Leucorrhoea Therapeutics


Leucorrhoea white, mucous, copious, painless with some smarting in perineum; whining mood; frequent desire to urinate with scanty emissions; “bruised pain in small of back.” (Minton.)


Leucorrhoea about the time of the climacteric period, copious, jelly-like mucus, pain in sacral region extending to pubes. Colicky during menses, a feeling of weariness in small of back; urine pale yellow.


Leucorrhoea dark yellow with furious itching of the vulva and vagina; dragging pains in left ovary; nervous trembling all over as if intoxicated.


Leucorrhoea yellowish, bland, occurring only in the daytime; general symptoms erratic; discharges from nose acrid; intense unbearable backache, ((>)) by rest and on first moving; membranous dysmenorrhoea followed by sore-throat or sore-throat during menses (Lachesis); escape of gas from the vagina (Lycopodium, Sars); great heat in ovarian region during menses with great sensitiveness and soreness; sharp pains in left ovary; gonorrhoeal leucorrhoea, acrid, excoriating, causing swelling of labia; raw, herpetic eruption, much swelling of labia and thighs; breasts sore and sensitive to pressure; sleep disturbed; fearful dreams; sensation as if there were a ball in throat.


Leucorrhoea whitish sometimes slimy, with pain in back; it makes her very weak, has an offensive, whitish discharge from uterus for several months (provings); vagina and womb very sensitive, painfully so; complaints greatly aggravated by the sound of running water; desires to urinate; dread of dogs; saliva ropy, frothy, (Mercurius). Breasts swell at night; a sore lameness in back and lower abdomen; cold sensation in spine. Aggravation: Touch, bright light, riding in a carriage. Adapted to blonde women of white skin, blue eyes, quick temper, and very sensitive to medicine or external impressions.


Leucorrhoea profuse, with copious urination. Indicated in gouty forms of Sycosis; great heaviness and weariness of feet; gouty nodosities on toes; rheumatic pains in joints, especially hip joints. Indicated in pale, gouty, delicate women who are cold all the time; pains aggravated by heat of bed; pains ascend upward. Venous stasis, puffy, mottled appearance during menses; gout of feet relieved by cold bathing.


Leucorrhoea in shreds of mucus, with ulceration of os; general languor and prostration; urine red or orange color; sore, lame feeling in small of back; chronic congestion and disorders of the liver; stool often black, tarry or clay colored. “Dull aching in the liver with a weak sinking sensation in pit of stomach.” (Hering’s Guiding Symptoms).


Leucorrhoea very copious, thin, and brownish with bearing-down sensation in pelvic organs, feeling as if the organs would push out through the vagina, ((>)) by supporting vulva with hand. Leucorrhoea stains the linen brown (Nit. acid), or it is bright- yellow and excoriating after a scanty menstruation. As soon as the profuse, acrid leucorrhoea begins, menses cease; the bearing down is worse standing (Sulphur), better sitting or lying down; sensation as if heart were grasped in a vice (Cactus); often indicated in any displacement or relaxation of uterus; palpitation with fluttering of the heart; low-spirited, apprehensive, burning and pressure, with dragging down sensation in all the pelvic organs, even in rectum, with desire to stool (Nux vomica, Aloe, Sepia). Reddish sediment; great nervous irritation, always in a hurry, indicated in light-haired, blue or grey eyed people with florid complexions, vivacious and inclined to be fleshy, with lax muscular system; uterine complaints from child bearing. It is syco-psoric.


Rose-colored leucorrhoea < before the full of the moon, or it may be milky or bloody; pain and rumbling in left hypochondria; much distension and flatulence of abdomen; acid digestion, often indicated in the uric acid diathesis; following Sycosis in tertiary stage the leucorrhoea is often acrid and corrosive; dryness in vagina; gas escapes from the vagina; gnawing, itching, burning in vulva after menstruation (Kreosotum), indicated from the gastric symptoms more often than anything else. It is a deep acting remedy; acts on every tissue and on all the miasms; face is sallow, pale, or sickly; aggravated by heat of bed,((>)) by eating dry food; low-spirited, moody; dreads solitude; great discomfort and bloating after eating.


Leucorrhoea white mucus, often acrid after menses, then watery, scanty, with pinching pain about the umbilicus; tongue coated white; mouth full of white mucus; leucorrhoea smells sour; stool like clay hard, dry, crumbling. Face pale, waxy, sallow; she always feel tired and relaxed in the morning. Menses dark, acrid, pitch-like with cutting colic, sour belching and desire for meat.


