Dry slight cough from tickling low down in the trachea, every morning after rising.

Paroxysms of cough at night during sleep not awaking.

Tickling in lower part of trachea, and dry hacking cough, most at night;scanty, difficult expectoration of transparent glairy slime, mixed with black dots or bloody.

Expectoration: offensive green, purulent, blood streaked, when loosened, must be swallowed; day and evening.

Whooping-cough; child cries before the paroxysm.

Cough causes bloodshot eyes, nosebleed; expectoration of foaming blood or clots of blood; sometimes in evening of putrid tasting mucus which must be swallowed.


      Hemorrhage after mechanical injuries slight spitting of black, thick blood or bright red, forty blood mixed with mucus and coagula.

Burning or rawness in the chest.

Chest sore when coughing, sputum blood – streaked; cannot raise the loosened mucus.

Pressive pain in (right) chest at a small spot not increased by motion touch or inspiration.

Stitches in chest (left side) worse form a dry cough; worse from motion; from external pressure.

Pleurisy after mechanical injuries; must continually change

position bed feels so hard.

Pneumothorax from external injuries.

Heart Pulse

      Stitches in cardiac region.

Region of base of heart feels as if bruised.

“Strain of the heart” from violent running.

Palpitation after almost any exertion; goes off by rest.

Pain from liver through left chest and down left arm veins on hand swollen purplish sudden pain, as if heart were squeezed or as if it got a shock.

Pressure under the sternum anguish collapse small irregular pulse dyspnoea; angina pectoris.

Fatty degeneration of heart.

pulse: accelerated full, hard; sometimes quicker than beat of heart; intermittent, feeble hurried, irregular; feeble fluttering.

Outer Chest

      Articulations and cartilaginous connections of chest feels as if beaten when moving breathing or coughing.

Violent stitches in middle of left chest.

Neck Back

      Weakness of cervical muscles; they do not support the head steadily.

Great sensibility of cervical vertebrae to pressure.

Violent spinal pain, as from sudden rising after long stooping.

Right scapula and small of the back painful as if beaten.

Bruised pain at inner portion of right scapula.

Sacrum pains, as if beaten.

Upper Limbs

      Violent twitching pain from the left shoulder joint to the middle finger.

Tingling in the arms.

Arms feel weary as if bruised.

Sensation as if joints of the arms and wrists were sprained.

Tearing in tips of the left ring and little finger Cramps in fingers of left hand Acute bruised pain in the balls of the thumbs.

Lower Limbs

      Drawing, pressive pains in the left hip-joints, thigh being extended, when sitting.

Hips pain as if sprained.

Formication; lame feeling; must often change position, bed or chair seems so hard; after exertion, long marches, etc.

Pain in thighs when walking as from a blow.

Stitch like from a needle when touching the knee.

Knee-joints suddenly bending when standing feet numb insensible.

Hygroma patellae.

Pain in the calf of the right leg, as from a blow with lassitude of legs.

Tarsal joint pains as if sprained.

Want of power in ankles and feeling of a heavy weight in each instep.

Hot erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of foot.

Feet feel tired or inflamed after a walk.

Arthritic pains in foot, worse towards evening; fears passers may strike it; big too joint red, feels sprained.

Limbs in General


paralytic pain in all joints during motion as if bruised.

Limbs as if bruised at rest or in motion painful concussion from jolting of carriage or stepping firmly, Limbs ache as if beaten.

Tearing with soreness, swelling or tingling.

Position etc.

      Rest: Motion: Walking: Walking in open air; Ascending: Must change position: Exertion: Moving head; Turning in bed: Attempting to sit Up Sitting: Standing: Lying with head low: Must lie down; After riding:.


      Twitching of the muscles.

Whole body, especially skin and joints excessively painful and sensitive.

Tired feeling, as after hard work or as if beaten.

Wearing bruised sore, great weakness must lie down, yet bed feels to hard.

Great sinking of strength, Lassitude and sluggishness of the whole body; scarcely able to stand.

Paralysis : generally painful; left-sided (after apoplexy); partial, from concession of the spine.


      Sleepiness; too sleepy early in the evening.

Languor, drowsiness.

While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing.

Unrefreshing sleep, loud, blowing breathing.

Is often kept awake until 2 to 3 A.M. from heat, restlessness and constant desire to change position; or from pricking, stinging, biting, now here, now there, on the body.

