Homeopathic remedy Natrum Muriaticum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Common Salt. HAHNEMANN. Na. Cl.


      Difficulty of thinking; absence of mind; memory and will weak.

Distracted, knows not what to say. Awkward in talking, with absent-mindedness.

Sad, weeping; consolation aggravates, with palpitation and intermittent pulse.

When trying to comfort him, he becomes enraged.

Hurriedness, with anxiety; with fluttering at the heart.

Likes to dwell on past unpleasant occurrences.

Hypochondriacal; tired of life.

Gets angry at trifles; hateful, vindicative.

Joyless, indifferent, taciturn.

Religious melancholy.


      Weariness in the head.

Empty feeling in the head, with anguish.

Vertigo: when rising from bed in the morning; periodical, with nausea, eructations, colic and trembling limbs; nausea and headache; sometimes as if a cold wind were blowing through head.

Inner Head

      Bursting headache; beating or stitches through neck or chest; face red; nausea, vomiting.

Violent jerks and shocks in the head.

Throbbing, as from little hammers; awakens with the headache every morning; worse from reading or talking.

Severe headache, maniacal paroxysms, blasphemous: weak; tongue dry; very thirsty; intermittent pulse; caused by getting wet.

Headache from sunrise till sunset, worse at midday; right eye congested; worse from light.

Heaviness in back part of the head; draws eyes together.

Pain, like a nail driven into the left side of the head.

Pressing headache from both sides, as if in vise.

Rheumatic tearing from the root of the nose to the forehead; nausea, vomiting; vanishing of sight.

Headache in school-girls.

Headaches are worse in the morning on awaking, moving the head or the eyes; mental exertion; warmth; better from sitting still or lying down, and from sweat.

Outer Head

      Cold sensation on the vertex; scalp sensitive; spasm of the eyelids.

Hair falls out if touched; mostly on forepart of head, temples and bread; scalp very sensitive; face shining as if greasy.

Liability to take cold in the head.

Scalp feels constricted: worse talking and in the open air; better sitting or lying.

Dandruff alternating with catarrh and loss of smell.

Scabs on the head and in the axillae; eczema raw, oozing a corroding fluid, destroying the hair.

Impetigo, worse on boundaries of hairy scalp, especially about nape of neck; eruption glutinous, with thin gummy scabs; skin sore and red.


      Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects.

Double vision; or sees only one-half of an object.

Retina images are retained too long.

Asthenopia, particularly muscular: drawing, stiff sensation in muscles of eyes when moving them; letters and stitches in sewing run together; aching in eyes when looking intently; often caused by general muscular weakness or spinal irritation.

Lids heavy when using them.

Amblyopia and amaurosis; pupils contracted, dependent on menstrual disorders in the chlorotic.

Blepharitis, ulcers or cornea when there is smarting, burning; feeling of sand in eyes, mornings; acrid excoriating tears; photophobia marked with spasmodic closure of lids.

Ciliary neuralgia, pain above (right) coming on and going off with the sun.

Sharp pain over (right) eye on looking down, with throbbing headache; worse in the evening.

Morbus Basedowii, palpitation, short-breathed on least exertion.

Internal recti weak.

Stricture of lachrymal duct, fistula and blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac.

Affections of the eyes maltreated with lunar caustic.


      Buzzing humming or ringing in the ears.

Hardness of hearing.

Painful cracking in the ear, when masticating.

Pulsation and breathing; or stitches in the ear.

Discharge of pus from the ears.

Itching behind the ears.


      Loss of smell and taste, especially with catarrh.

Nosebleed when stooping, or when coughing at night.

Liable to catch cold; coryza fluent, alternately with stoppage of the nose; posterior nares dry, with hawking in morning; spasms of sneezing each morning, or ineffectual attempts.

In catarrh, when the secretion is clear mucus.

Nose sore, interior of wings swollen; of scabs in the nose.

Left sided inflammation and swelling of nose; painful to touch.

Nose on one side feels numb.


      Face: yellow; pale; livid; swollen; also wan, pasty.

Heat in the face.

Prosopalgia recurring periodically, especially after checked ague; face sallow; great thirst.

Cheek-bones pain as if bruised, when chewing.

One cheek (left) red (afternoon and night).

Skin of face shining, as if greasy.

Itching and eruption of the face (crusta lactea).

Ulcer on the (left) cheek.

Whiskers fall off.

