Binding, constricting pain in gastric region.

Sensation of lump in the stomach, with constant beating, as of two hammers.

Pain in stomach : necessitates eating; better from warm milk, worse from boiled meat, worse from cold drink.

Nightly pinching pain in the stomach, and rooting pain in the chest.

Griping in the stomach, with flatulency.

Fulness in the stomach and abdomen.

Periodical gastralgia, with vomiting of the food immediately after eating.

Chronic gastritis with thirst, especially after the abuse of alcoholic drinks.

Chronic catarrh of stomach, with frequent eructations.


      Stitches in the right hypochondrium.

Hardness in region of the liver.

Stitches in the left hypochondrium.

Burning in the left hypochondrium, internally, worse when lying on it.

Cannot bear tight clothing around the hypochondria.

Cutting, bearing down pains in the hypochondria and hips.


      Cramp in the lower abdomen.

Colic : immediately after eating.

Griping, digging pains in the abdomen.

Pain in the belly, in the left side, when lying on the right, and vice versa.

Pain below the navel, as if the intestines were torn.

Stitches in the left side of the abdomen.

Burning pains radiating through abdomen, in gastralgia.

Abdomen distended, hard.

Accumulation of serum in the abdominal cavity.

OEdema of external abdomen.

Itching of the abdomen.

Large blisters on raised base, from navel to spine.

Rumbling in the abdomen.

Incarcerated flatus.

Pain in the inguinal regions.

Painful pressing toward the groin and anus.

Herpetic eruption in the groins.

Glandular swelling in the groins.

Stool etc.

      Excessive discharge of flatus.

Stools : rarely diarrhoeic and then usually painless; purging and vomiting, with icy-cold sweat; knotty, the lumps being united by mucous threads; sour-smelling; thin, scalding, light brown; brown fluid, mixed with undigested substances, and very fetid; hard, lumpy, with blood and slime.

Constipation: large, knotty feces; chronic, with hardness in region of liver; with dryness of mucous membrane of rectum and fissure of the anus.

After stool there is some mucus remaining about the anus.


Fissura ani; severe, sharp, cutting pain during stool, followed by constriction and aching for several hours, worse at night.

Protrusion of rectum, without urging to stool, as if the anus were lame.

Large hemorrhoidal tumors.

Hemorrhoids, with pain on sitting down, or on taking a wide step, as if split with a knife, also violent itching, and very sore to touch.

Hemorrhoids of the rectum, with burning rhagades at the anus.


      Urging to urinate, with scanty discharge.

Frequent urination at night.

Urine : dark brown; becomes turbid and deposits a white or reddish sediment; smells sour.

Stitches or smarting in the urethra when urinating.

Pain in the os coccygis while urinating.

Male Sexual Organs

      Uncontrollable sexual excitement; violent erections.

Impotence, with dislike to coition.

Want of proper sensation during coition, Almost involuntary emission, without erection.

Nocturnal emissions, with flaccid penis.

Dropsical swelling of the prepuce and scrotum.

Hydrocele (left side), with herpetic eruption on scrotum.

Female Sexual Organs

      Great aversion to coitus.

Tumor, size of an orange, right illiac fossa, also similar one in left; both hard, round, slightly movable, not painful to pressure, not producing inconvenience from weight.

Pains from left ovary through pelvis and down the thigh.

Os uteri standing backwards, can only be reached with difficulty.

Pain in the uterus when reaching high with the arms.

Bearing down pain in the uterus to the back, with weakness and sickness.

Painful pressure towards the pudenda.

Menses : too scanty and too pale; too late, with violent colic; blood sometimes dark.

During the menses : heat in abdomen; urging, pressing like labor-pains; hoarseness; lassitude and weakness.

Copious leucorrhoea, before and after the menses.

Profuse leucorrhoea, perfectly white, especially on rising from the bed in the morning weakness of the back when walking or sitting.

Leucorrhoeal discharges occur in gushes day or night.

Vesicles or excoriations in the vagina.

Vagina cold.

OEdema of the pudenda.

Excoriations in perineum, vulva and between thighs.


      Tendency to obesity.

Nipples painful.

Cancer of the mammae, from old cicatrices, which had remained after repeated abscesses.

Hard cicatrices remaining after mammary abscess.


      Voice : not clear, in singing; hoarseness in the evening; chronic hoarseness.

Laryngeal region sensitive to touch.

Soreness and roughness of larynx and tickling cough.


      Respiration has dry sound.

