the region of the left parietal bone, in a spot of the size of a dollar, lasting several hours, and so violent on speaking that he was obliged to cease.


Pressive pain above the eyes, aggravated by motion (third day). Feeling as in the commencement of coryza in the eyes, nose, and head (first day). Burning in the eyes (second day).


Left ear commenced burning severely at 2,30 p. m. (two hours and half after second dose). became very red and swollen and before bedtime a pimple began to form on the inside (second day) burning in the ear increased (third day). For eight days had discharge of pus from my ears (the left one more than the right). With a severe burning and redness of the external (left) ear when walking there was a feeling as if something was dropping inside of the ear at every step (after four days). during the greater part of the time I was thinking I was taking the drug, I could not lay the left side of my head on the pillow on account of the soreness, Right ear aching, with a feeling of fullness (eleventh day). Two days later, left ear commenced in the same way I than had a discharge of pus from both ears for about a month the external part of the ear was very much. inflamed, and had two large and painful sores on it, similar to those I have seen on children who have eaten freely of the nuts.


Flushed face and headache (eight day). Swelling of the left check and upper lip, with a swelling on the gum over the left upper incisors, without previous toothache after five days this began to affect the cheek and the skin became red, after a week there was a hard, reddish. extremely painful swelling in the left cheeks, in the middle of which, about an inch and a half from the wing of the nose, was a round, sharply defined circle of the size of a penny, rather depressed beneath the rest of the swelling dark red, and yielding discharge of matter at this point was expected every minute, as it could be seen through only a thin layer of skin I then had the tooth (which was apparently sound ) drawn when a large quantity of ichorous pus discharged through the cavity and fortunately an external opening was avoided after a few days the swelling wholly disappeared, and the natural color of he skin returned.


Teeth. Dull, tearing toothache in hollow teeth, aggravated by the warmth of the bed. Tongue. Tongue coated white, (second day). Tongue thickly coated white, bitter slimy taste ion the mouth in the morning after the waking (eight day). General mouth. After dinner he could not make up his mind to drink wine or water as usual a kind of inclination to keep the mouth dry. Saliva. Accumulation of the saliva in the mouth. Taste, slimy taste in the mouth on waking in the morning (second day). Bitter taste in the mouth, Very bitter taste,.


Hawking of an unusually large amount of mucus from the throat.


Appetite. Increased appetite, soon, Unusual appetite (first day). Great appetite. great appetite through the whole proving, unusually great appetite, very greet appetite (first day)., Great hunger (after one hour). Unusually great hunger without increased thirst, very great hunger the whole day. Loss of appetite, (50). Aversion to tobacco smoking in the evening (first day). Thirst. Thirst increased (second day). Eructation and hiccough. Eructations,, and flatulence. Frequent eructations (after half an hour). Many eructations. Many loud eructations, (seventh day), Violent eructations. Eructations rather annoying (fifth day), Eructations tasting of the drug (half an hour after first dose, first day), (half an hour after second dose twenty-first day) Eructations tasting as after eating fat (after second dose). (first day). Hiccough, especially violent after eating fat food, Nausea and vomiting. Nausea (sixth day), at 6 am,; And after supper (first day). Nausea and inclination to vomit. Nausea and vomiting soon, woke suddenly from sleep and vomited food which he had eaten three hours before, after which he slept without further trouble Stomach. Burning in the stomach (sixth day). Pressive pain in the epigastric region, and distension of the abdomen.


Hypochondria. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, beneath the lowest ribs, slight pressure in the regions of the spleen, with eructations. Umbilical and sides. Pain in the intestines, above the umbilicus, pain in the left side of the abdomen, beneath false, ribs, aggravated, by taking a deep breath, laughing or stooping (third day). Dull plain in the left side of the abdomen, on walking rapidly (sixth day). Pressive pain over the whole left side of the abdomen with wandering griping in the intestines. General Abdomen. Fullness in the abdomen, causing frequent desire for stool. Abdomen full and hard with great accumulation of flatulence. Abdomen very full and distended after eating. Distension of the abdomen with frequent eructation, distension of the abdomen with rumbling and flatulence, distension of the abdomen so great that he was obliged to loosen his clothes, together with violent pressure in the stomach. Tympanitic distension of the abdomen distended (second day). Abdomen distended and tense. Abdomen very much distended and hard, Abdomen very much distended, with emission of much flatulence, after dinner (second day). Abdomen so distended that in spite of good appetite he could eat only a little on account of a sensation of excessive fullness Rumbling in the abdomen, Rumbling and griping in the intestines rumbling in the intestines, with pressive pain in the epigastric region. Flatulence, (after second dose, third day). Flatulence especially emitted while lying down, Flatulence, now becoming rather annoying (fifth day). Emission of much flatulence, profuse emission of flatulence. Pains in the abdomen. Violent pain over the whole abdomen, somewhat relieved by eructations. Wandering pains in the abdomen (after one hour second day). Pains in the abdomen pressive and drawings aggravated by motion followed, by appearance of menstruation fifteen days before the time, whereupon the pains moderated during the eight succeeding days there was a very copious discharge of blood, blackish, often in large clots while the menses usually lasted only three days). At the same time she complained of general exhaustion and loss of appetite, Unpleasant sensation of fullness in the abdomen Disagreeable sensation of tension and fullness in the abdomen (sixth day). Slight drawings in the intestines, with distended abdomen (after one hour). Pressive pain over the whole abdomen, Hypogastrium. Violent pain in the whole lower portion of the abdomen, with nausea, sharp cutting pain in the right hypogastric region, lasting a few minutes, (five hours after third dose, fifth day). Violent sticking pain in the hypogastric region on moving or stooping.


Burning in the anus Frequent burning and itching in the anus. Sharp painful stitches in the anus, so that he was frequently obliged to get out of bed, and was unable to sleep for two hours (fifth night). (Burning itching in the anus, to which he had been accustomed for a long time became greatly aggravated with constant scratching) sudden desire for stool, with excessive fullness in the abdomen.


Diarrhoea. Liquid evacuation from the bowels, preceded or accompanied by pressive pain in the abdomen, Liquid stool (first day). Twice repeated (second day), Stool thin (second day. Thin, soft or liquid stools throughout the whole proving, stool large, soft, at last almost thin, at 4. p. m. (second day). Evacuation large followed by burning pain and pressure in the anus, Stool hard, Stool very hard (fourth day). Constipation. Bowels constipated (third day). Bowels confined since commencing the proving (second day). Bowels confined in the morning a natural evacuation in the afternoon (fifth day). Stool constipated (third day). hard and passed with great exertion (fifth day). Stool scanty, hard, with effort (fifty one hours after the preceding stool). (fourth day). Stool with great exertion. No evacuation of the bowels (eight day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.