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Other Diseases and their Chemistry

Other Diseases and their Chemistry…


ALTHOUGH this publication is mainly associated with the greatest present cause of human mortality throughout civilization, namely malignant disease or cancer, the chemical researches which have led to the unraveling of the cause of this scourge, have led to investigations in other fields of medical science, embracing many different microscopical and macroscopical pathologies known to cause morbidity and mortality, under many clinical names.

The whole range of human disease or abnormality has, since the epoch making discoveries of Louis Pasteur and Lord Lister, been made to revolve round micro organisms. On germ life the eyes of research workers have been focused through ever increasing magnifications of ever increasing intricacies of lenses, but there always remains the fact that these germs will only grow to produce their pathogenic toxins when the medium permits. Like all living bodies, these organisms, although microscopic, will only flourish when the soil in which they find themselves, permits of their existence and growth. So although the specific micro organisms may be present in clinical conditions of morbidity and mortality to cause tuberculosis, pneumonia, typhoid fever, tonsillitis, and the whole range of so-called bacterial pathologies, still it must be remembered that before any germs can give rise to disease, they must first be implanted in the body, and secondly they must. find a soil which permits of their growth and toxin formation. With an unfavourable, soil a tissue with adequate vital defence, no germ of any size, shape, or virulence can survive. Pasteur revealed to medical science the pathogenic germs, but Creation gave to man’s body its vital defences against these invaders. Any of these so-called bacterial diseases therefore, no matter what may be their specific pathogenic micro organisms, their body localization or their clinical nomenclatures, can only exist and take their morbid or mortal toll when the defences of the body are inadequate to resist the attack. The bacteriological laboratory has searched for and named a phantasmagoria of bacterial types, and sub types. The habits and reactions of these minute members of the animate world have been described in minutest details. Men have come to know germs better than they know themselves, they have speculated more about these organisms than about their main protection their vital resistance the factor which allowed mankind to live through thousands of years in spite of germs which then existed, and about whose existence mankind was then completely ignorant. A multitude of chemical and other devices have been made to overcome these infinitesimally sized attackers of humanity. The ingenuity of man’s intellect and its machinery have been used to save mankind, and yet the salvation which this wealth of energy has brought to mankind must be, without argument or prejudice, realized to be very small in comparison with the energy expended. The question can be asked: If the existence of germs had never been known, would mankind be worse off as regards physical and mental morbidity and mortality than he is today?.

It is true that the knowledge of the causes of surgical infection has made the modern operating theatre an entirely different affair to the gangrene laden atmosphere of hospitals of a century ago, but has this comparative safety of surgery had an altogether beneficial effect, or has it lead to a veritable orgy of surgery in which the surgeon’s knife has replaced the scientist’s brains. There is no doubt that countless surgical operations which are carried out today would never take place if medical science had never received the knowledge of germs and their pathogenesis. The surgeon’s knife has come to dominate medical science. Growths of all sizes, locations and natures have yielded to the cutting art, performed with varying degrees of skill and artistry, but and this fact cannot be denied even by the most prejudiced of surgeons a greater percentage of human mortality is due at present to cancer than ever before in the history of mankind. A vast amount of energy and money has been expended in surgery against cancer, and the curative return to mankind has been practically nil. Every man, woman and child in all civilized countries of the earth has lost friends, relatives or enemies from cancer after all the skill and energy of surgery has been tried and failed. If all this wasted energy and money had not ‘been expended on methods which from their inception were doomed to failure, as they contravened the first platform of common sense and the universal law of cause and effect, it is fair to presume that at least mankind could not possibly be in a worse position in regard to the cancer scourge than it is today. Moreover, if all this wasted energy and money had been used on avenues of research which took cognizance of universal laws, it is safe to presume that cancer would not now be the harvester of human wreckage.

