Leucorrhoea Therapeutics


Leucorrhoea, with much backache; great soreness in anus, either from hemorrhoids or fissures. Uterine ulceration with putrid discharges, accompanied with a sense of great weakness. She is sad, ill-humored, anxious, apprehensive, disposed to be angry; gums scorbutic; slow emission of urine from great weakness of the bladder; external genitals very sensitive to touch; heaviness of the anus; weariness of the lower extremities. Hemorrhoids protruding, dark-purple with burning in anus, ((>)) from hot bathing. Pressing sensation in the genitals as if the menses would appear; leucorrhoea with backache, pressing in genitals, soreness in anus, often indicated in low febrile states and exhausting diseases. Suitable to dark-haired, dark-eyed women. Aggravation from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


The discharge of this remedy is thick, heavy, white, or yellowish mucus, pus-like, more copious during urination; the leucorrhoea like the menses is often accompanied with pressure in the hypogastrium, extending towards the genitals, as if everything would issue from the abdomen (Lilium tigrinum, Belladonna, Sepia). As a catarrhal remedy Natrum carbonicum is worthy of careful study. The thick, yellow carbonicum is worthy of careful study. The thick, yellow or greenish discharge shows its sycotic curative qualities; as with all the Natrums the patient is sad, despondent, trembles from exertion, is weak minded, has a peculiar aversion to men and to society in general. She is very sleepy during the day, awakens in the morning unrefreshed. These patients cannot digest starches, therefore suffer from flatulence caused by indigestion of starchy food. They suffer with nervous hunger (like Psorinum, Ignatia, Sepia, Sulphur); they are always tired and have cold knees and cold extremities; are nervous, dyspeptic and catarrhal. The leucorrhoeas are often like the nasal catarrhal. The leucorrhoeas are often like the nasal catarrh, thick, greenish and copious, and comes out of the vagina in gushes; aggravation during full moon, and during a thunder-storm, an from 5 to 11 a.m.


Leucorrhoea thick, white or transparent, profuse, acrid, with smarting in the vulva. We often have a bearing-down or pressure- like sensation as if the menses were coming, or a cutting pain in the urethra after urinating. Leucorrhoea greenish, especially when walking; aversion to sexual intercourse, very irritable afterwards. Melancholy, sad, despondent, dejected, and made < by consolation; extremely sad during menstruation; she has headache every morning as if it would burst. Sensation as if sand were in the eyes or fiery zig-zag flashes before the eyes. The skin is pale, waxy, greasy, often dropsical and she is subject to goose- flesh when she becomes chilled. She drops things from her hands because of a nervous weakness; gets into a passion about trifles; the tongue is often mapped, and she suffers with herpes about the chin and mouth during the menstrual period, or urticaria; aggravation from 10 to 11 a.m.


Leucorrhoea after menses, greenish mucus, or flow is watery (Lil), flesh-colored or cherry-colored; leucorrhoea acrid, offensive, brownish water (Sycosis); it is occasionally stringy (Kali bich., Hydras.); head aches as if head were tightly bound; stitches in vagina; soreness of vulva with aching. Taking cold greatly aggravates the leucorrhoea and pruritus; bearing down in lower abdomen is quite a constant symptom. Face pale, sallow or brownish (Sepia, Lycopodium); ulceration in corners of mouth; aversion to meat and bread; likes salt fish, herring, chalk, and lime (Kali carb.). Urine brownish, strong smelling, fetid (Benzoic acid), indicated frequently in tall, dark, lean women, with black eyes and hair; she is generally < at night and ((>)) from riding in a carriage or car; adapted to disease coming from secondary or tertiary syphilis or syco-syphilis. The ulcers, warts, and abnormal growths bleed easily or ooze a thin yellowish-green or dirty-water secretion. It is suitable also to hemorrhages due to a syphilitic taint; as Phosphorus is to the tubercular, so it is to the syco-syphilitic.


Indicated in very hysterical women who are subject to fainting fits, and have a sort of vicarious leucorrhoea in place of the menses. Mouth and tongue become so dry they are unbearable, almost adhere to the roof of the mouth. Menses scanty, dark and suppressed, followed by profuse leucorrhoea. Great dryness of the eyes; great inclination to laugh when out of doors (hysteria.) Great distension of the abdomen with flatulence of a nervous origin; vanishing of thought. Pain in the back as of a piece of wood lying across it; slimy, leucorrhoeal discharge when the menses should appear; palpitation of the heart with attacks of fainting.