Constriction of chest, as if about to suffocate, when falling asleep.

Suffocative attacks waken from sleep, generally after midnight, has to jump out of bed, take hold of something, and must eat something.


      Cough : caused by deep inspiration; with strangling, red face, watery eyes. straining all over; loose, from tickling deep in the chest; at night.

Expectoration : salty; day and evening.


      Cramps of the chest.

Pains in the chest.

Pain in the middle of the chest, with cough, scraping, rawness and soreness.

Stitching pains in the chest.

Heart Pulse

      Region of heart : constriction; pressure; stitches.

Sensation like an electric shock, from heart toward front of neck.

Strong pulsation of the blood in the whole body, but especially about the heart, increased by every motion.

Palpitation of the heart : with anxiety; with nosebleed.

Pulse full and hard, somewhat accelerated in the morning slow during day and evening.

Outer Chest

      Stinging in fleshy part of chest.

Pimples on the chest.

Neck Back

      Pain in nape of neck.

Stiffness of back of neck; also, with headache.

Seventh cervical vertebra sensitive, with burning pain; anaemia.

Eruption on the nape, dry, peeling in fine, mealy scales, without itching.

Unpainful swollen glands on side of neck.

Contracting pains in the back.

Weakness in back and loins on walking.

Sacral pains, with sensation of crawling and stitching.

Small of back aches, as if bruised or broken.

Numb pain, from the sacrum down the legs.

Pain in the os coccygis while urinating.

Upper Limbs

      Shoulder and neck painful.

Rheumatic or burning pains especially in left shoulder.

Burning pressure beneath the armpit.

Jerking in the arms.

Arms feel “asleep.” Right upper arm sore, tender and swollen.

Herpes circinatus hard to the touch and wrinkled looking, itching terribly, in bend of the elbow.

Left hand becomes numb and like dead, with formication extending up the arm.

Cramp in the hand.

Horny callosities in the hands.

Pain in the thumb-joint, as if sprained.

Gouty swelling of the fingers.

Raw, moist places between the fingers.

Finger-nails thick, exfoliate, or black and rough, matrix inflamed, with soreness, throbbing and numbness; no suppuration.

Lower Limbs

      Excoriation between the legs.

Tearing, or bruised pains in the thighs.

Numbness of the thighs.

Stiff feeling in hollow of knee, as if tendons were too short.

Bruised pain in the knees.

Tetters in the hollow of the knees.

Cramp in the calves.

Restlessness in the legs.

Heaviness of the legs.

Great oedema of the limbs, chiefly the lower, which are very large, with profuse, constant watery exudation from the skin below the knees, epidermis exfoliated.

Ulcers on lower limbs, with acrid pus, dryness of skin and constipation.

Stitches in the heel, when putting it down.

Weakness of feet, cannot walk.

Callous ulcers of the feet.

Stiffness and contraction of the toes.

Gouty tearing in the toes.

Ulcers; or spreading blisters on the toes.

Thick and crippled toe-nails.

Limbs in General

      Drawing pains in the limbs.

Tearing : in the feet and hands; in all the limbs. Startings of the hands and feet.

Heaviness in limbs.

Limbs go “to sleep”.

Hands and feet : either hot or cold.

Position etc.

      Stiffness on first beginning to move.

Motion : Stepping : Walking : Walking in open air : in the wind :. Rising from bed; Must jump out of bed, and must eat : Sitting : Stooping : Must lie down : Lying : Lying in bed : Lying on affected side :. Reaching high with arms : In bed :.


      Cataleptic condition, conscious, but without power to move or speak.

Tremulous sensation through the whole body.

Tired feeling. Lassitude.

Weakness. Exhaustion. Prostration.


      Constant yawning.

Excessively tired and sleepy.

Sleepiness : during the day, must lie down; after dinner.

Light slumber at night.

Wandering fancies at night.

Nightly pains felt in sleep.

Cannot go to sleep till late.


Starting in sleep.

Dreams : vivid; anxious; frightening; horrible; vexatious.


      Morning :,,, Afternoon :. Evening : Night :,,,, After midnight : Day : Day or night : Day and evening : After dinner :.

Temperature and Weather

      Takes cold easily.

Warmth :. In bed : Open air :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilliness in the morning, in bed.

Chill and chilliness, most in the evening.

Chill worse after meals, better after drinking, better in open air.

Heat evening and night; also, with restlessness.

Sweats from the slightest motion.

Profuse night sweat.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.