The knife has its uses and its abuses, what the latter embrace needs no detailing the anguish of the artistically mutilated, and the files of the statisticians bear tragic witness. Every operation which has been performed as a cure for cancer has been waste of energy, waste of time, waste of money, but of more importance still, has been a diversion of human effort from the path of curative success. Thousands of operations have been performed because of the fear of cancer a fear shared at present by all mankind because of the wholesale tragedy which has followed inevitably these futile knife thrusts. Pieces of human flesh have been rushed to laboratories when, sectioned and gazed upon, they have been subjected to the question: cancer or no cancer while the surgeon’s knife remains poised in melodramatic fashion. Cancer! wholesale ablation, no cancer! The wound already made, stitched up, in spite of the fact that, in the words of one of the most renowned surgeons of the world, even if the growth is a cancer and is only the size of a small nut, as accessible as the human breast to ablation of the growth, with the operation most completely and artistically performed the cancer growth returns. The victim has been mutilated, and in the space of a short time the growth is back again. If this procedure is not only absurd but also inhuman, it is hard to visualize anything which is not.

Cancer evolution, cell proliferation and growth is a necessity in those human bodies in which the cancer cause is present. Otherwise cancer contravenes a universal law of cause and effect, of which the cancer is the effect and the cause is a continuous deposition in a localized site of the body of a caustic mineral,.salt, whose source is a mineral carbonate circulating in excess in the blood and tissue fluids, and this carbonate excess is due to an absence and deficiency of the normal buffer or protective acid radicals of free chlorine and phosphorus. The hydrolysis of carbonates must give rise to caustic mineral salts. With the absence of free acid radicals the body, against these caustic burning agents, has no protection. So nature evolves at the site of the caustic deposition, from the cells of the body, a new type of cell the cancer cell whose metabolism produces a new acid radical, a new buffer salt. Enough, however, has already been written about this cellular growth evolvement, resulting from the continuous local deposition in the body of a caustic mineral salt, but there are many other pathologies which are not cancer. There are adenomata, fibromata and cysts. At present, like cancer growths, these are subjected to surgery, without any attempt being made to find their causes. They are removed and nothing further is done, but like cancer, these pathologies have causes. Moreover, as the only avenue of ingress of the cause of these pathologies is, in the large percentage of cases, the blood and tissue fluids, the cause must be an abnormality in these fluids. Again like cancer, these causes of adenomata, fibroids and cysts must be deposited at the local body sites to cause these pathologies, and their deposition must be continuous if the pathology is to be continuous. A uterine fibroid, an ovarian cyst, a hydrocele, etc., will only continue to grow as the effect of a cause when this cause or causes is continuous.

From the blood or tissue fluids the cause of a fibroid growth must be deposited for the fibroid to commence, and must be deposited continuously for the fibroid to continue growing. What is deposited from the blood or tissue fluids to cause a fibroid in the uterine wall, a cyst in the ovary, a hydrocele in the tunica vaginalis of the testicle, etc.?.

Only by a chemical analysis of the contents of a hydrocele or ovarian cyst is it possible to have any clue to what is being deposited from the blood and tissue fluids to cause these pathologies. The cells lining these cysts are not abnormal, such as are those of the cancer growth, they are normal serous secreting cells, obtaining from their surrounding tissue fluids, the fluid secretions which make up the contents of the cysts. Are these cysts causeless and Purposeless? Such an idea is ridiculous and untenable. They have a cause and therefore they must have a purpose. If they continue to grow by increasing amounts of, their contained fluids, they must have a continuous cause. The material manifestation of their cause and purpose is their fluid contents and its ingredients. The material evidence of the cause, and purpose of the kidneys and urinary bladder is the urine, or fluid which they excrete and temporarily contain. Without this visible evidence of the renal function, the function of kidneys would not be known, in fact the kidneys would be functionless.

Edward Henty Smalpage
Edward Henty Smalpage (1895-1962), was an Australian doctor. He netered medical school at Sydney at age 16. He went into Military service after that. After leaving services on medical grounds (epilepsy), he cleared FRCS from England in 1921. In 1940 he published the book Cancer, it's Cause, Prevention and Cure.