Pseudo-psoric. Leucorrhoea like albumen, copious with burning in the genitals. Desire beer; aversion to meat and fats; itching herpes in the perineum; soreness and moisture in the genitals; fetid sweat in axilla, itching and burning in different parts of the body; skin diseases and eruptions about the genitals of both sexes; cracks and fissures behind the ears, hands and feet; burning and itching with redness of the skin; chilblains.


Anti-sycotic. Uterine leucorrhoea; cervical ulceration; scirrhus or cancer of the cervix (Conium); discharge profuse, yellow, thick and often tenacious and irritating. Saliva tenacious, yellow, ropy, metallic-tasting; pain at the root of tongue when swallowing; inflammation, swelling and induration of the mammae.


Pseudo-psoric. Leucorrhoea from chlorosis in tubercular individuals in advanced stages of the disease. In tall, thin people with narrow, pigeon-shaped and contracted chests. It sometimes takes the place of the menses, and it may be either bland or acrid; typically, however, it is acrid. corrosive, smarting and blistering the parts passed over. Leucorrhoea milky or watery with a sense of great weakness across the abdomen; with heat and burning in the back; night or evening cough, < from lying down; occasionally the leucorrhoea is pinkish or reddish, with a weak empty feeling in the abdomen and great burning of the hands and feet, which is < at night. Before the menses, a weeping (like Pulsatilla) with bleeding from the gums and nose; leucorrhoea with haemoptysis in place of the menses, or spitting of blood in place of the menses; petechia, spots on the skin. Aggravations: Evening, thunderstorms, and when lying on the left side.


Acrid leucorrhoea, profuse, bloody or yellowish with much itching, coming on a few days after menses. leucorrhoea after exhausting fevers or diseases like pneumonia. Pale, sickly complexion with great indifference and apathy; disinclination to talk and low-spirited; longs for juicy, acid fruits; stools thin and whitish or thin and yellow. Great bodily weakness, emaciation, dull, listless and apathetic, especially in the a.m. Leucorrhoea with a severe backache in young girl students (cal. carb., Calcarea phos., and Nat. mur.). Leucorrhoea after onanism; urine clear, watery; nervous or milky urine.


Leucorrhoea with constipation and great sensitiveness of the external genitals. Albuminous leucorrhoea only in the daytime, with pinching pains in abdomen and pressing down in the groins; voluptuous tingling in the pudenda.


Leucorrhoea in large lumps with an unbearable odor. It leaves a yellow stain on the linen; leucorrhoea with a constant increasing debility and loss of strength; great sensitiveness to cold or sudden change of weather; leucorrhoea thin, corrosive and exceedingly offensive; perspiration sour and offensive; skin sallow, dingy, pimply, unwashed appearing, scaly, rough, moist eczema behind the ears and corners of the mouth sore; body has a filthy smell, even after a bath; tired, weary and desire to lie down.


Psoric and pseudo-psoric in its action; leucorrhoea bland at first but in a day or two it become very acrid and corrosive in its character. The patients suffers with pressure and tightness across the chest, or with stitching pains across the chest; intercostal neuralgia.


Leucorrhoea of a bloody character; gonorrhoea of ovaries and tubes; cysts of ovaries. It produces itching and soreness of genitals and thighs. Choleraic symptoms arising from gonorrhoeal rheumatism either hereditary or acquired. It has much burning in the uterine region, acute inflammation of joints and general rheumatism, which is brought on by damp weather or getting wet; < before a storm, especially a thunder-storm. Laboring women, strong constitutions, suffering from sycotic rheumatism. She has much fear and dread of storms. Rheumatism and all her complaints and all her complaints are aggravated by electrical storms. Aggravated by wet, windy, or stormy weather (Rhus tox).


Leucorrhoea whitish or greenish with a bruised feeling in the womb, Leucorrhoea thick, yellow and acrid, with a very fetid smell; womb hard, firm and swollen; between the menstrual periods discharges of blood followed by an acrid, thick, purulent leucorrhoea, great acidity of the stomach. Indicated more frequently in dark-eyed and dark-complexioned people.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908