Hoarseness and rawness, worse evenings; aphonia : mornings; in damp, cool weather; chronic; worse from damp evening air, warm, wet weather, and from talking.

Dingy, purplish, swelling of the lining of the larynx.

Ulcerative pain or scraping and titillation in larynx.

Unusual feeling or dryness in trachea, not relieved by hawking.


      Breath cold.

Breathing short, with cold hands and feet.

Desires to be fanned, must have more air.

Difficult breathing, fulness of chest, and palpitation on slightest motion.

Asthma of old people, weakness, trembling; looks as if dying : full of wind, but cannot raise it; better in cold air; worse in morning.

Cheyne-stokes breathing in organic heart disease.

Loud, rattling breathing; cough ceases; oedema pulmonum impending.

Great dyspnoea, great anxiety, but not restless; cough in violent spells, watery, profuse expectoration. Emphysema.


      Cough : spasmodic, hollow; in short, hard spells; caused by a feeling as of vapor of sulphur; worse evening or before midnight; at times dry, painful; at others with purulent, slimy, offensive sputa; with copious sputa night and morning; and vomiting after other symptoms and whooping-cough are gone; with painful stitches through the head; worse going from warm too cold places; motion; walking in open air after lying down; evening in bed; eating or drinking, especially cold food or drink; talking.

Sputa : yellow-green or purulent; brown, bloody; or less often tenacious, whitish mucus, or watery : of sour or saltish taste; or, of unpleasant odor.


      Burning in chest, as from glowing coals; rawness and soreness. Congestion to chest and head.

Weak, fatigued feeling of chest.

Burning under sternum; rattling of large bubbles; dyspnoea; cold knees in bed.

Bronchial catarrh, hoarse, mucous rales : chest and ribs feel as if bruised.

Oppressive tearing in the left chest.

Pressive pain in the upper right chest, through to scapula.

Haemoptysis, burning in chest, paroxysms of violent cough, hoarse; face pale; skin cold; slow, intermittent pulse; wants to be fanned.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation : excessive, for days, after eating; when sitting.

Blood stagnates in capillaries, cyanosis; cold face and limbs, cold sweat; complete torpor : impending paralysis of heart.

Pulse thread like; weak and small; intermittent.

Outer Chest

      Brown-yellow blotches on chest.

Neck Back

      Cervical glands swollen and painful, especially those near the nape.

Tearing in cervical muscles.

Drawing in nape, up into head, with nausea and rush of water from the mouth.

Rheumatic drawing in back, worse when stooping.

Stiffness of back.

Severe pain in small of back, she was unable to sit; then sensation as of a plug in back, had to put a pillow under it.

Pinching, pressive pain near lowest portion of spine. Pressive, sore pain beneath the coccyx.

Upper Limbs

      Burning on right shoulder.

Drawing in the arm on which he is lying at night, Bruised pain in both elbow-joints.

Arms weary when writing.

Drawing, tearing in left forearm, from elbow to hand.

Tearing : in either wrist : in finger of left hand.

Hands : burn; icy-cold; tip of fingers covered with cold sweat.

Paralytic weakness of fingers when seizing anything.

Lower Limbs

      Heaviness in the lower limbs.

Severe laming, drawing pain from abdomen down left leg.

Tearing near and beneath left hip, extending to sacrum.

Hip disease, third stage; back, ichorous, offensive discharge; great weakness.

Ulcer on leg burns at night; discharge offensive; skin around mottled, purple.

Left lower leg feels paralyzed, Toes red, swollen, stinging, as if frosted.

Cramp in soles, evening after lying down.

Tips of toes ulcerated.

Limbs in General

      Limbs : feel bruised; numb; “go to sleep” when lying on them.

Drawing pain in limbs.

Burning : in limbs; in hands and soles, during menses.

Rheumatic pains, with flatulency.

Position etc.

      Motion : Moving eyes : Walking :,; in open air : Sitting : Lying :; on back : : limbs : Stooping : Must bend double :. Must stretch legs : In bed : After rising : Overexertion : Reading : Legs drawn up :.


      Vital force nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially below knees to feet; lies as if dead; breath cold; pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs.

Want of nervous irritability, of susceptibility to medicines.

Weary after a short walk.

Faint-like weakness in attacks.

Indolent, weary, in the morning, in bed.

Prostration towards noon, head feels empty, sensation of hunger.

Worse from loss of fluids.

Uneasy feeling in the legs, in the evening, in bed : had to stretch them often.


      Yawning, stretching.

Sleepiness in forenoon while sitting, and when reading : removed by motion.

Sleepy during day; had to sleep before and after noon, at night, sleep full of fancies.

Legs drawn up during sleep, which is restless and disturbed by frequent waking.

Sleepless, from uneasiness in the body; from orgasm of blood.

Does not fall asleep until 1 A.M.

Awakens often from cold limbs, especially cold knees.

Night full of dreams.


      Morning : Forenoon : Noon : Afternoon : — P.M. : Evening : Night : Before midnight : After midnight : Day : 1 A.M. :.

Temperature and Weather

      Worse in changes of weather, especially warm, damp weather.

Warmth : Overheated room : Cold air : Wants to be fanned : Open air : Going from warm to cold : Damp weather : Taking cold :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Shivering in the evening, with weariness and flushes of heat before sleep.

Chill, generally with thirst; mostly evenings, at times left- sided.

Chill with icy-coldness of the body.

Heat, after or independent of the chill.

Flushes of burning heat, evening; generally without thirst.

Hectic fever.

Heat and sweat commingled.

Exhausting night or morning sweats.

Sweats easily, especially about the head and face.

Sweat : profuse; putrid or sour.


      Right :, Left : Nape to forehead : Above downwards :.


      Pains fly all over the body. Neuralgia.

Drawing and tearing pains in various part of the body.


      Sepsis, sunken features, sallow complexion, hectic, typhoid symptoms.

Blood stagnates in capillaries, causing blueness, coldness; ecchymoses.

Anaemia after summer complaints; feeble pallid, white skin.

Atrophy, body cold, lies as if dead, yet conscious.

Gangrene : humid; senile.

Lymphatic glands swollen, indurated or suppurating; burning pains.

Chlorosis, with itch-like rash and fluor albus (leucorrhoea); scorbutic gums; so weak, can scarcely stand.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Worse from overlifting.

Touch :,. Pressure : Chewing :. Grasping anything : Must hold on to something : Riding aggravates : soreness in limbs; colic. Swallowing :.



Dry rash, like itch.

Fine moist rash, with burning at spots where there is no eruption.

Folds of skin become raw and ulcerated.

Ulcers : varicose; scorbutic; livid, easily bleeding, fetid.

Decubitus in typhus, from decomposition of the blood.

Aneurisms bright red, round, flat, bleeding violently from least wound.

Single, scattered, red spots on the neck.

Itching and soreness in the axillae.

Stages and States

      Vital powers low, venous system predominant.

Old people.

Children, after exhausting diseases.


      Carb. veg. follows well : after Sulphur and Mercur., when itch is dry; after Veratr. in beginning of whooping cough; after Laches., Kali carb., Sepia.

After Carb. veg : Arsen., Cinchon. Drosera, Kali carb., Phosph. ac. are frequently indicated.

Ailments from quinine, especially suppression of chill and fever.

Ailments from abuses of mercury, salt or salt meats.

Carb. veg. antidotes :–effects of putrid meat or fish, rancid fats : Cinchon., Laches, Mercur.

Antidotes to Carb. veg.; Arsen., Camphor., Coffea, Laches, Spir. nitr. dulc.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.