Croton tiglium

dirty green colour and fetid odour ejected suddenly like a shot; after the stool painful excoriated feeling inside anus, and prolapse and swelling of rectum with urging again to stool; on compressing he belly and pressing towards the rectum the pain extended to genitals and ended with shooting in glans penis, so that he did not know what to do for pain, anxiety, and oppression, and had to keep as quiet as possible; perspiration broke out on forehead, and nausea came on with loss of sight and hearing; on bending body forward the pain was more violent then when standing upright or walking, but this he could hardly do owing to the sore pain of external anus; rest allayed the pain gradually and then the bowel seemed to be retracted; all evening prostration of whole body, crossness, and anorexia – 9th. Sleep uneasy and full of dreams; the pain in anus persisted till he fell asleep. 4:30 a. m., woke with weakness and weariness of limbs; head dazed, heavy, and confused; tension in both inguinal regions, and heavy, fatigued feeling in both upper arms; burning and itching in anus; searching, noises, and slight twisting in belly, with pain on touching navel; rumbling in stomach and weight in chest; urine night and morning dark fiery red, full of flocculent and opaque sediment, with a clearer mass at bottom of vessel and fat swimming on the top. All day slight searching pains in belly and frequent flatus as if there would be sudden liquid stool; sufferings increased after eating; frequent flow of saliva and mucous secretion; no stool all day although frequent urging thereto. – 10th. Slight pains in belly and then ordinary stool followed by pains in rectum; the pan in navel on pressure persisted till 13th.

20 c. November 17th, 6 a. m., 3 dr. of the oil on sugar. Burning and scraping in fauces and gullet; heat of mouth; pressure in pit of stomach. Fulness, pressure, and burning in both sides of chest. Anxiety and tight, laboured breathing. Accumulation of mucus in larynx with tickling. Frequent inclination to vomit. Repeated retching with flow of water into mouth; continual cough; great nausea; confusion of head, especially of forehead, with pressure and weight; transient tearing in both knee-joints; pulsation, shooting, and burning in anus; the nausea aggravated by lying. 6:30 a. m., violent retching and twice vomiting of yellow water with oily odour and sweetish-bitter oily taste; constriction in stomach, pressure in pit of stomach, and flow of water from eyes and nose; dull, forcing pains towards orifices of both ears; painful burning and scraping in gullet; weariness and relaxation of lower extremities; painful pressure in thighs; discharge of fetid flatus; loud pulsation and throbbing of heart. On drinking a little water he had a flat disgusting taste and emptiness; persistent nausea, and accumulation of water and mucus in mouth with slight chill. After 7 a. m., sudden, violent, repeated vomiting of whitish-yellow frothy fluid with great straining of stomach; he had to lean against the washing-stand to resist the spasmodic retching; cramp in stomach and epigastrium; heaviness and weariness in both arms and itching of the places rubbed; shooting in left side of chest; rumbling of bowels on left side; slight forcing towards anus; he was unable to take his usual milk soup on account of confusion of head, loathing, and nausea; general malaise. 9 a. m., after frequent straining at anus a pappy, bright brown stool covered with mucus; thereafter rumbling in left side of belly. 10 a. m., very soft, pappy, mucous and hurried stool of grayish green and dirty brown colour, and coming out like a shot; pain in anus as from a plug that was sticking in and tried to force itself out; painful sensitiveness of penis with red glans and shooting in urethra; great flow of urine. 4 p. m., a semi-fluid stool of dirty brown colour; all day searching, rumbling, and gurgling in bowels. (Ibid. 129).

21. B-, a man aet. 27, August 31st, 10 a. m., 1/10 dr. dissolved in other. All forenoon scraping in fauces, then burning, afterwards tickling in larynx; sudden throbbing in region of aorta; excoriation pains and burring in anus after moving. September 1st, 9 a. m., 1/20 dr. M., 2 soft stools. After 1 hour scrapy feeling in throat still there; after a light yellow diarrhoeic stool at noon, perspiration, creeping in occiput, pressure in larynx, especially left side. – 2 a. m, 1/7 dr. Aching in left ear; confusion of sinciput; shooting in left side of navel; head as from taking alcohol; urging to urinate; increased saliva; frequent hawking, coughing, and irritation to cough; no stool till evening – 3rd, 10 a. m., 1/20 dr. After 1 hour rough feeling in fauces and throat; later, scraping in oesophagus; frequent yearning; confusion of head with pressure in temples; tearing in left forearm; straining in right lower eye- tooth. After smelling at oil increased secretion in nasal m. m. 2 p. m., violent stitches through middle of left side or chest, recurring in evening; throbbing posteriorly in right thoracic cavity. – 4th, 11 a. m., 1/10 dr. Creeping heat in abdominal integuments; full feeling up into throat with pressure in oesophagus; no stool till evening; nasal m. m. and conjunctiva always somewhat irritated by vapour of oil; frequent discharge of malodorous flatus. -6th, 8 a. m., 1/16 gr. rubbed up with sugar. Tickling, then scraping, then burning at junction of soft with hard palate; vertigo, especially on right side, with pressing in right eye; during afternoon siesta dreams of what happened during day; 3 stools before evening; – 7th and 8th, 8 a. m., 1/8 dr. Redness and elongation of uvula; voice hollow as though he had a severe catarrh; burning and swelling on nates where they come together at anus, after walking; mucus collect and rattles in larynx, evening; burning in fauces during expiration, diminished

