
13. Doses of 40-60 dr. were taken by a young, slender man, of rigid fibre. In 2 hours, sudden pressure in right abdomen and chest, evening when sitting. On Ist day, 3 easy pappy stools. On 2nd day, m. (24 hours after dose), thorax painful in front from touch and inspiration; pressive pain towards eyes as if eyes would be forced out, ceasing after 1/2 m., leaving dull feeling; itching between nates, relieved from scratching; general sensitiveness or simple pain in walls of thorax, especially when touched, less perceptible when breathing deeply. On 3rd day., defecation at first very difficult owing to thick dry feces. A pressive headache, beginning in m., in sinciput and occiput, not aggravated from touching, recurring daily, mostly felt sitting in warm room, with pressure in eyes, which are intolerant of being touched; after dinner on 5th day there was nausea and inclination to vomit, quietly supporting head seemed to alleviate, but more so exercise in open air; there was slight feeling of diarrhoea, which did not occur; after 1 1/2 hours, when nausea had passed off, a not unpleasant feeling towards parotid gland, and superficial pain in region of heart. Without note of time,- pain in occiput; when walking towards setting sun, another small sun seemed to float underneath, changing its shape of a flattened oval when lowering eyes, when turning head backwards and shutting eyes it disappeared; painfully pressive sensation in right ear when chewing; lower front teeth painful from breathing cold damp air through mouth; slimy tongue in m., with nasty slimy taste; slight burning at tip of tongue; biting burning sensation in palate, as if epithelium was gone; warmth and oppression in gastric region during inspiration; when rotating thigh while standing, felt dislocative pain in hip-joint. (Ibid.)

14. One dr. of tinct. was taken by a strong lively girl, et. 15. Soon after feeling of constriction in throat; slight giddiness before eyes. On Ist day, pressure in right eyeball; slight prickling and fine stitching in cavity of mouth, with flow of saliva; tightness of chest at various times (first days); slight burning in lids while writing. (Ibid.)

15. Ten dr. were taken by a plethoric strong man. Soon after, bad taste and some grumbling in stomach. During first hour, feeling of warmth in stomach; some cutting in gastric region; moving and grumbling in stomach (intermittent); severe cutting from stomach to scrob.. cordis, and on Ist day somewhat pappy stool with rumbling in stomach and flatus, and increased acrid urine. Slight burning in glans during micturition for first days. (Ibid.)

16. a. A strong robust man took 10 dr. of tinct. In 1 hour, slight pressure under sternum, while sitting upright. In 5 hours, feeling of flabbiness in stomach, with water-brash. On 3rd day, a vesicle size of pin’s head in middle of margin of left upper eyelid, pressing and troubling eye; on being opened it discharged a clear liquid, and the pressure went off. After 4 day, increasing pappy and thin stools at irregular times.

16 b. Same took 20 dr. On 2nd day., strong pressure under middle of sternum while sitting. On 3rd day., dull feeling in right forehead like pressure; fugitive tearing pain in left forehead; slight blowing in ears, which are as if blocked; increased secretion of white slimy phlegm in windpipe, which he has constantly to hawk up; want of appetite; pressure in scrob. cordis and region of navel, pressure under sternum increases and descends to scrob. cordis. On 5th day, pressing in right upper eyelid towards inner corner. On 6th day, both sides of lids of right eye inflamed and swollen, especially towards inner corner, with pressive pain.

16 c. Same took 50 dr. On Ist day, repeated hawking up of grey lumps of phlegm early in m., with irritation to coughing in larynx. During first days, pressive pains in region of navel occur p. m., increasing in evening, especially when at rest; incitement to cough in larynx. On 3rd day., slight stitches in middle of chest, which ceased at once after a single deep inspiration. On 4th day, disgusting sweetish taste in throat, lasting several days. (Ibid.)

17. NENNING. (No report.) – Head feels heavy; itching in nose; vesicles with burning sensation in upper lip near nose and left corner of mouth; itching when touched; frequent spitting and running of saliva; burning in throat; scratching in throat and back of tongue, with accumulation of saliva (immediately); inclination to eructations; rising of air; want of appetite; nausea in stomach; emptiness in stomach; burning in stomach, finally retching and vomiting; loud rumbling and pinching in left abdomen; urging in hypogastrium, and soon after discharge of flatus (after 1/8 h.); griping after some hours, disappearing with diarrhoea; increased micturition; sneezing and tickling of nose; gay and merry, and particularly in good mood for business. (Ibid.)

