Homeopathic remedy Carbo Vegetabilis drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Vegetable charcoal. HAHNEMANN.


      Confusion of head, making thinking difficult; morning on waking; he had to make great exertion, as if arousing himself from a dream.

Ideas flow slowly.

Stupor, collapse.

Anxious, as if oppressed, with heat in the face.

Nightly fear of ghosts.

Indifference: heard everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly, and without thinking of it.

Very irritable, excitable and inclined to anger.

Peevish, wrathful.

Restless, anxious; 4 to P.M.


      Vertigo: had to hold on to something; also when stopping; from flatulence; venous stasis; specially after a debauch; whirling in head, the whole day.

Fainting after sleep, after rising, or while yet in bed, mornings; belching; caused by debilitating losses, or abuse of mercury.

Inner Head

      Head feels heavy as lead.

Rush of blood to head, nosebleed.

Congestion to head, with spasmodic constriction, nausea and pressure over eyes, feeling of coryza : from overheated rooms.

Painful throbbing in the head, during inspiration.

Pressive headache just over the eyes, with tears; eyes pain on moving them.

Aching and beating over eyes, or in whole head, commencing at nape of neck; worse evening; after a meal, with congestion to head, after a debauch.

Pressure in both temples and on top of head.

Violent tearing on forehead, at small spot near temple.

Dull headache in occiput; violent pressive pain in lower portion of occiput.

Tearing and drawing in left side of occiput.

Headache like from constriction of the scalp.

Outer Head

      Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of the hat; worse from taking cold and from getting warm in bed.

Scalp painful to touch.

Hair falls out; worse on back of head; scalp itches in evening when warm in bed.


      Eyes dull, lustreless, pupils do not react to light.

Shortsighted from overexerting eyes : eyes become weak from overwork or fine work.

Black spots float before the eyes.

Heavy weight seems to rest on the eyes; must make exertion to distinguish letters when reading.

Burning in the eyes.

Hemorrhage from eyes, with congestion to head Whooping cough.

Muscles of eye pain, when looking up.

Margins of lids itch; morning.


      Ringing in ears : buzzing.

Something heavy seems to lie before the ears; they seemed stopped, hearing not diminished.

Deafness after acute exanthema : abuse of mercury: ears too dry.

Offensive otorrhoea.

Deficient or badly-smelling cerumen, also with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus.

Left ear hot and red every evening.

Pain from right ear down the neck on turning the head.

After itch like eruptions.

Parotitis, swelling grows hard.


      Nose pointed; hippocratic face.

Frequent and easy epistaxis; worse at night or in forenoon, followed by pain over the chest.

Nosebleed : several times daily for weeks; face pale before and after every attack; after straining at stool; small, intermittent pulse; after debauch; in old or debilitated people.

Frequent sneezing with constant and violent crawling and tickling in the nose.

Fruitless irritation to sneeze, with crawling in left nostril.

Severe coryza, with hoarseness and rawness on the chest.

Dry coryza.


      Face : Very pale : greyish yellow; greenish; hippocratic.

Cold sweat on face; face cold, tongue cold, contracted.

Cheeks red and covered with cold sweat.

Tearing in left cheek; jerking-tearing in right upper maxilla.

Facial and maxillary bones sore.

Lower Face

      Quivering in the upper lip.

Swelling of upper lips and cheeks, with jerking pain.

Brown, or blackish-looking cracked lips.


      Drawing and tearing pain in the molars.

Tearing in teeth from hot, cold or salt food; worse when touched with tongue; whole row too long and tender.

Teeth decay rapidly, Gums : bleed, also when sucking them; pain as if sore; recede from (lower) incisors; sensitive when chewing; gum-boils.

Tongue etc.

      Bitterness on palate, tongue dry.

Bitter taste before and after eating; salty taste.

Glossitis when tongue becomes indurated.

Tongue heavy, with difficult speech.

Tongue : white; coated with yellow-brown mucus; lead colored, blue, sticky, moist : dry, parched, fissured.

Tip of tongue raw and dry; heat in mouth.

Tongue turns black.


      Mouth and breath cold.

Increase of saliva.

Mouth hot, tongue almost immovable, saliva bloody; edges of gums yellow, indented; gums loose, receding, ulcerated.

Hemorrhage from nose and mouth.


      Scraping, rawness, burning in throat.

Sloughing of some parts of swollen fauces; fetid ichor, Swallowing, coughing or blowing nose, cause pain in posterior nares and fauces; as if sore.

