The Acids.
All the acids have in their pathogenesis a common symptom clearly marked. It is the debility i.e. to say a persistent sense of weakness which is very often seen clinically in a number of chronic cases. This debility often characterises the diabetic patient. Not only the patient who has slight or transitory diabetes but also the patient who suffers important, durable and irremediable glycosuria. The these patients who are always week, always fragile, suit the acids. Moreover we must not forget that the acids will act preventively against acidosis which is the greatest danger of diabetes.
Other morbid states are accompanied by diabetes, when it persists for a long time, say for years. These are dyspepsias. We have already shown the value of acid in dyspeptic patients, specially hyperchlorhydria or due to butyric fermentation.
These diabetic dyspeptics will have more often important symptoms that will indicate the acids.
These acids are: (a) The most important: Acetic, Boric, Lactic, Phosphoric.
(b) Less frequently indicated: Carbolic, Flouric, Nitric and picric.
Acetic acidum.
Great weakness, frequent swooping Persons with flaccid fibres, loose muscles, pale leady colours of the skin Emaciation
Great thirst.
Tendency to oedema
Frequent dyspeptic troubles burning in the stomach hyperacidity gastric fermentation. Salivation.
Burning pain in the stomach followed by the sensation of coldness of the skin and cold sweats on forehead.
Ammonium carbonicum, is to be compared with Acetic acidum: Glycosuria, profuse sweats, weakness and swooning (It is to be remembered that Ammon Carb. has more weakness than Acetic Acidum) Boric acidum
It suits to diabetics with urinary troubles, dry cracked tongue, red.
Gushes of heat during menopause (like Lachesis) Tendency to the oedema of the face, specially of the eyelids.
Sensation of intense coldness. Cold salivation.
Lactic acidum.
Diabetes with marked polyuria.
The remedy is interesting to study in its action because we know that the muscles which while working produces Lactic acid while they become tired, rather Sarcolactic acid which does not differ from real Lactic acid but by its polarimetric rotation. Thus the game which chases has the muscles very stiff because of the formation of Sarcolactic acid. This fact denotes in Homoeopathy great muscular weakness (some types of influenza) Lactic acid
Will be useful in some cases of dyspeptic conditions with copious salivation, nausea, better by eating acid eructations or still in rheumatising condition with weakness and trembling by the least effort.
Naturally it will to diabetics who will have the above symptoms.
Phosphoricum acidum.
Great physical and mental debility.
One of the best remedies of diabetes; suits to the grave condition, weakening diabetes of children.
Profuse urination frequent watery or milky, nocturnal polyuria.
Debility, muscular, sexual and sensorial. Amblyopia.
Somnolence, profuse sweats at night and in the morning.
Vertigo in the evening while walking or while standing.
Face pale, dry and cracked lips.
Carbolic acidum
Diabetes with bad condition tendency to paralysis, weakness of the heart and of the pulse, respiratory, tendency to prostration and stupor (Opium) Desire for stimulants.
Tendency to burning eruption with vesicles and ulcerations.
Fluoricum acidum.
Diabetes with circulatory troubles of the lower extremities, atony of venous blood vessels and of capillaries. Tendency to ulcers.
Diabetes associated with syphilis, old, acquired or hereditary.
Nitric acidum.
Diabetes with debility and cachexia.
Tendency of palms and arm-pits.
Picric acidum.
A remedy of the degeneration of nerves, specially of the nerves of the marrow with paralysis. Acts specially on the lumbosacral marrow, goes towards paraplegia..
Very important in case of nervous debility.
Great weakness of the lower limbs with the sensation of drawing and heaviness of the legs.
Aggravation by exercise.
Irritation of the lower part of the marrow determines in Picric acidum the sexual excitation, prolonged erection and seminal emissions during sleep, followed by great weakness.