Homeopathic remedy Antimonium Crudum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Native Sulphide of Antimony. CASPARI. SbS 3.


      Insensible; bed-sores formed, yet he complained of no pain.

Child delirious, drowsy, with nausea, hot and red face; pulse irregular; feverish heat; cries when washed in cold water; better washed in warm water.

Loathing of life.

Inclined to suicide by shooting himself.

Great sadness and woeful mood.

Anxious reflection in relation to his present and future.

Sentimental mood in moonlight, particularly ecstatic love.

Child is fretful and peevish. does not wish to be touched or looked at.

Sulky, does not wish to speak with any nosebleed.


      Vertigo, nausea nosebleed.

Weakness of the head.

Heaviness in forehead.

Rush of blood to the head.

Inner Head

      Slight, dull headache and vertigo, increased by ascending stairs.

Stupefying, dull headache in the forehead so violent that sweat broke out from anxiety, when walking in the open air.

In left temporal region : pressure inwards : drawing; slow pulsation with fine pricking.

Headache : after bathing in the river, with weakness of the limbs and aversion to food; from deranged stomach; drinking alcoholic drinks; after a chill; after suppressed eruption; from taking cold.

Outer Head

      Small spot on left parietal bone, painful to touch.

Lentil-sized flat tubercles here and there on the scalp, painful to pressure, crawling sensation around them.

Formicating itching on the scalp; losing the hair.

Disposition to take cold about the head after getting wet or bathing in cold water; worse in the evening and on getting warm; better in the open air and when at rest.


      Looking into the fire increases cough.

Eyes red, inflamed, with itching and nightly agglutination.

Eyes worse from glare of the snow.

Redness of the left eye, with aversion to light.

Pustules on the cornea, with profuse mucus; pustules on margins of lids and on face.

Soreness of outer canthi.

Gum in the canthi, forenoon.

Small, moist spot at the outer canthus, very painful when sweat comes in contact with it.

Lids red and inflamed.

Chronic blephar-ophthalmia of children.


      Ringing before the ears. roaring in the ears.

A kind of deafness of right ear, as if a leaflet was lying before the tympanum; boring with the finger does not relieve it.

Drawing pain in through the right ear, and into the eustachian tube, after dinner.

Redness, burning and swelling of the left ear.



      Stoppage in nose.

Nosebleed : evenings; after headache, with giddiness; with rush of blood to head.

Coryza : fluent or dry.

Nose painful when breathing, as from inhalation of cold air or of acrid vapors.

Sore, cracked or crusty nostrils.


      Sad expression.

Face red. See Twitches in facial muscles.

Heat and itching on cheeks.

Pimples, pustules and boils on the face.

Eruption like nettle-rash.

Yellow crusted eruption on the left cheek, painful to touch and easily detached.

Suppurating and long-lasting eruption on cheeks.

Lower Face

      Lips dry.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Burning, stinging on the chin, as from a hot spark.

Small honey-colored granules on chin, with sore feeling when touched.


      Toothache in hollow teeth, pain sometimes penetrates into the head; worse at night; after eating, and from cold water; touching the tooth with the tongue, causes pain as if nerve was torn; better walking in open air.

Stitches in the tooth when drawing air into mouth.

Jerking on gnawing pain in yellow teeth.

Gums detach from teeth and bleed easily.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : bitter or lessened.

Tongue coated : thick and white: milky white: yellow, Much saltish saliva in the mouth.

Sore feeling and redness on border of tongue.


      Dryness of the mouth.

Ptyalism, excessive secretion of saltish-tasting saliva.


      Rawness of palate, with expectoration of much mucus when clearing throat.

Must draw quantities of thick, yellowish mucus from posterior nares into throat, and expectorate it.

Desires Aversions

      Desire for acids and pickles.

Long-lasting loss of appetite, with disgust for all food.

Hunger early on waking, without appetite: eating does not relieve it; at the same time sense of emptiness in pit of stomach, and want of animal heat.

Intense thirst, with dryness of lips; more at night; or thirstlessness.

Eating and Drinking

      Bread and pastry particularly occasion nausea and cutting colic.

Laziness with desire to lie down, after eating.

Fulness and tension, after eating, alternating with lightness cheerfulness and activity of mind and body.

