Hpathy Needs Your Help!


A STUDY OF ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA. THIS child was born into the family of Eclectic medicine. We Homoeopathists adopted her after her characteristic habits had been pretty well formed. Not only have we assisted in developing and displaying these characteristics but have also assisted in the formation and practising of new habits.


In all three cases diagnosis played a very important part in the selection of the indicated remedy. Not only that, but the diagnosis also enabled the giving of a prognosis which was also important. How? Why? Because a correct prognosis often gives your patient confidence in you. Again, and illustration.


The Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesis records thirtyone provings. Both sexes took part in these provings. The ages of the provers ranged all the way from one to fortyone years. Many of the provers were physicians. Both dilutions and triturations were used. The size of the doses also varied from one drop of the tincture to one hundred twenty drops; from one drop of the 30th to one hundred drops. Of the trituration, from one grain to ninty grains.


A STUDY OF ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA. I have never been able t o either abort or lessen the severity of the symptoms of typhoid fever with Ech. I tried it for the group of symptoms given by Thomas but it failed, whereas Baptisia never failed for that syndrome of symptoms. They have been given in the illustrative cases. The tincture and low potencies seem most effective in a great majority of cases. The dose should be frequently repeated.


Since writing the above I have had one case calling for Agar. A maiden lady; age 32; F.H.and P.H. good; school teacher;came with the following: “I froze my feet nearly two months ago and since then have suffered from what my folks call chilblains. The worst trouble with my feet and legs is an intense itching and trembling. My hands and face, especially the latter, also twitch and jerk.


The master also particularly warns us, not to put leading or suggestive questions; or, in other words, we are to avoid making inquiries which may be answered simply in the affirmative or the negative. It may be necessary, unless the patient be in danger or in great distress, to defer prescribing until some of the effects of the medicine have passed away.


Usually I vomit on Saturday morning, after which the headache,blurring of vision and nausea gradually get better but I am completely prostrated al day Saturday; I can sleep Saturday and Sunday night and am able to go back to my work Monday morning”. She continued, “This evening the eyes are worse than ever and I want to go to a picnic tomorrow, the worst way, so I came for something. Cant I get it?”.


The former is the usual address, made at banquets whether of alumni associations, state or other societies. The object on all such follow or to assist in digesting the one just indulged in, according as the toastmasters address precedes or follows the “eats.” Everything said on such occasions should be light, rosy, cheerful, optimistic; nothing heavy, dark, gloomy or discouraging.


The fact that it is an antipsoric makes it the ally of a large number of remedies. Allen [2] mentions sixteen. As an ally I have given it to prepare the patient for the indicated remedy; when the indicated remedy did not act to acted too slowly; and also to complete the restoration of health which the indicated remedy did not quite accomplish. This means that a thorough knowledge of Lycopodium necessitates a good working knowledge of its allies.

Arranging Symptoms

Provers should be chosen from humans, both male and female, old and young; animals. male and female, old and young; and plants of different kind….


Tabacum and Sabadilla each produce a characteristic yet different effect upon smooth muscles; that a mixture of the two drugs also produces a definite effect yet totally different from that obtained from using either remedy alone….

Turning the blackboard

If we know the sequence of symptoms in the order of their appearance, we can more speedily and accurately compare the symptoms of the prover and patient, after having taken the case….

Ranking of Symptoms

Pure mental symptoms are rarely found. Brain symptoms are very frequently found in combination with those of some other tissue or organ….


Summary of how to select the remedy, how to administer the remedy and what auxiliary treatment is required….


I have found and taught four channels through which the indicated remedy must pass to reach the affected tissue or organ. Most remedies must go through the blood….


Divide causes into predisposing and exciting. Under predisposing, heredity is the main factor. Under exciting causes was included exposure to elements of any kind; germs of all kinds….


It requires as through a knowledge of the records of the day books of our drug provers; as good a knowledge of human nature; as good a memory; as much tact, and as wide experience as it did to select the remedy;…

Repetition of the Dose

First, how long should we wait after giving the one or first dose, if there be no improvement, before we either changes the dose or the remedy? Second, having decided to repeat the doses, how long should the interval be between the doses. …

Introduction – Remedy Selection

After having secured our symptoms, arranged them, grouped them, studied them singly or combined as a drug or remedy, and having “taken the case,” i. e., secured the symptoms of each individual patient, the homoeopathic physician has to select one remedy to administer. …


A higher potency should be selected for the markedly neurotic and the highly susceptible patients, than for the dull, sluggish, unimpressionable ones….

Auxiliary Treatment

Auxiliary treatment includes anything that can in any way make our remedies act more quickly, safely and permanently….

The Diet Question

When they have gas or a sour stomach or a diarrhoea, write down in a notebook every article of food or drink taken at the two or three meals preceding the attacks. Do this half a dozen or so times, and they can find out the offending article of diet….


Use of Morphia, Opium and other allopathic drugs for palliation with homeopathy….

Symptom study

The best way to study the materia medica is to take a drug or remedy yourself and carefully note in writing all the symptoms it will produce on or remove from you….

Drug Study

A “red hot” feeling to one prover may mean the same as “burning” to another; “Shooting and darting” “pounding and beating,” “pulsating and trembling” may mean the same thing or similar things. …

Chapter 2 – Case 1

A case of menorrhagia elaborated to show homeopathy doctors take a case and assess the importance of symptoms….

Chapter 6 – Habits

Inheritance plays a very important part in the make-up of our patients. Therefore, it is very essential when taking the case that we should go very thoroughly into the family history….

Chapter 7 – Books

When some allopathic physician asks me for advice about books I give him Case’s advice and add Hughes and Farrington’s Clinical Materia Medica. Both of these books I read every year. My text book on Homoeopathic Materia Medica I recommend for those who wish to make the tissue and organs the basis of their study. …

Chapter 3 – Case 2

A practical demonstration of analyzing a case of frequent colds and the need for changing remedies to complete the cure….

Chapter 4 – Case 3

Many failures have resulted from the use of Cuprum ars. chiefly because it, the child, has been mistaken for its father, Arsenicum, or its mother, Cuprum, while, as a matter of fact, it has a identity of its own….

Chapter 5 – Case 4

A mental case in a neurotic, sensitive, emotional woman, as the predisposing cause. The exciting cause was shock. The results were, first, grief, then suppression of menses, a functional change, followed by delusions and illusions; also functional changes, and finally jealousy, with suspicions of her husband and her aunt….