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Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes

Homeopathic Remedies for diabetes mellitus….

1. The acids.

2. The metals

3. The metalloids or other metals.

4. The vegetables.

5. Animal products.

6. Remedies called biological discovered by the modern biological researches.

1. The Acids

All the acids have in their pathogenesis a common symptom clearly marked. It is the debility i.e. to say a persistent sense for weakness which is very often seen clinically in a number of chronic cases. This debility often characterizes the diabetic patient. Not only the patient who has slight or transitory diabetes but also the patient who suffers from important, durable and irremediable glycosuria. To these patients who are always weak, always fragile, suit the acids. Moreover we must not forget that the acids will act preventively against acidosis which is the greatest danger of diabetes.

Other morbid states are accompanied by diabetes, when it persists for a l;one time, say for years. these are dyspepsias. We have already shown the value of acid in dyspeptic patients, specially hypochondria, or due to butyric fermentation.

These diabetic dyspeptics will have more often important symptoms that will indicate the acids.

These acids are

a) The most important Acetic, Boric, Lactic, Phosphoric.

b) Less frequently indicates Carbolic, Fluoric, Nitric acid Picric.

Acetic acidum

Great weakness, frequent swooning. Persons with flaccid fibres, loose muscles, pale lady colour of the skin. Emaciation.

Great thirst.

Tendency to oedema.

Frequent dyspeptic troubles, burning in the stomach, by peracidity, gastric fermentation. Salivation.

Burning pain in the stomach followed by the sensation of coldness of the skin and cold sweets of forehead.

Ammonium carbonicum is to be compared with Acetic acidum; Glycosuria, profuse sweats, weakness and swooning It is to be remembered that Ammon Carb. has more weakness than Acetic Acidum.

Boric acidum

It suits to diabetics with urinary troubles, dry cracked tongue, red.

Gushes of heat during menopause Like Lachesis.

Tendency to the Oedema of the face, specially of the eyelids.

Sensation of intense coldness.

Cold salivation.

lactic acidum

Diabetes with marked polyuria.

The remedy is interesting to study in its action, because we know that the muscles which while working products lactic acid while they become tired, rather Sarcolactic acid which does not differ from real Lactic acid but by its polarimetric rotation. This the game which is chased than the muscles very stiff because of the formation of Sarcolatic acid. This fact denotes in Homoeopathy great muscular weakness some types of 9influenza.

Lactic acid will be useful in some cases of dyspeptic conditions with copious salivation, m nausea, better by eating acid eructations or still in rheumatising condition with weakness and trembling by the last effort.

Naturally it will suit to diabetics who will have the above symptoms.

Phosphoricum acidum.

Great physical and mental debility.

One of the best remedies of diabetes; suits to the grave conditions, weakening diabetes of children.

Profuse urination, frequent, watery or milky, nocturnal pollauria.

Debility, muscular, sexual nd censorial. Amblyopia.

Somnolene, profuse sweat at night and in the morning.

Vertigo in the evening while walking or while standing.

Face pale, dry and cracked lips.

Carbolic acidum

Diabetes with bad conditions tendency to paralysis, weakness of the heart and of the pulse, respiratory troubles, tendency to prostrational and stupor Opium.

Desire for stimulants.


Tendency to burning eruption with vesicles and ulcerations.

Flouricum acidum.

Diabetes with circulatory troubles of the lower extremities, atony or venous blood vesicles and of capillaries Tendency to ulcers.

Diabetes associated with syphilis, old. acquired or hereditary.

Nitric acidum.

Tendency to fissures to different ulcerations of the skin which bleeds easily and are painful as if due to multiple needle pricks.

Sweats of palms and arm-pits.

Picric acidum.

A remedy of the degeneration of nerves, specially of the nerves of the marrow, with paralysis. Acts specially on he lumbosacral, marrow, goes towards paraplegia.

Very important in case or nervous debility.

Great weakness of the lower limbs with sensation of drawing and heaviness of the legs.

Aggravation by exercise.

Irritation of the lower part of the marrow determines in Picric acidum the sexual excitation, prolonged eructation and seminal emission during sleep, followed by great weakness.

2. The Metals

Generally the metals, specially the heavy metals are used in Homoeopathy very often for the treatment of prolonged chronic disease, accompanied by deep troubles and definite lesions which is very often the case in diabetics.

