
Yes, of course. If you will refer to the first lesson in which we discussed matter and energy you will remember that all physical matter is basically primary energy and that all matter contain latent energy. Applying this principle to the subjects of drugs and medicine it is self-evident that these substances contain latent energies which can be brought out and liberated by special processes. Illustration: Steam is obtained by boiling water, and steam under pressure develops an energy that will derive engines and pull trains; but the same quantity of water(without boiling)put into a steam cylinder would generate no power at all; it is the liberated energy in the water that manifests the power; and not thee water itself.

Does the energy in drugs and medicines vary in quality and nature?

Yes, it does. We know that no two drugs or medicines are exactly alike or cause the same reaction in the body; this is due to the fact that the combination of basic elements are not the same in any two medicinal substances. Each and every one acts according to its own nature and quality, and for this reason elicits different reactions in the body. Basically they are all composed of the same primary energy but the nature and quality of this energy are changed but the nature and quality of this energy are changed in accordance with the nature of the creative impulse or idea that formed the substance, whether it is inorganic or organic in nature. Naturally all drug and medicinal substances are irritating and antagonistic to the harmonious activity of he life force of he body; they are more or less poisonous.

How are drugs and medicines classified?

Into several classes and sub-classes according to the nature of the drug and reaction it causes on thee body, such as alkalies, acids, antiacids, antipyretic, antiseptics, antispasmodic, and a great number of smaller sub- classifications.

What is understood by crude drugs?

Crude drugs are medicinal substances used in their full physiological drug strength, without any dilution.

What is understood by the term medicine?

Medicine is made from crude drugs have been diluted and may contain several medicinal ingredients in one compound.

What is understood by potentized medicine?

Potentized medicine is medicinal substance in which thee crude drug elements have been eliminated by a process of medicinal dilutions and breaking up of the crude drug substance e until the potential energy of thee medicine has been liberated and by a mechanical process forced into a new medica.

What is the main difference in medicinal action between crude drugs and potentized medicine?

The main difference is that crude drugs act either chemically or physiologically through reaction of the nervous system; while potentized medicine acts dynamically on the energy emanating from the diseased process within the body.

Have all drugs and medicines, including potentized medicine, thee power to derange or disturb human health?

Yes, they have, when taken in definite doses, at definite times, and over a definite period of time. Of course, there is a different in susceptibility to medicine. Sensitive human beings will respond very readily and manifest symptoms of ill health, while stronger and lees sensitive persons may take medicine for a long time without any perceptible manifestation of symptoms.

How does this statement agree with the fact that a patient suffering from pain of other symptoms may take a sedative or other medicines over a long period without manifesting apparent drug symptoms?

In this way, that when a disease is active in the body of thee nervous system is already so irritated by the disease process that it does not always take cognizance of a drug irritant of a lesser irritating quality. Of course, if the sedative is strong enough to cause the nerves to react it, it may relieve pain for a time, but in the measure the reflex action becomes exhausted; the nerves will again react to the pain or the disease. In this way a battle is going on within the body between the diseased process and the drug reaction, hence no definite drug symptoms can be obtained; but if this is prolonged over an extensive period thee vitality of the patient will become exhausted and he will suffer from the battle between the disease and the drugs taken.

If drugs and medicine have the power to derange human health why are they given to sick people with the object of restoring health or curing disease?

Primarily, because of old inherent instinct in the human mind that the Creator has provided healing substances in nature for ills that human flesh may be heir to. From this instinctive impulse, primitive as well as civilized people have tried to find some substances in plants, in herbs, or other physical substances that may have the power to relieve pain and cure disease; and from this idea our present knowledge of the therapeutic value of medicine developed.

Basic principles of homoeopathy, proving of drugs and medicines, Hahnemann’s studies and discoveries of the homoeopathic principles in medicine.

What is homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a system of internal medicine or medicinal therapeutic, based on the principle “similia similibus curantur”- like cures like.

What does that statement actually mean?

It means that a medicine or a remedy to bee curative to a disease, or a state of ill health, must be similar in medicinal nature and therapeutic range of action to the disease, as it is manifested in the patient by the symptoms present. In other words, the medicine in its proving on well people must have brought out or produced symptoms similar to those of which the patient complains. This includes all the symptoms, both the objective and subjective; but from thee standpoint of prescribing the correct remedy, the subject symptoms are more important because they represent the individual reaction of the disease process within the body.

How has the principle of similia similibus curantur discovered?

By testing or proving drugs and medicines on well peoples.]

What does that imply – to test or prove medicines on well people?

It means that a drug or a medicine is administrated to a group of well people until symptoms of ill health and disease appear in these people. It also implies that drugs and medicines possess power to derange, upset and disrupt normal, healthy activities of the body, when given in definite doses, at definite intervals, and over a definite period of time.

How is testing or proving medicines on well people conducted and carried out?

When a physician or a group of physicians decide to prove or test the medicinal qualities and the therapeutic range of a medicine, the first thing they do is top select a group of people willing to volunteer as provers or “guinea pigs” for the test. The provers are healthy men and women, as healthy as can be obtained in a community, and quite often physicians and their friends volunteer for this scientific work.

The provers are given a careful physical examination, and the individual sensitiveness and idiosyncrasies carefully noted. The medicine to be proven is carefully prepared, and each prover is given a definite dose to be take at definite intervals and over as a definite period of time; in the meantime the provers are advised to continue in their usual occupations, and habits of eating and living.

They are also instructed to make careful notes of all sensations or feelings, or changes from the normal functions of the various organs and part of the body. These changes and symptoms are to be carefully written down on paper and the nature of the changes and the degree of the disturbed functions, as well as the time of the day or night; and the conditions under which the symptoms appeared are noted. Also how the changes and symptoms are affected by heat or cold, eating and drinking, or anything else that pertains to the usual habits of the provers. For a few hours or days nothing may happen, but some provers develop symptoms very early- even after a few hours, depending on the nature of he medicine and the sensitiveness of the prover. The less sensitive ones may not note any changes or symptoms for days or weeks, but eventually they, too, will become affected. Headaches of various degrees and severity may develop, or facial neuralgia or toothache, or sore throat with congestion, swelling and pain. The respiratory system may become congested, with cough and pain in the chest; or symptoms of a cold, including discharges from the nose and other symptoms connected with a cold. The heat may become affected; there may be pain and either rapid or slow pulse with difficulty in breathing with many other heart symptoms. Thee digestive system may become upset; there may be indigestion, belching, distension or pain in the stomach, or their may be fermentation, sour stomach, heartburn, and the appetite may be increased or decreased. The bowel function may become changed, either constipation or diarrhoea, with colic and unusual amount of flatus or gas. The sex function in both male and female may become altered, and the menstrual function may be seriously affected. In the bony frame of the body there may develop pain and the joints may become stiff, sore and swollen; and the muscles in various parts of the body may becomes painful and rheumatic. The temperature of the body may change, and fever may develop,, particularly in those who manifest severe symptoms of the respiratory system.

Gustavus A. Almfelt
Gustavus A. Almfelt, MD