
9 e. Same took gr. v of powdered root. Immediately great nausea with retching and inclination to vomit. Soon after, giddiness with buzzing before ears; confusion in head; dimness of eyes; burning scraping in throat causing frequent swallowing. In 1/4 hours increased salivation. After 1/2 hour, absence of appetite for breakfast; irritation in throat causing slight coughing. In 1 hour, burning drawing deep in chest. In 1 1/2 hours increased salivation with astringent feeling in mouth. On Ist day, twitchings in eyelids; constant twitching in right external corner of eye; pressure in eyes, e. while light; burning in eyes while reading or writing; drawing in glands of neck; putrid smell from mouth (also 5 day following); diminished taste; increased thirst (first days); lessened appetite (do.); griping during dinner; agitations in chest with dull stitches in it; chilliness with weariness in legs; insipid taste in m. (first days); painful erections with increased sexual desire for first 2 days, diminished later; oppression of chest, especially during rest (first days); violent pressive pain in chest on awaking (first 8 d.); while lying on right side, dull stitches, with burning pain in left chest evening; pain in back (first days); very restless sleep at n., repeated awaking from dull stitches in chest with oppression (also for 13 days more). On 2nd day drawing in eyeballs with diminished vision; cool feeling traversing ear repeatedly; accumulation of phlegm in throat, with dryness of mouth; hard scanty stool, followed by pressure in rectum. On 3rd day, pressive pain in forehead and orbits after dinner, especially left side, relieved in open air; gnawing feeling of hunger under scrob. cordis in morning; gnawing before dinner-time in gastric region, without appetite (also 4th d.); feeling of obstruction in upper part of lungs, especially on walking fast; jamming pain in different parts of chest (also on 4th d.); dull shifting pressing pains in chest, with tightness of it, impeded inspiration, frequent chilliness down back, and intermittent pain in several small spots of head; gay but irritable and irascible (also 4th d.). On 4th day headache relieved by cold; itching on scalp. On 5th day confusion of head, with pressing and dullness of eyes; swelling, burning, and pressure in eyelids, without much redness; restless sleep full of dreams (also 6th and 13th n.). On 6th day violent throbbing headache, with pressure in eyes, diminished appetite, bruised feeling, and general malaise; tearing and drawing pains in temples down to face; pressure in eyes; pappy stool (also 7th d.); frequent and increased urination; urine gets turbid and throws down a reddish deposit mixed with mucus; febrile movement, chilliness down back, heat of face, dull burning eyes, throbbing headache, difficult respiration, stitches in chest, general bruised feeling, frequent pulse (also 13th d.). On 8th day a stye forms at margin of right lower eyelid, with throbbing there; lachrymation, especially of right eye, in open air; hypochondriacal mood, irascibility (also 9th d.). On 9th day, burning pain in small spot of left chest, with fitful mood, p. m. (STAPF’s Beitrage.)

10. Same gave 1 dr. of tinct. to a young sensitive woman. Soon after, burning scraping in throat, inducing frequent swallowing. After 1 hour painful pressure in eyeballs. In first days, annoying dryness in nose; constipation. On 2nd day, burning pain in left chest, with feeling of great anxiety in it, e. On 3rd day, great dryness of throat, making speaking difficult; a bright spot repeatedly appears on the wall sideways from eyes, at noon, which when looked at straight disappears; drawing from chest into axilla. (Ibid.)

11. a. A young, slender, weakly man took 10 dr. of tinct. Soon after, heaviness of whole head, lasting 6 h. In 1/4 hour, reeling sensation in head; pressive feeling in forehead, lasting 1 h. In 1 hour, dryness of mouth, then increased secretion of saliva (extraordinary dryness of mouth and larynx, in m. and forenoon, lasted many d.); general weariness, especially in lower limbs. In 3 hours, burning under sternum extending to back. For first 4 days, pressive pain in scrob. cordis; repeated sneezing; repeated slight cough produced by increased secretion of mucus in larynx, especially forenoon in open air and walking fast; pain in chest for 1/4 hour after smoking a pipe (as usual) in afternoon; daily repeated pressure under sternum; roughness in throat almost to hoarseness, forenoon. On 3rd day, great weariness of legs, especially forenoon.

