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SENEGA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy SENEGA…


SEN. – See Stapf’s “Additions.”


Arnica, ARs., Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Euphr., Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Scil., Stannum, Sulphur


Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Camph.


General feeling of debility, especially of the lower limbs. Lassitude and slight trembling of the lower extremities. Feeling of debility, even unto nausea. Great debility, with stretching of the limbs, confusion, heaviness, and beating in the head. Bodily and mental debility. Languor, when walking in the open air.


Weariness and frequent yawning. Great drowsiness in the evening. Sound stupefying sleep. Sound sleep, full of dreams, with confusion in the head on waking. Restless sleep, with frequent starting. Restless tossing about in sleep.


Chilliness, with weakness in the feet. Febrile motions; shuddering over the back, heat in the face, weak, burning eyes, beating headache, difficult breathing, stitches in the chest, general bruised feeling of the body, and frequent pulse. Diaphoresis. The pulse is rather hard and accelerated. Hard, frequent pulse. Unequal soft pulse.


Feeling of anxiety, with accelerated breathing. Anxiety, with vertigo. Melancholy mood. Hypochondriac mood and irritable.


Vertigo. Vertigo, with roaring in the ears. Reeling sensation in the head. Confused feeling in the head. Dullness of the head. Violent beating headache, with pressure in the eyes, diminished appetite, bruised feeling, and general feeling of malaise. Aching, stupefying pain in the occiput. Sensation of pressure in the forehead. Violent aching, beating pain in the forehead. Lacerating and drawing pains in the temples, extending down the face. Violent rush of blood to the head, when stooping. Itching of the hairy scalp.


Bloated eye-lids. Swelling, burning, and pressure of the eye- lids. Swelling of the eye-lids. Burning pain in the margins of the eye-lids. Jerking in the eye-lids. Early in the morning the eye-lashes are full of hard mucus. Drawing in the eyes. Slight lachrymation, and sensation as if filaments were hanging before the eyes. Painful pressure in and over the orbits. Pressing in the eyes. Drawing in the eye-balls, with diminution of sight. Burning and pressure in the eyes. Burning in the eyes when reading or writing. Considerable dryness and smarting pain. Tensive sensation in the eyes, with too great sensitiveness to the light. Illusions of sight. Shadows before the eyes. Impeded vision, as if dazzled by a glaring light. Dullness of the eyes, with slight burning and lachrymation. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Dimness of sight and luminous vibrations before the eyes when reading.


Dull pain in the ear. Feeling of warmth in the right ear. Painful sensitiveness of the sense of hearing.


Itching in the nose. Troublesome dryness of the schneiderian membrane. Great dryness of the nasal fossae, with a discharge of a few drops of blood.


Simple pain in single teeth and in the jaws. The lower fore- teeth are extremely sensitive to cold and damp air.


Smarting, burning sensation in the region of the palate. Dryness of the mouth. Slight prickling and stinging in the mouth, with accumulation of saliva. Ptyalism. Putrid smell from the mouth. White-coated tongue. Slight burning sensation in the tip of the tongue.


Sensation of a constrictive irritation in the fauces. Expectoration of white mucus. Dryness in the fauces, with shootings, especially in the uvula. Increased secretion of mucus in the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough. Inflammatory swelling of the fauces, especially the uvula. Burning sensation in the fauces. Burning, scraping sensation in the throat.


Bad taste, and a peculiar grumbling in the stomach. Metallic taste. Diminished taste. Increased thirst. Thirst with dryness of the palate. Loss of appetite.


Inclination to eructations. Deranged digestion and vomiting. Nausea in the stomach. Great nausea with retching. Retching and vomiting, with discharge of a quantity of watery mucus. Vomiting and purging. Vomiting and anxiety.


Painful and repulsive sensations in the stomach. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Qualmish feeling in the stomach, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Aching, almost spasmodic pain in the stomach. Disagreeable oppressive sensation in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, lastly retching and vomiting. Considerable burning in the stomach and bowels. Considerable burning in the stomach, passing into a fatiguing retching and vomiting of a quantity of watery mucus.


Sensation of gnawing hunger below the pit of the stomach. Feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach and umbilical region. Warmth and oppression in the epigastrium, during an inspiration. Shifting boring pain in the umbilical region. colicky pains in the abdomen, with inclination to stool. Violent cutting from the abdomen to the pit of the stomach. Colic during dinner.


Rare, scanty, hard stools. Papescent stool, with grumbling in the abdomen. Increasing papescent and loose stools, at irregular periods. Increased, even watery stools.


Frequent emission of a urine with a greenish tinge, depositing a cloudy sediment. At first the urine is mixed with mucus filaments; after it had cooled it became entirely thick and cloudy. The urine becomes turbid and cloudy immedIately after omitting it. Burning in the urethra before and after micturition. Burning early in the morning, in urinating.


Paroxysmal cramp-pain in the region of the glans. Painful erections.


Scraping and dry sensation in the throat. Roughness and dryness in the throat, with dry cough. Great dryness in the throat, impeding speech. Dry cough, with oppression of the chest and roughness in the throat. Disagreeable long-continuing cough. Increased short and hacking cough in the open air.


Frequent and deep inspirations. Oppression of the chest at different times, also with stitches under the left short ribs. Short breathing and oppression of the chest when going up-stairs. Oppression of the chest, with slight shooting pains through. Tightness and dull pressure in the chest. Pain under the right scapula, when coughing or drawing deep breath. Tensive sensation in the lower half of the chest, during an inspiration. Aching pain in the chest, at indefinite periods. Violent aching pain in the chest, at night when waking. Violent aching pain across the whole chest. Pain in the chest as if forcibly compressed. Violent pressing pain in the chest, from within outward. Violent pressing aching pain in the middle of the chest. Pinching and hard pressing aching in the chest. Shifting, sometimes burning pain in the chest. Crawling in the chest. Dull stitches in the left chest, especially when sitting or lying. Stitches through the chest, to the back. Dull stitches under the short ribs of the left side. Burning in the chest. Violent burning pain in the left chest, when sitting, evening. Burning sensation under the sternum. When sneezing, an extremely violent sore pain in the chest. Strong pulsations and sore pain in the chest. Congestion of blood to the chest, perceptible by strong pulsations in the chest. Seething of the blood and creeping in the chest. Seething of blood and oppression in the chest, with flushes of heat in the face, and frequent pulse, in the afternoon. Slight boring aching pain in the region of the heart. Violent boring pain in the region of the heart. Aching pain in

the region of the heart during a deep inspiration. Violent beating of the heart, shaking the whole chest. General sensitiveness, or simple pain of the walls of the thorax.


Violent burning and itching under the skin of the back. Pressing pain between the scapulae.


Paralytic pain and drawing from the elbow to the finger. Titillation and prickling in the palms of the hands. Pain, as if sprained, in the wrist-joint.


Painful sensation in the hip, knee, and tarsal-joints, as after a long journey on foot. Bruised pain in the glutei muscles and thighs. Tensive pain in the joints, especially the knee and tarsal-joints. Violent itching of the legs. Weariness of the

lower limbs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.