On falling asleep : starts as in fright; is aroused by heat.

Lies preferably with head low, or horizontally.

Worse after a long sleep, or on awaking.

Dreams : vivid, frightful, of graves, black dogs, struck by lightning, etc.; unrefreshing; anxious.


      Morning: Forenoon: Evening: Night : Midnight: Before midnight: Day and night: Day and evening : 2 to 3 A.M.:.

Temperature and Weather

      Inclination for open air; better in open air.

Sudden cooling after overheating, followed by a cough, like consumption.

Open air: Warmth: Washing:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill felt worse in pit of stomach.

Chill most in evening, with much thirst already before chill.

Chill after every sleep.

Chilly internally, with external heat.

Chilly, with heat and redness of one cheek.

Chilly morning or forenoon; before chill yawning, thirst for large quantities of water; drawing in periosteum.

Head alone, or face alone hot, body cold.

Dry general heat after walking; early morning, violent thirst; uncovering makes him chilly; chilly even when moving in bed.

Heat, with in difference, stupor, drinks less.

continuous heat, with such weakness, that when attempting to sit up he faints.

Elushes of heat; with thirst.

Great internal heat; hands and feet being cold.

Sweat: sour or offensive; sometimes cold; nightly sour. Several transitory sweats all over at night, with anguish.

Hectic fever, emaciation: after a blow on stomach.

During apyrexia in intermittent fever, headache, yellow face, bitter taste, aversion to meat.

Fevers: intermittent: typhoid; traumatic,.


      Worse during the increase of the moon.

Periodical attacks of megrim.

Spasms of cough.

Heat in oft repeated short attacks.


      Right: Left:.


      Pains insufferable, drive him crazy; increased by every motion or nose; change quickly from part to part; scratches at the wall or bed, apparently for relief.

Feels as if beaten or bruised.

Parts feel as if sprained, especially joints.

Tearing, drawing in outer parts.

Tingling in outer parts.

Bruised parts tingle, feel numb, or as if dead.

Torpidity from mechanical injuries or failure of vital powers.


      Concussions and contusion.

Bleeding of internal and external parts.

Inflammation of skin, cellular tissue; tender on pressure.

Prevents suppuration.

Burrowing pus, not painful.

Muscles rigid.

Myalgia; particularly after over-exertion.


Septic states; tendency to typhoid forms.

Hyperinosis (increase of fibrin in blood) is rather a contra- indication for Arnica.

Gout and rheumatism.

Dropsy of internal parts.

Bones (periosteum) ache.

Osteo-myelitis (in beginning).

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Pressure: Mechanical injuries: concussion of brain while there are unconsciousness, pallor, or drowsiness, Weak, intermitting pulse, cold surface, and other indications of depressed vitality from shock.

Worse after riding; sick stomach from car riding.

Everything on which he lies seems too hard.

Sprains with much swelling, bluish redness, intense soreness.

Contusions without laceration.

Stings of bees or wasps; splinters.

Compound fractures, and their profuse suppuration.


      Hot, red, oedematous.

Hot, hard, shining swelling, from insect sting.

Petechiae, ecchymoses.

Many small, painful boils, one after another; extremely sore.

Red spots first on limb, then upon the trunk.

Bed-sores; especially sacral region and hips.

Erysipelatous inflammation, left hand dark blue.

Phlegmonous erysipelas.

Varicose ulcers: torpid; dirty, bluish bottom; no pus, but watery, fetid secretion, half transparent crusts, like thick glue, fetid.

Painful ulcers.

Corns (part them and apply externally).

Stages and States

      Dark hair, rigid muscles.

Plethoric very red face.

Hydrogenoid constitution of grauvogl.

Compound fractures and their profuse suppuration.

Light complexion sandy hair sanguine. Whooping cough.

Nervous cannot stand pain. Especially suitable to the those who remain long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries.


      Antidotes to massive doses; Camphor, Ipec, Antidotes to potencies; Aconite, Arsen., Cinchon., Ignat., Ipec Arnic., antidotes: Amm -carb., Cinchon., Cicut., Ferrum Ignat.,

Ipecac., Seneg.

It follows well after : Aconite, Ipecac., Veratr.; after Apis, in hydrocephalus.

After it follows well: Aconite, Arsen., Bryon., Ipecac., Rhus tox., Sulphur – ac.

Arnic: is indicated in ailments from spirituous liquors or from charcoal vapors.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.