11 b. Same took 15 dr. After 1/4 hours, confusion of head. After 1 hour, headache, especially towards forehead. After 1 1/2 hours, feeling of soreness in throat, lasting 3 d. After 2 hours, tightness in left chest, amounting almost to pressive pain. During first 6 days, weariness and frequent yawning; increased secretion of mucus in throat, causing slight cough, lasting 3 weeks. Constipation till 9th day, then increased defecation for 2 d. Hacking cough in open air, lasting about 3 weeks. Oppression of chest, with slight fugitive pains through it towards shoulder – blades, during first 10 days at irregular times, especially in open air and when walking.

11c. Same took 2 gr. of powdered root. After 1/4 hours, confusion of head. After 1/2 hour, pain in occiput, extending later to temples, finally to whole head. After 2 hours, painful pressure in orbits. On 2nd, 3rd, and 4th day, micturition more frequent, but smaller quantities passed at the time, urine pale in colour. Sleep interrupted several consecutive n. at 3 a. m. by pressive almost crampy pain in stomach. (Ibid.)

12. A robust phlegmatic man took 15 dr. of tinct. In 1/4 hours tensive feeling from palate to articular cavities of lower jaw; scratching in throat, necessitating frequent hawking and empty swallowing; slight boring pressive pain in region of heart, apparently superficial. In 1/2 hour, dryness in throat, with fugitive stitches, especially in uvula; repeated deep inspiration; somewhat hard frequent pulse; anxiety, with somewhat frequent respiration. In 3/4 hour, too great susceptibility of eyes for light; violent pulsation of heart, shaking whole chest. In 1 hour, pressure over left eye; fugitive stitches (superficial) in intercostal muscles of lower right ribs. In 1 1/4 hours, dryness of eyes, with feeling as if eyes were too large for their sockets; flickering and swimming of letters while reading; painful sensitiveness at hearing tunes he otherwise liked; weariness and slight trembling of upper limbs. In 1 1/2 hours, annoying dryness of mucous membrane of nose; dryness in middle of tongue, without fur; inflammatory swelling of whole of fauces, especially of uvula; slight pressure about sacrum; great weariness of body, with stretching of limbs, confusion, heaviness and throbbing in head. In 2 1/2 hours, smell as from a bad ulcer; secretion of whitish tough phlegm in throat; metallic taste; rumbling in bowels; boring pressive pain in whole lower chest, especially over region of heart, lasting some time; pain in back; tensive soreness of joints, especially those of foot and knee. In 3 1/2 hours, trembling of objects looked at for a long time, with lachrymation; white fur on tongue; hawking and empty swallowing; slight pressure in region of heart, with oppression and difficult breathing, while walking. In 5 hours, burning pain in whole length of urethra while urinating; boring pain in region of heart. In 7 hours, increased salivation. In 10 hours, flickering before eyes with dullness of vision from continued reading and writing; boring pain moving about navel, also in chest; tearing pressing pain along base of left scapula; painful feelings in hip-foot -, and knee-joints as after a long journey. in 11 hours, thirst with dryness of throat. After 15 hours, frequent discharge of greyish urine, forming cloudy deposit, though he had not drunk much. In evening of Ist day, violent pressive throbbing pain in forehead; boring pain in left hypochondrium; melancholy mood; tickling and scratching in throat; dry cough with oppression of chest and roughness in throat; entire absence of appetite this day and the two following. On 2nd day, secretion of much mucus in glands of eyelids; dullness of eyes while reading, lachrymation after straining them; increased micturition with pressure in urethra; urine turbid, cloudy when cold, m.; stitches along urethra after passing dark yellow urine, m.; cough with tough expectoration; pressive boring pain in chest, fixed in region of heart, radiating thence to left axilla. On 3rd day much thirst, with roughness and dryness of throat (also 6th d.); pressive boring in circumference of left chest, especially about region of heart; violent burning and itching under skin of whole back, especially between scapula (also 6th d.). On 4th day, formication in eyelids and feeling as of sand in them; tensive pain in eyes, with too great sensitiveness to light; roughness and dryness of throat, with dry cough; pressure and burning at urinating in evening (also 6th d.); thorax seems too narrow; violent pressive pain in all over chest, especially left half, whence it seems to proceed. On 5th day, urine is at first mixed with mucous threads, after getting cold it is quite thick and cloudy; burning while urinating in m., with feeling as if urine had to force its way through urethra. On 6th day, colicky pain in gastric region towards noon; m. urine after cooling gum-like, lower stratum of its thick deposit is yellowish-red, upper is yellow, flocculent, cloudy (also 8th d.); painless dry cough; tensive pain when taking deep inspiration in lower chest. On 7th day, pressing pain in region of heart. Without date,- unequal, soft pulse, 82 ( Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.