Leucorrhoea with great nervous excitement, often with uterine spasms; stool hard and knotty like sheep dung (Sepia). Leucorrhoea < after exercise and after stool. Leucorrhoea alternating with uterine cramps or with flow of menses. Pain in small of back as if burned; uterine diseases in nervous, hysterical women. Indicated in scirrhus of uterus; aggravated by salt, sea-bathing, warm room; < in open air (Like Pulsatilla); loss of power in bladder, little power to expel urine. Backache relieved by hard pressure ( Kali. carb.).Eructations taste like rotten eggs; takes cold easily, sensitive to cold and chilly, yet feels ((>))when walking in open air.


Another remedy having spasmodic pains in uterus during menses or spasmodic colic, also < from damp, cold weather, cold bathing; ameliorated by hard pressure, and from heat; often indicated in schools girls (Calcarea phos.), who suffer from mental emotion, study; occipital headaches with flushed face or supra-orbital neuralgia; menses are dark and stringy; she is subject to chorea and spasmodic symptoms. Pains < on right side, from the least draft of cold air, or cold bathing. Leucorrhoea stringy, membranous, the same as menses. Lightning like ovarian and neuralgic pains.


Leucorrhoea bloody between the menses; bruised pain in small of back and groin. Discharge thick, white, profuse like the menses. Leucorrhoea causes burning when walking. Great heaviness in the head during menses; greenish colored urine; dry cough, with burning at pit of stomach; pyrosis, water rising in the mouth; taste bitter; mentally of a sad and weeping mood.


Indicated in waxy, chlorotic, pallid, sickly, tubercular women who have great anxiety and fear as if something were going to happen; sad, low-spirited, silent also. Leucorrhoea in chlorosis or pernicious anaemia (Ferrum., Arsenicum,); menses very scanty, lasting but a day or so. Discharge greenish-yellow, tubercular pus.


Leucorrhoea either acrid or bland; it may be whitish, greenish, bloody or sweet smelling; when it is purulent it produces burning, rawness, pimples, and pustules on the labia; the itching and burning is relieved by washing in cold water, also < in the evening and at night. There is much viscid cottony saliva in the mouth; the tongue is usually large and flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth; taste metallic or bitter, putrid; gums are soft, spongy, recede from teeth and bleed easily. Not infrequently the discharge is muco-purulent, thin, acrid, lumpy, there is milk in the breasts during menses. Burning and throbbing in the vagina, aphthae; patches on labia; weakness and weariness in lower limbs; skin sallow; jaundiced looking.


Leucorrhoea pale, yellow, sweet smelling, tinged with blood or composed of mucus and thin water; it is very acrid, causing intense heat and burning of genitals, pimples, nodules, even ulcers. Gonorrhoeal leucorrhoea greenish with vesical tenesmus, with burning in the orifice; bloody urine passes in drops, with much pain and tenesmus.


Leucorrhoea greenish-yellow; moist, burning condylomata about the external genitals; perineum and anus discharging a greenish, watery, offensive secretion; foul smell from mouth with salivation and mercurial symptoms in general. Syphilitic symptoms or syco-syphilitic symptoms (Thuja, Nit. acid, Cinnabaris).


Leucorrhoea copious, muco-purulent, comes from the os uteri. Leucorrhoea in young girls or children with a syphilitic history; great weariness and weight in lower extremities, often cramp-like pains, < at night, from warmth, during summer or spring-time.


Leucorrhoea watery, greenish during the day only. Leucorrhoea bloody and excoriating, feeling of great heaviness in the vagina or sensation of constriction in the uterus. Study its eruptive diseases. It is a remedy like Sulphur which is greatly aggravated by washing and ((>)) from warmth of bed.


Anti-sycotic. Gonorrhoeal leucorrhoea usually profuse; whitish or yellow; corrosive, producing biting and pruritus of the vulva and vagina; cannot retain urine long; stains napkin dirty brown; leucorrhoea opaque, white mucus; stains linen yellow; soreness and burning when urinating. Leucorrhoea like dirty water, thin, offensive, corrosive, producing pruritus; odor like stale fish, musty, and pungent. Breasts sensitive and sore; vagina and cervix mottled, with alternate bluish or pinkish spots. Sensation as if something were pulling down in left ovary; very sensitive; leucorrhoea suppressed by medicated douches. She has great difficulty in telling symptoms; stops and begins over again; mind weak and forgetful; cannot remember names; gonorrhoea of rectum or nose with thin, scanty, watery oozing. Pruritus vulvae which is < while thinking about it.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908