The metals used in Homoeopathy are Aurum and Argentum the two precious metals; Uranium and Vanadium among rare metals; Plumbum and Cuprum among the common metals.

Aur mettlesome

Like Fluoric acidum sits to cases of diabetes associated with old acquired and hereditary syphilis.

Exaggerated appetite and thirst.

Tendency to paralysis.

Diplegic, hemianopia sees only the upper half of a n object, mental and physical depression; periodic hopelessness;desire for suicide.

Tendency to general and partial paralysis with hypertension.

Aurum muriaticum should be preferred to Aurum mettlesome everytime when the tendency to sclerosis is accentuated.

Argentum mettlesome.

Polyuria; turbid and profuse urine with sweetest smell.

Emaciation. Seminal loss without sexual excitation.

Argentum nitricum.

This remedy is to be preferred to the preceding in cases of trembling, sexual weakness, paralysis of the extremities with numbness for which walking becomes difficulty Argentum nitricum is a remedy of all sorts of polyneuritis.

Uranium nitricum

Excessive thirst, voracious appetite, abdominal distention, polyuria.

Sexual; weakness.

The liver is attacked, and goes towards generation and hypertrophic cirrhosis Cartier, after a first phase of congestion.

The arterial tension is often high.


Degeneration of the liver and of arteries, arteriosclerosis fatty heart, fatty degeneration of the liver.

Plumbum metallicum.

Diabetes with paralytic tendency. Skin troubles, asthenia, hyposthenia, tendency to coma or convulsion.

Possible ocular lesions, optic neuritis, paralyses of the external muscles of the eyes.

Paralysis of the lower extremities, abolition of rotulian reflexes raid and marked muscular atrophy.

Plumbum Iodatum

This remedy is preferred to Plumbum Metallicum to diabetes with urine of high density, of foetid smell like onion, specially when there is acetonuria.

This remedy acts in acidosis and in the tendency to acenominia which causes coma. WE know the classical indication of Cuprum Muriaticum in uremia with the tendency to spasm and convulsion of legs and claves.

3. Other Minerals,.

The other metals or metalloids that are used are generally used as ground remedies or as remedies of morbid temperament. Let us cite Arsenic, Stupor, Silicea, Sodium sulphate and Sodium Chloride and Causticum.

The first three the three remedies of burning sensation are united by classical relations.

Arsenicum album

The intoxication by Arsenic is at the same time so intense, so varied and so deep that it may be called one of our great polycrests. In diabetes it is indicated by weakness and prostration if the latter alternates or coexists with restlessness the periodicity of troubles.

There often is thirst but of aml quantity of cold water rarely repeated or there may be no thirst.

The diabetes is accompanied by digestive troubles, periodic diarrhoea of blackish stools having foetid smell; or paralysis, polyneuritis with jerkings, heaviness and trembling. the skin is dry and desquamated.

Finally, Arsenicum Album is indicated in diabetes with tendency to gangrene; grave humid gangrene with pain and horrible putrid smell.

Arsenicum bromatum.

It is used in diabetes with great tendency to cutaneous eruptions, acne, furuncles or anthrax.


Less important than Arsenicum Album. The individual drinks much, eats less. Sensation of weakness and of goneness, specially in the stomach towards 11 a.m. obliging the patient to eat something for amelioration.

Profuse and less colored urine.

Tendency to cutaneous eruptions.

Sulphur should be used always prudently in diabetic patients, because its repeated use, specially in high dilutions, may produce some abscesses, furuncles, or anthrax which are always dangerous.

In this case, better use Psorinum in he place of Sulphur, specially if the patient is chilly, weak, a nd forced to put on multiple under garments.

Very often Hepar, Sulphur are to be used every time when it is indicated by suppurations.


It is very important remedy of diabetes.

Deep action not only on the liver, but also on the pancreas. A remedy of all lofts of degeneration.

Diabetes complicated with digestive troubles; Exaggerated hunger which reappears just after meals, unquenchable thirst four cold drinks., debilitating Diarrhoea without pain followed by great weakness after stools. Sexual troubles, impotence after an exaggerated desire, with lascivious dreams and involuntary seminal loss; Nervous troubles; Motor paralysis with weakness, trembling by the least exercise. Sensation of numbness; eye troubles; Cataract amblyopia. diplopia,. paresis of the motor muscles of the eyes of grave lesions of the retina and of the optic nerve.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.