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Chronic Diseases

Nature of chronic disease. Character of chronic disease. Miasm involved in chronic disease….


1. Chronic diseases are characterized by their progressing from without inwards and from below upwards, and, that while the symptoms may vary, they never disappear in the reverse order to that in which they came.

2. So far as is at present known there are only three chronic disease, viz., psora, syphilis and sycosis.

These diseases may be active or latent.

They may be present in three ways, viz.:

(a) A single miasm.

(b) Two or three miasms co-existing, but separate and only one active at a time.

(c) Two or three of the miasms may from a complex and this may be further complicated by a drug disease.

It two or more miasms form a complex, the proper remedy will dissociate them, and then the most active must be attacked; but the greatest caution is needed, as a mistake may cause them again to combine, and they will never again separate.

3. These chronic diseases often remain latent for long periods, but are apt to be roused into activity by acute diseases, unhealthy surroundings, grief, etc.

While latent their symptoms are very similar, and the patient may only feel ill in an indefinite way.

The nosodes of these diseases are frequently of great service in rationalizing the symptoms of such cases, and thus enabling the appropriate remedy to be found.

4. These diseases are always taken at the stage in which they exist in the already infected person. For example, the wife of a man with secondary syphilis will take the disease at that stage and a not in the primary or chancre stage.- (Kent, in Journal of Homoeopathics, March 1899.)

5. A man with syphilis or sycosis may tail to infect his wife is she is suffering from some other but dissimilar, protecting, chronic diseases such as phthisis, for dissimilar diseases repel one another.

Robert Gibson-Miller
He was born in 1862, and was educated at Blair Lodge and the University of Glasgow, where he graduated in medicine in 1884. Early in his career he was attracted to the study of Homoeopathy, and with the object of testing the claims made for this system of medicine he undertook a visit to America. As a result of his investigations there Dr. Miller was convinced of the soundness of the homoeopathic theory. Dr. Miller did not write much, but we owe him also his Synopsis of Homoeopathic Philosophy and his small book, always at hand for reference, on Relation ship of Remedies.