Food cannot be easily swallowed, throat seems constricted, no pain.

Swelling and inflammation of uvula, with stitches in the throat.

Desires Aversions

      Want of appetite; eats only dinner; feeling of relaxation and weakness of muscles of limbs.

Longing for coffee; acids, for sweet and salt things.

Aversion to meat and fat things; to milk, which causes flatulence.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating : acidity in mouth; plainest food disagrees; heaviness, fulness (more after supper), sleepiness : nausea, vomiting; feels as if the abdomen would burst; worse after debauch; from rich living.

After milk, sour eructations.

Dreads to eat because of pains, burning in epigastrium and deep in abdomen.

Gastric symptoms from wine; coffee : too much milk; excessive use of butter, or from rancid butter, from fats in general; fish, especially if tainted; from ice water or different waters; from flatulent vegetables.

Bad effects from abuse of salt or salt meats.

Hot, cold or salt food :. Least food : Eating or drinking :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Frequent, empty eructations, also when preceded by pinching in the abdomen.

Pyrosis, great flow of water. Catarrh.

Sour or rancid eructations.

Nausea in morning, with qualmishness in stomach.

Vomiting : of blood; of food, in evening; of sour, bilious or bloody masses.


      Aching in pit of stomach.

Burning in stomach, spreading down to small of back and up to the shoulders.

Contractive cramp, also at night, extending to the chest; abdomen distended; must bend double, worse lying down; pain paroxysmal, takes away the breath.

Feels acidity in stomach while lying on the back and when walking; stomach feels very heavy and as if hanging down.

Tense, full feeling; flatulence.

Haematemesis; body icy-cold; breath cool; pulse thready, intermittent; fainting; hippocratic face.

Pain in stomach from nursing, or other loss of fluids.


      Painful to touch; clothing oppresses him, is unendurable.

Tension, or stitches in region of liver.

Jaundice : after too much or too rich food; from abuse or mercury.

Pressing, pinching in region of spleen; quick, lightning like stitches; abdomen bloated.


      Colic from flatulence, abdomen full to bursting; pain worse about bladder, or left of epigastrium; worse from least food; better from passing flatus, or hard stool.

Abdomen distended, better from passing wind upwards or downwards. Burning, lancinating in epigastrium and deep in abdomen; worse from eating; with anguish, flatulency, diarrhoea.

Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily; walks bent.

Meteorism, with loud rumbling; fetid or odorless flatus.

Stool etc.

      Acrid, corrosive moisture from the rectum.

Gnawing in the rectum when not at stool; crawling.


Flatus, hot, moist, offensive.

Stools : burning, light colored, fetid, watery, bloody, with tenesmus; covered with filamentous yellow mucus, last part bloody; putrid, cadaverous smelling, involuntary; dysenteric, terribly offensive; thin, pale mucus; in fragments, tough, scanty, with urging and tingling in rectum, and pressure on bladder and uterus.

Even soft stool passed with difficulty.

Cholera asiatica, stage of collapse.

Hemorrhoids : protrude; blue; suppurating and offensive; with burning; after debauchery; cause dysuria.


      Morbus Brightii, from abuse of alcohol.

Blenorrhoea vesicae; old people.

Urine : reddish turbid; as if mixed with blood; with red sediment; bloody, with varices of anus and bladder; copious, light yellow, diabetic; milky.

Wetting bed at night.

Male Sexual Organs

      Onanism during sleep.

Seminal discharge too soon, during coitus, followed by roaring in the head.

Prostatic discharge, while straining at stool.

Swelling of testicles from metastasis of mumps.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses : too early, too profuse; blood pale or thick, corrosive, acrid-smelling.

Menorrhagia, burning across sacrum, passive flow.

Leucorrhoea : thin in morning on arising, not through day; milky; excoriating; thick-yellow.

Vaginal fistula, burning pains.

Erectile tumors, blue, hard, pricking.

Varices of vulva, itching of vulva and anus; cause dysuria.

Red, sore places on pudenda; aphthae; also during leucorrhoea.


      Labor pains weak, or ceasing, with great debility; especially after violent disease or great loss of fluids.

Debility from nursing.

Lumps in the mammae, with induration of axillary glands, and with burning pains, anxiety, want of breath; whining mood.

Brown, foul-smelling lochia.


      Deep voice, failing if exerted, no pain.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.