After bad, sour wine, vomiting. Gastric catarrh. After nursing diarrhoea.

Nursing children throw up a little sour milk, as soon as they take the breast or bottle.

Worse from pork: from acids. Diarrhoea, whooping-cough.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough after smoking tobacco Belching with taste of what has been eaten.

Burning at pit of stomach like heartburn, with good appetite.

Nausea: after drinking a glass of wine; from overloading the stomach.

Vomiting: of mucus and bile; slimy; of drink only; renewed by food or drink; persistent, tongue white no thirst. Marasmus of children, gastric catarrh, etc.

Violent vomiting and diarrhoea.


      Stomach weak, easily disturbed digestion.

Painful sense of fulness of stomach, which is sore to pressure.

Pain at stomach as after too much eating, with distended but not hard abdomen.

Cramp-like pains at the stomach.

Burning, spasmodic pain at pit of stomach, driving to despair; is resolved to drown himself.

Gastric catarrh; white tongue, nausea and vomiting; cough; bowels loose or stools in lumps caused by: overeating, sour wine, hot weather, bathing; during measles; metastasis of gout or rheumatism.


      Slight tension in the hypochondria.


      Abdomen very much distended.

Incarcerated flatus; costive.

Rumbling in the abdomen.

Pinching and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on.

Sensation of emptiness in intestines, going off after meal.

Colic, with loss of appetite, hard stool, red urine.

Violent cutting in abdomen, feeling of oppression coming from stomach, indisposition to work, dull mood and pain at stomach, with eructations.

Hard gland in left groin, painful to pressure.

Cutting in the bowls with watery diarrhoea.

Stool etc.

      Acrid diarrhoea.

Stools: watery, with vomiting; watery: profuse; Watery, with little, hard lumps, or containing undigested food; mucous, mornings.

Diarrhoea, worse from vinegar and other acids; sour wine: overheating; after cold bath; night and early morning.

Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, with old people.

Diarrhoea of old people.

Difficult, hard stool, feces too large, costive, with incarcerated flatus.

Stools white, dry, irregular. Hard lumps of curd.

Sensation of copious stool, but only flatus escapes, with finally very hard stool.

Pain in rectum during stool; feeling of soreness as if an ulcer had been torn open.

Copious hemorrhage from bowels, with solid feces; haemorrhoidal.

Mucous piles, pricking, burning; continuous mucous discharge, staining yellow; sometimes ichor oozes out.


      Tenesmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep at night.

Frequent urination, with much mucus, intense burning in urethra and backache during emission.

Cutting in urethra while urinating Urine: gold-yellow, with scarcely perceptible cloud; brown red; with small red corpuscles after standing twenty-four hours.

Involuntary urination.

Male Sexual Organs

      Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness of whole body, which prevents him sitting long.

Nightly pollutions, with or without voluptuous dreams.

Itching : of penis; of tip of glans.

Biting, itching, as from salt on left side of scrotum.

Female Sexual Organs

      Tenderness over the ovarian region; after catamenia has been checked by taking bath.

Pressure in the womb, as if something would come out.

Menses commence at an early period, are profuse, then cease; subsequently chlorosis.

Before menses, toothache, with boring into the temples.

Discharge of acrid water from the vagina, which caused a smarting down the thighs.

Leucorrhoea watery and containing lumps.


      During pregnancy: gastro-intestinal and hemorrhoidal affections.


      Feebleness of voice.

Loss of voice; from getting overheated; better after rest.

Violent spasms in the larynx and pharynx as if the throat were filled with a plug, which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accompanied by a feeling of soreness.


      Short, heavy breathing; dyspnoea.

Deep, sighing breathing, as from fulness of the chest, afternoon and after eating.

Oppression coming from stomach.

Constriction almost to suffocation.

When exhaling, sharp stitches in left cheek.


      Frequent dry cough.

Cough shaking the whole body, with involuntary escape of copious urine.

Cough : after rising in the morning, in attacks; as if arising from the abdomen; the first attack is always most severe, the subsequent ones weaker and weaker until the last resemble only a hacking, Whooping-cough. Stomach cough.

Cough :in the hot sun; on coming into warm room from cold air; whooping-cough after measles.

Looking into the fire increases cough.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.