Lower Face

      Lips dry, cracked, with rhagades or bleeding scabs; humid sores in the commissures; upper lip swollen.

Crack in the middle of the lower lip.

Blisters like pearls about the mouth; especially in intermittent fevers.

Lips tingle, feel numb.

Eruptions and ulcers on the chin.

Submaxillary glands swollen.


      Sensitive to air on touch; molars pain when chewing.

Pain drawing, tearing from teeth to ears and throat, after eating and at night; cheek swollen.

Decayed teeth loose, burns, sting and pulsate.

Gums sensitive to warm and cold things; swollen, bleed easily; are putrid.

Epulis or a small tumor on the gums.

Fistula dentalis.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: saltish, with dry tongue and; anorexia; bitter; putrid or sour, while fasting; water tastes putrid.

Loss of taste. Catarrh.

Complains much of dryness of tongue, which is not very dry.

Tongue heavy, difficult speech; children slow in learning to talk.

Mapped tongue; looks like ringworm on the sides.

Sensation of a hair on the tongue.

Herpes on the tongue from sea-bathing. Burning at tip of tongue.

One side of tongue numb and stiff.




      Mouth, lips, and especially the tongue dry.

Feels dry but is not.

Blood-blisters on inside of upper lip.

Sore places in mouth very sensitive, even to liquids.

Vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when touched by food.

Saliva bloody; salivation.


      Feels very dry yet he constantly hawks transparent mucus.

Mucus membrane looks glazed, but is not granulated. Sensation of a splinter sticking in the throat.

Feeling as of a plug in throat with chronic sore throat.

Uvula elongated; muscles so weak “food goes down the wrong way;” also in post-diphtheritic paralysis.

Only fluids can be swallowed; solids reach a certain point and then are violently ejected.

Desires Aversions

      Excessive hunger; canine hunger, especially for supper with weak body and depressed mind.

Longs for salt or bitter things; wants oysters, fish, milk.

Loss of appetite.

Aversion: to bread, of which she was once fond; to coffee.

Eating and Drinking

      Better on an empty stomach worse after breakfast; feverish; while eating, sweat on the face.

After eating: empty eructations, nausea, acidity in the mouth, sleepiness, heart-burn, palpitation; epigastric pressure and heat radiating upward to the chest.

Bad effects from acid food, bread, fat and wine.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Acid eructations and malaise, after eating. Water-brash; heart-burn with palpitation.

Nausea in the morning; weak after even agreeable food.

Vomiting first of food, later of bile; oppression of stomach.


      Pit of stomach feels bruised when pressed, with swelling.

Clawing in pit of stomach; cramp, better from tightening clothes.

Great weakness in stomach by spells.

Red spots on pit of stomach.


      Dull, heavy aching and distention about liver after eating, lessening as digestion advances.

Stitches in liver; tension; liver inflamed, swollen; skin yellow, earthy. Bending to left causes stiffness in liver.

Stitches and pressure in region of spleen; spleen swollen.


      Abdomen swollen; rumbling and incarceration of flatus.

Colic, with nausea, relieved by emission of flatus.

Burning in the intestines.

Stool etc.

      Wants to pass wind, but knows not whether flatus or feces escape.

Diarrhoea: chronic, watery; with fever, dry mouth, thirst; worse as soon as he moves about; much fetid flatus; tendency to hang-nails; green, bloody, watery or brownish, mostly during the day; with infarcted scybala.

Involuntary stools.

Alternate constipation and papescent stool.

Constipation from inactivity of the rectum.

Stool hard, difficult or crumbling; anus contracted; anus torn, bleeding, smarting; burning afterward; stitches in rectum.

Passes blood with stool.

Dryness and smarting of rectum and anus.

Hemorrhoids, with stinging pains; moisture oozes from the anus; herpetic eruption about the anus.


      Tension and heat in the renal region.

Frequent or sudden desire to urinate, cannot retain urine; copious flow.

Polyuria, thirst for large quantities of water.

Urine passed involuntary when walking, coughing or laughing.

Has to wait long for urine to pass, especially if others are near him.

urinal sediment like brick-dust.

Urine dark, like coffee.

During urination, stitches in bladder, smarting, burning in urethra, smarting and soreness in vulva.

After urination, burning and cutting in urethra.


Male Sexual Organs

      Excessive irritability of the sexual instinct, but with physical weakness.

Shortly after coitus, pollution.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.