Arranging Symptoms

Provers should be chosen from humans, both male and female, old and young; animals. male and female, old and young; and plants of different kind….


Report of the part which Dr. George Royal took in the discussion at the Round Table on board the Lapland, July 30, 1929.

The first question which naturally arises is : From what sources do we secure the symptoms, which are found in our homoeopathic books of materia medica and therapeutics?

To this question I would answer, drug provings. By drug provings, i mean the giving of a drug to humans, animals, and also plants for the purpose of ascertaining what effects a particular drug has upon them.

I consider the proving of drugs of the greatest importance, not only to the present, but future welfare of Homoeopathy. Why? Because it gives the homoeopathic prescriber confidence in himself and faith in his drug therapy.

I claim that no homoeopathic college should grant a diploma to a student who has not made a thorough proving of at least one drug upon himself. I claim it would be a great advantage to any homoeopathic medical society, consisting of ten or more members, to pay for a conduct one proving at least once in three years.

Those of you in the audience whom I have had honor of teaching know you convinced your classmates of the other school what effect Glonoine had on their head and heart. I learned from observing them after the proving of Belladonna that those who took part in it were more enthusiastic homoeopathists, better students, and more successful physicians than those who did not take part.

You will notice that I have put upon the blackboard that provers should be chosen from humans, both male and female, old and young; animals. male and female, old and young;and plants of different kinds, also the relative importance of the three classes.

George Royal
George Royal M. D, born July 15, 1853, graduated New York Homœopathic Medical College 1882, served as president of the American Institute of Homœopathy, professor of materia medica and therapeutics, and also dean of the College of Homœopathic Medicine of the State University of Iowa.