
What are the finer forces or energies in nature?

The finer forces of energies in nature are basically primary energy set in motion by creative impulses for definite purposes and activities on the various planes of matter; they may vary in nature and quality according to thee character of the impulse that set them in motion and the purpose they serve.

Name some of the finer forces.

Electrical, chemical and physical forces or energies. These are active forces that change, break up and form new combinations on the inorganic plane of matter.

What other known energies or forces are active in nature?

The life energies or life forces.

What are the life energies or life forces?

The life energies or forces are specialized rays of primary energy provided by the Creator for the purpose of creating and maintaining life in physical matter. This earth would be of no purpose were there no life activity on it, hence the great Creator of the world designated some rays of primary energy for this purpose and into these rays he injected the impulse of life or the “Spark of Life”; these rays of primary energy have the power to convert inorganic matter into living organic cells, tissues and structures. We know that manifestation of life on earth, whether in the vegetable or animal or human kingdoms, is not electrical or chemical or physical or biological activities alone, but something more and infinitely finer and more delicate in its activity, hence we are justified to call these energies the life forces.

What energies or forces change the forms of physical matter on the inorganic plane?

Electrical, chemical and physical energies. These break up existing combinations and out of the elements form new compounds, formations and bodies.

What is physical force?

Physical force is a power produced by matter in motion, and thee quality and power of the force is governed by the quantity of matter and speed of the motion.

What is physical energy?

Physical energy is a power produced by physical matter and liberated by breaking up or destroying the body or the compound holding it in bondage like dynamite, etc. It may also be generated within a body or a compound by forcing a stronger energy into the body, or compound in question. Basically all energy is derived from primary energy, but physical energy may change in nature and character, depending upon the nature of the force which liberated the latent energy from the physical compound or the body. For this reason there are many manifestations of energy or power, some benevolent and constructive and some harmful and destructive.

Is energy inherent in all physical matter?

Yes, as all matter is derived from primary energy it is self- evident that all matter contains latent energy.

What is the nature of physical energy?

The nature and consistency of physical energy is similar to that of primary energy. It is an infinity fine, vibrating and ever-moving force. Its movements are expressed in the so-called vibratory or Brownian movements.

What is organic matter or the vegetable kingdom?

Organic matter is a state in which the chemical combination of the inorganic elements have been broken up, changed and transmuted into living and growing organic cells, tissues and structures.

What power or energy changes or transmutes inorganic matter into organic living vegetable cells and tissues?

The vegetable life force or life energy.

What is the nature of the vegetable life force or life energy?

We have answered this matter in a previous question, but may add that vegetable life energy is only one ray of the great universal life energy. It can only transmute inorganic chemical elements into vegetable matter but cannot create animal or human bodies.

How does the vegetable life energy create and build living vegetable structures?

The vegetable life energy, assisted by the heat of the sun rays, converts the gases in the air and the minerals in the earth into vegetable cells, tissues and structures. This process can be called a transmuting function as it takes thee inorganic elements and out of these makes beautiful flowers, plants, fruits and all the great variety of organic life found in the vegetable kingdom.

Can this process of transmuting inorganic physical elements into living organic structures bee described?

Yes, in a general way. As we stated before the life energy assisted by the heat of the sun rays, or even infra-red heat, converts the carbon gas in the air into sugars, starches and other organic elements. The hydrogen gas combines with oxygen gas forming water, which is used as a vehicle for carrying on the function of life in the plant cells, but water does not actually become a part of the cells. The oxygen gas operates in vegetable life mostly as a purifier or destroyer of dead organic matter and toxins, but is not built into the cell structure of the plant. The main function of oxygen in nature is keep living organic bodies clean and free from dead organic matter and poisons, hence it plays a very important part in the living kingdom of matter, both in the vegetable and in the animal. The nitrogen gas from which hard cellular tissues are formed has little affinity for other gases in the air, hence before it can be built into vegetable tissues it first unites with ammonia and as ammonia compounds absorbed into the earth. From the earth the plant life draws it up and build it into its dense cells and structures. The minerals in the earth are absorbed in a similar manner by the growing plant where they are broken up and transmuted into living cells and tissues.

What inorganic elements are used into construction of the vegetable kingdom?

Sixteen, the four gases of the air and the twelve minerals from thee earth. The gases are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. The minerals are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, chlorine, sodium, magnesia, iron, iodine, fluorine, silicon and manganese. To these some recent biochemists have added one or two more minerals but the above twelve are the main ones.

What is colloidal state of matter?

The colloidal state of matter implies that inorganic or mineral matter has been broken up and crushed until it is reduced to a condition of microscopical size.

Is colloidal matter inorganic or organic?

Colloidal matter is inorganic, although it has been broken up and reduced to such a fine substance that it is very close to the organic line, but there is no life activity in it, hence it is inorganic.

What is understood by electro-magnetic force?

The strata of ether is basically electro magnetic. In fact all electric energy originates in this field; and when two inorganic bodies of the opposite pole of magnetic energy meet, a new quality of electrical energy is generated which is called electro magnetic force. This force has the power to attract and impregnate inorganic metallic bodies with electro magnetic energy and may exert a great force on other metallic bodies if thee magnets are of sufficient size.

What relation has the electro-magnetic force to the life energy?

None, except that the vegetable life energy in its process of creating and maintaining life in physical matter may make use of electro magnetic energy and other physical energies and forces in its operation of building and maintaining l;life in matter.

What forces in nature break down dead organic matter and return it to its primary or inorganic state?

Two, oxygen and bacteria. Oxygen burns up all organic matter containing carbon and during pressure of beat will burn up or destroy other dead organic matter and even living bodies. Bacteria eats up or consume all forms of dead organic matters and bodies where ever it may be found, either in thee earth, on the earth, in thee air, in or on the living body. It is the function of bacteria to break down or convert dead useless substances and bodies into their primary inorganic gases and other elements.

2. Health and disease, drugs and medicine, and their relation to the body in health and sickness.

What is health?

Health is a state of being in which every cell, every tissue, every organ and part of the body performs its function normally, harmoniously and so smoothly that he consciousness is not aware of organs and parts; thoughts and ideas flow freely and the reasoning is clear and logical: the emotions react normally and rationally to the environment and to life as a whole; and the entire being vibrates vitality, harmony and charm.

What is vitality?

Vitality is a state of being in which the life force permeates every cell, every tissue and organ of the body freely and uninterruptedly until the entire being is charged with life power and radiates strength, poise and health.

What is human magnetism?

Magnetism is harmonious and vital emanation from the body, the product of a harmonious undisturbed activity of the life force in the healthy body. It is stored up mainly in the nerve plexuses of the sympathetic nervous system and the endoctrine glands of the body. From these centres it radiates to every cell and every part of the being, imparting energy and vitality to the body. A highly magnetic person is radiant with life, energy and health and has the power to attract and to please.

Gustavus A. Almfelt
Gustavus A. Almfelt, MD