After sexual excesses, paralysis.

Erections in the morning, without sexual excitement.

Gleet-like discharge of clear mucus.

Scrotum relaxed, flabby; buttocks emaciated in infants.

Itching soreness and moisture between scrotum and thighs; pus like smegma on the glans.

Itching and crawling sensation at the corona glands.

Female Sexual Organs

      Averse to coitus, which is painful from dryness of the vagina. Burning, smarting during coitus, anaemic women with dry mouth and dry skin.

Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation.

Uterine cramps, with burning and cutting in the groins.

Every morning pressing and pushing toward the genitals. must sit down to prevent prolapsus.

Prolapsus uteri, with aching in lumbar region, better lying on back; also, with cutting in urethra after micturition.

Menses too late and scanty, or too early and profuse.

Before menses: anxious, sad, qualmish; sweetish eructations in the morning; headache; eyes heavy; palpitation. During menses: headache; sadness; colic. After menses: headache.

Dysmenorrhoea, with convulsions (salt sitz-bath).

First menses delayed; amenorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea, acrid, greenish; in morning, transparent, after colicky pains; causes itching; with yellow complexion.

Itching on the external parts, with falling off of the hair.


      Labor progresses slowly, pains feeble, seemingly from sad feelings and forebodings.


      Voice weak; exhausted by talking.

Hoarseness, throat sore, dryness in the larynx.

Accumulation of mucus in the larynx ( in the morning).


      Breathing: anxious, oppressed; short on walking fast; better in open air and when exercising arms.

Attacks of suffocation.

Breath hot.


      Cough from tickling in the throat, or pit of stomach; sputum in morning of yellow or blood-streaked mucus, with bursting pain in forehead, and shocks or beating as of hammers; involuntary urination; stitch in the liver; tears stream down the cheeks.

Cough worse from rapid motion, from deep inspiration; lying in bed; becoming warm in bed; empty swallowing, drinking; sour food.

Catarrh, with clear, transparent mucus.

Cough, with sputum of bloody mucus.

Dry cough, with rattling on the chest; also with long uvula, worse lying.


      Sensation and pain in chest, as from tension.

Stitches in chest and sides, short breathed, especially during a long inspiration.

Pain like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula.

Heart Pulse

      The heart’s pulsation shake the body; also with aching as if a pressure came from abdomen and compressed heart.

Palpitation: anxious, with morning headache. When moving or exerting one’s self; when lying on the left side; on going to sleep and on awaking.

Fluttering of heart, with a weak faint feeling, worse lying down.

Irregular intermission of beating of heart and of pulse; worse lying on left side.

Pulse: at times full and slow, at others weak and rapid; intermits every third beat.

Neck Back

      Stitches in neck and back part of head.

Painful stiffness of neck.

Throat and neck emaciate rapidly, especially during summer complaint.

Cervical glands sore when coughing; scabs in the axillae.

Spine oversensitive; tension and drawing; pains better lying on something hard; weak, nervous; fluttering of the heart. In small of back pain as if bruised, as if lame; stitches, cutting pulsation.

Feeling in the sacral region as if beaten.

Upper Limbs

      Sensation of lameness and of a sprain in the shoulder-joint.

The finger-joints move with difficulty.

Involuntary movements of the hands.

Trembling of the hands when writing.

Skin of the hands, especially about nails, dry, cracked; hang- nails.

Warts in pains of hands.

Sweaty hands.

Lower Limbs

      Pains in hip as if sprained, with stitches.

Drawing pain in right thigh, extending to knee.

Tension in bends of limbs, painful contraction of the hamstrings.

Twitching of muscles of thighs.

Drawing pain in knees when sitting.

Stitches in left knee.

Pain as if the knees and ankles were sprained.

Tension in the calves.

Restlessness in the legs, must move them constantly.

Great heaviness: of the legs; of the feet.

Herpes (in the bend of the knee).

Legs feel as if paralyzed, especially the ankles.

Legs hurt after least exertion; tarsal joints feel bruised.

Lame feeling of ankle-joint, while sitting or walking.

