Blood and Urine Isopathy.
Isopathy (called Isotherapy) of blood and urine of the patient in question has been used with different success in dilutions of there product: 6, 12, 30, 200, 1000 The lower dilutions seem to contained well. Here it should be considered whether the sugar contained in the blood and urine is to be isolated or not, in order to intensify the results to be obtained, for dynamising it and prescribing it.
It is generally less known, although it is mentioned in the Materia Medica. However it is valuable. As our friend Barbishac has indicated. I myself have frequently used Glycerine 200 with good success: rapid diminution of the percentage of sugar in the urine in many cases. But this remedy seems to be dangerous sometimes like all other remedies which may diminish very rapidly or may cause to disappear glycosuria. It should be helped with the drainage remedies or may cause to disappear glycosuria. it should be helped with the drainage remedies or by the remedies of temperament of the patient and to prescribe it as follows.
Natrum muriaticum 200 one dose then Glycerine 200 one dose 10 to 12 days after Natrum Muriaticum and so on (if Natrum Muriaticum is naturally remedy) always prescribing syzigium 1x or other satellite remedies.
May act also in diabetes when there are pluri-glandular troubles, suprarenal, kidney, pancreas. Its symptoms are: Rise of arterial tension, slow pulse general symptoms of sympathetic atonia. In these cases it should be used in medium and high dilutions; on the contrary in physiological usage, it should be used in ponderable doses. It will act in case of hypotension, vagotonia, agony anxiety with the sensation of thoracic construction, vertigo nausea and vomiting.
Phloridzin It is product which experimentally causes diabetes by its action on kidney. It may then act only in renal diabetes without hyperglycemia. This drug also produces lesions of fatty degeneration which may secondarily cause glycosuria. This remedy may also cause fatty degeneration of the liver with the possibility of intermittent fever.
Urea Has been used in albuminuria in tuberculosis as well as in diabetes with inconstant results. This remedy is still less known.
It may be used in albuminuria in glycosuria, and specially in phosphaturia. Sexual impotency pale face. Anorexia. Thirst. Desire for wine and coffee. Tendency to tuberculosis. Weakness. It may be compared with phosphorus and to Cholesterinum its antidote.
When Lecithin is used, it should be specified whether Lecithin from eggs or from brain matter is to be used: There are a great number of Lecithins but the difference of their action is not known. Some researches should be undertaken in this line.