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Chronic Diseases

GUSTAVUS A. ALMFELT, described Hahnemann theory of Chronic Diseases and chronic miasm and their treatment. …

What is a miasm?

Noah Webster says: “A noxious emanation.” “The effluvia from any putrifying bodies rising and floating in the atmosphere.” “Noxious or infectious emanations.”

How does this definition apply to the chronic miasms of Hahnemann’s teachings?

As we have stated before, every activity in nature, whether in the inorganic or organic world, whether in dead matter or in living bodies; and whether such activity is harmonious and constructive to the principle of life, or whether it is irritating and destructive to the principle, it generates an energy which is similar in kind and nature to the causative energy activity. Every poison, every disease, and every process of degeneration in the body generates its own noxious emanation or discordant energy, and unless such activity is neutralized or destroyed in the body by a similar medicinal energy, it will remain in the body after thee acute symptoms of a disease have been suppressed or eliminated. The presence of this noxious emanation will prevent the life force from restoring the organs and parts of the body to normal activity and perfect health. Thee patient lives on and may be able to get around fairly well but he lacks vitality, has no resistance and usually breaks down in middle life or after. The presence of such a continued disease emanating from a human body constitutes a so-called chronic miasm.

Can a so-called miasm or constitutional debility be passed on to the offspring?

Yes, as every child born represents the sum total of every thing that has gone before it on both sides of the parents, it is self-evident that if one or both of the parents suffered in a marked degree from chronic miasms, this would be transmitted to the child, not as an acute active disease unless both of the parents suffered from acute syphilis or far advanced tuberculosis but the child inherits a constitution that bears the stigma or marks of the chronic miasms of the parents.

What are the chronic miasms of Hahnemann?

They are three, first psora, second syphilis, and third sycosis. The psora miasm is the result of poor, defective and improper personal hygiene, particularly that of the skin function and thee elimination from the bowels. This miasm is probably as old as the human race and manifests mostly in a tendency to skin lesions and catarrhal conditions of the nose, throat and respiratory organs.

Syphilitic miasm results from a suppressed or partly eliminated or cured case of syphilis. The acute disease is no longer active but it manifests on thee body in the form of lowered vitality and a tendency to poor tissue quality. This condition may bee passed on even to the third or fourth generation.

The sycotic miasm results from a suppressed or partly cured attack of acute gonorrhoea. This condition is usually expressed in the body in some form of warts, moles or tumours, and in some cases arthritis; and there may be a tendency to suicide in those markedly affected by this miasm.

Are there other miasms besides those mentioned by Hahnemann?

Yes, there are. We may add the tubercular miasm thee cancer miasm, the rheumatic miasm, and many others. If you will bear in mind the definition of miasm you can readily see that we can add drug miasms, tobacco miasms, alcoholic miasms, and even food miasms.

What is a chronic disease?

A chronic disease is in reality an uncured patient, or a patient who may have suffered from an acute disease at some time in the past. If the acute disease was not entirely eliminated and cured but merely stopped or suppressed, the poison or toxin causing the acute disease will remain in thee body and continue to act as an irritant to a organ or a part. This continued irritation would produce a dysfunctioning of the organs affected, with in turn would generate a diseased energy that would act as a smoldering fire within the body, not strong enough to break out in an acute disease, but enough to prevent the life force of thee body from regaining full control of he organs or parts affected.

What is the main cause of so many chronic diseases?

The main causes of so many chronically ill people are:

First, the presence in the body of one or more of the above named miasms.

Second, partly cured, or only partly cured acute diseases in people suffering from one or more of the chronic miasms.

Third, wrong eating and deficiency of food in combination with defective elimination from the various eliminating organs of the body.

Fourth, dissipation in eating, drinking and smoking, in combination with a negative or perverted emotional reaction to life.

What is the best method of treating and curing chronic disease?

Many methods and procedures may bring curative results depending upon the school of medicine or system of treatment the physician in charge may belong to.

From the standpoint of a homoeopathic physician, the following points should be closely observed if success is to be obtained in the treatment of chronic patients.

First, the constitutional remedy should be found and administered. This may require considerable study and time, particularly if the patient has had acute diseases that has been suppressed by strong drugs of other methods of treatment. One remedy may not carry through to a final cure but several may be needed as symptoms develop.

Second, all bad, harmful and degenerative habits must be eliminated and corrected. This includes drug taking, coffee and tea drinking, alcohol indulgence, and the smoking habit.

Third, proper food and correct combination of food in a meal should be strictly adhered to. If there is a deficiency in the body of one or more of the minerals and vitamins, these must be supplied from the food and not from drugs or synthetic products. A well-balanced diet is necessary, including some whole starches, some natural protein and sufficient amount of raw vegetables and fruit to supply the body with minerals and vitamins. Attention should also be paid to the proper combination of food in a meal from the standpoint of the chemistry and physiology of digestion.

Fourth, thee eliminating functions of the various organs should be attended to, particularly that of respiration and elimination from the large intestines and the kidneys. If these functions are defective they should be stimulated and corrected by the use of simple eliminative and corrective physical treatments.

Fifth, a proper mental and emotional attitude to life should be cultivated. Fear, worry, insecurity, resentment, anger, jealousy and hatred are destructive emotions, to human health, and anyone laboring under the influence of one or more of these feelings will find it very difficult to regain normal health.

Sixth, suitable work or occupation, or corrective exercises, combined with sufficient time for rest and relaxation. Too heavy or too monotonous and not enough physical exercises and derogative to rebuilding one’s health. Lack of sufficient sleep and relaxation will also prevent the successful treatment of a chronic case. In these times of speed, noise and high tension of thee nervous system there is one thing everybody needs and that is definite periods of rest and relaxation, if health is to be maintained or regained.

With these measures adhered to conscientiously and persistently until results are obtained, it is safe to predict that the great majority of chronic disease and chronic degenerative processes, such as tuberculosis, cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and other chronic miasms could bee eliminated from the human race within the short space of one lifetime.

Gustavus A. Almfelt
Gustavus A. Almfelt, MD