Veins of the feet distended.

Cramp-like stitching pain in right foot.

Feet emaciated.

Big toe red, with tearing and stinging on walking or standing.

Burning of the feet, or great coldness.

Suppressed sweat of the feet.

Stitching pains in the corns.

Limbs in General

      Weakness of the arms, heaviness; also of the knees and feet.

Sensation as if the limbs had gone to sleep.

Tingling in limbs, especially on tips of fingers and toes.

Cramps in the arms, hands and calves.

Limbs feel weak and as if bruised, worse in morning after rising.

Swelling of the right hand; also of the feet.

Cracking of joints on moving them; stiffness; arthritic swellings.

Position etc.

      Walking:, Must move legs: Motion:. Does not want to move: Exertion: of arms: Writing: Rising:. Standing: Stooping: Sitting: Lying: on left side: on back: Must sit down: Exercise: In bed (mornings): Tossing about:.


      Chorea, jumps up high, regardless of things around; jerks of the right side of head; after fright.

Hysterical debility; weakness in the morning in bed.

Prostrated, knows that he is weak and does not want to move.

Useful for congenital malformations caused by contractions of the muscles (externally with friction).

Pains make tears come into the eyes.


      Frequent yawning and stretching; aversion to motion; sleepy but cannot sleep.

Sleepy by day sleepless at night.


Sleepless; from depressing events; from gnawing grief.

Awakens often: with pains causing dyspnoea and onesided paralysis; with fright, violent headache, sweat erethism, throbbing of the arteries.

Dreams: vivid; of robbers in the house and will not believe the contrary, until search is made; of burning thirst; starts and talks in sleep, tosses about.

Unrefreshed in the morning.


      Morning:,, 10 to 11 A.M.: Morning till noon: Noon: Afternoon: Evening:. Night:, Day: Sunrise till sunset: Midday:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm in bed: Heat of stove unbearable.


Ailments worse at the seaside.

Worse in heat of sun (feel exhausted); worse in Summer. Worse open air: Indication for the open air, and to wash in cold water.

Sea-bathing:, Warmth: 0, Cold:. Open air: Dampness: Getting wet:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill predominates, mostly internal; hands and feet icy-cold.

Chill from morning until noon; ulcers around the mouth; nursing children.

Flushes of heat with violent headache; chilliness over the back, and sweat in the axillae and on the soles of feet.

Chill 10 to 11 A.M., beginning in feet or small of back; blue nails; thirst; bursting headache; nausea and vomiting; sometimes stupefaction.

Heat, with increased headache and thirst, unconsciousness; or obscuration of sight and faintishness.

Sweat relieving headache and other pains; though it weakens.

Apyrexia: stitches about liver; great languor; emaciation; sallow complexion; urine muddy, with red, sandy sediment; loss of appetite; fever blisters.

Intermittents after: abuse of quinine; living in damp regions, or near newly turned ground.

Sweats easily from any exertion.

Sweat sour, weakening.


      Periodical: Sunrise to sunset: Summer:.


      Right:, Left:, Below upward:.



Tendency to dryness, or to erosions of mucus membrane; secretions acrid; smarting, burning at edges of mucous surfaces.

Emaciation even while living well.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Sprains (externally and Internally).

Stomachal cramp better from tightening clothes:. Touch:,. Pressure:, Chewing:. Lying on something hard:.


      Itching and pricking in the skin.

Skin suffused, but no rash; tongue burned as from continued use of salt; scarlatina.

Large red blotches, itching violently.

Stinging rash over whole body; nettle-rash after violent exercise.

Tetter in bends of joints, oozing of an acrid fluid; crusts with deep cracks; scaly eruption on flexor surfaces.

Skin dirty-looking, withered; chlorosis.



      Natr. mur. antidotes: nitrate of silver, quinine, bee-stings.

Complementary to Apis. followed by Sepia.

Antidoted by Spir. nitr. dulc., Phosphor. (abuse of salt in food); Arsen. (bad effects of sea-bathing).

In dry mucous membranes, similar to: Alum, Graphit.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.