18. June 3rd, 8 p. m., took 5 gr. ext. senega alcohol. aquos. dry, and drank some water afterwards, when a persistent scraping came on in fauces. Great discharge of flatus, and much eructation of tasteless air. 10 p. m., 5 gr., no flatulence. The urine passed at n. is darker and frothy long after being passed. Immediately great pressure in right temple. 4 p. m., 10 gr. Great pressure in left ankle-joint and fauces for some m. 5 p. m., 10 gr. 9 p. m. 10 gr. Urine at n. scanty, dark. – 5th, 6:30 a. m., 10 gr. 8 a. m., 10 gr. 8:30 a. m.,, 10 gr. 9 a. m., nausea for 1 hours 11 a. m., copious liquid bright – -coloured stool, it squirted out of anus almost without sensation. Several times sudden pressure in both temples. 1 p. m., 10 gr. 2 p. m., 10 gr. 3 p. m., 10 gr. No symptoms. (LEMBKE, N. Zeit. f. hom. Kl., xiii, 161.)

19. SUNDELIN took 3j of powdered root every 2 hours for three doses. It produced a smart and unpleasant irritation of the posterior fauces and throat, with copious flow of saliva. Soon after a decided burning was experienced in the stomach, which, after the 3rd dose, was replaced by painful choking and a violent vomiting of thin mucus. The skin, meanwhile, grew moister and warmer. Sharp colic ensued, and a watery diarrhea; urine was at same time augmented, and scalded somewhat when voided. For a day or two afterwards there was gastric uneasiness, with loss of appetite. In larger doses it caused burning pain in stomach and bowels, violent vomiting, purging, giddiness, and anxiety. (From STAPF.)

20. a. BOCKER took 2 successive days a considerable quantity of decoction of S. root, representing 15 drm. of the root, and on the 3rd day 3ss of the powdered root, without any effect on health. – April 22nd. Took 3ij of powdered root in doses of 10 and 20 gr. This caused scrappy feeling in throat for a considerable time. Then a contractive feeling in the lower part of thorax; it was as if the scrappy feeling extended downwards to lower part of chest and upper part of abdomen. Pulse about 5 beats slower. – 23rd. M., on rising, bloody nasal mucus, the nose had evidently been bleeding during sleep, and he had swallowed the blood. Respiratory movements very strong, with rough feeling in chest. He then took 3iiss of the powder. In evening when he walked out he had slight coryza that lasted a few h. The eyes felt stiff, and he had a tight feeling in chest. Nose bled at n. – 24th, same dose. Some mucous discharge from nose, weakness of eyes, and the tight feeling on chest. – 25th, 140 gr. of the powder in single doses of 20 to 25. This caused coryza of thin mucus and the tight feeling in chest. Slight cough with mucous expectoration. Eyes weak and watery. During this trial the following constituents of the urine were increased; the solid constituents generally, the uric acid, the earthy phosphates, the volatile salts, and extractive matters of the urea.

20 b. In a second series of provings of the decoction the eyes and nose were affected with catarrh, the eyes watered when he exerted them. The following constituents of the urine were increased; mucus, earthy phosphates, the volatile salts, and extractive matter.

20 c. In a third series of provings with larger quantities of the drug, the health remained unaltered. The following constituents of the urine were increased: the solid constituents generally, the uric acid, the volatile salts and extractive matter and the urea.

20 d. In a fourth series of provings he found that the quantity of carbonic acid given off by the lungs was considerably increased, whilst the number of respirations and pulse-beats was diminished. (BOCKER’s Beitrage zur Heilkunde, ii, 20.).


I. A man labouring under severe rheumatism was ordered to take at intervals a decoction of 3j of the root in Oj of water. He drank instead the whole quantity at once. The consequence was the most violent vomiting and purging, which lasted all the next n., accompanied with profuse diaphoresis. (BIGELOW, Amer. Botany,, ii, 103.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.