during inspiration; urine cloudy; pressive pain in left half of sinciput; no pleasure in work, prefers dawdling to working seriously. – 9th, 10th, and 12th, 7 a. m., 1/4 dr. in syrup. While washing, morning, gums bleed increased heat in fauces; weight and pressure in ankle-joint, evening; urine with a cloudy sediment, which gradually disappears and after 24 hours is replaced by brownish crystals which float in the places where the cloud was and adhere to sides of glass; yawning almost all forenoon; feeling of hollowness in chest; voice hollow, must always hawk; stitches in let side of chest; pressure in chest when breathing deeply; pressure in stomach, heat burn; pressure deep in middle of chest; much urine. In morning, frequent cough with mucous expectoration; head confused, right side especially, with pressure down from crown, often shooting out below ear, hears worse with right ear; feels as though the lung did not expand properly when he inspires; always some mucus in bronchial tubes which he cannot get up; oppression of chest; very cross and unhappy; shooting in middle of left eye, forenoon, less in right eye. 14th, 15th, and 16th, 8 a. m., 1/4 dr. Sensitiveness of stomach to touch. E., transient colic pain below navel, with distended abdomen, followed by urging to stool, after stool dyspnoea; soreness of abdomen when coughing; tension between navel and scrob. cordis; flatulent colic evening; much yellow urine passed; burning in glans when urinating, urging to urinate; some much in lungs, which he inspires deeply and express; immediately after rising confused head. About noon, drowsiness so that he would like to lie down, but when he does so cannot sleep; palpitation of heart; crossness and irritability, no pleasure in anything; when walking he has 3 times shooting and tearing dislocation pain, especially in left os metatarsi pollicis, so that he cannot tread properly; cough in evening with expectoration of white mucus and pressure in chest; taste of almonds. – 17th, morning 3/8 dr. Besides previous symptoms has gouty tearing in left foot, burning in cheeks, some pimples in face; urine copious; at midnight when he was still up he felt fulness an aching in stomach followed by nausea, then slight vomiting of his supper, thereafter sweat on face and well feeling; 1/2 hour later repetition of vomiting which tasted bitter, then fell asleep till morning. In afternoon violent shooting in left renal region hindering respiration. – 21st 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 8 a. m., 3/8 dr. Violent shooting in under part of left big toe; 1/4 hour later, in right. In evening, stitches in spree; feels as though the air did not penetrate deep enough into air-cells and the lung did not properly expand. Afternoon, palpitation of heart, twitching in left foot when sitting. E., oppression of chest; urine passed in morning is frothy; burning in glands when urinating; voice rough and hoarse; short breath, increased by going upstairs; forgetfulness. – 25th and 26th, 8 a. m., 1/2 dr. On right lower lid 1/2 inch below caruncula a cutaneous gland is swollen size of a hemp seed; skin red; this went off in 4 days; itching in left lid; forcing pain in sinciput; after eating pain in abdomen; pressive pain in right shoulder-joint; prickling in lowest third of left leg; urine passed during days is pale and has a white sediment; coldness of feet up to calves; eruption in right side of septum narium, painful when touched, size of a pea, red; some small elevated yellow vesicles appeared same day on navel; on 4th day there is a light brown scab, which fell off on 6th, the skin then remained red and tender, and desquamated again; frequent pinching in belly and cold feeling there; cramp pain in right eyelids, especially towards external canthus; prickling, itching, and burning in front part of right sole; burning in anus so that he could hardly sit still. N., disturbed by dreams of a very anxious character; for several day past sore pain in penultimate lower left molar when chewing. – 30th and 31st, 7 a. m., 1/2 dr. Feeling of a crumb in throat, not increased by swallowing. Noon, boring pain in left elbow-joint; burning in corners of mouth with slight swelling on their outer border for several day; confusion of occiput; on expiration, stitches in cardiac region, repeated 1 hour later; gouty tearing in right big toe; in evening bilious eructation; prickling in scalp of crown; frequent shooting in cardiac region. E., drawing in right wrist; frequent throbbing in lower part of right side of chest between 6th and 7th ribs, also the following evening Twitching in left middle fingers and right ring finger. – November 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7 a. m., 1/2 dr. Shooting in left eyeball; eructation, nausea, weakness; heat proceeding from lumbar vertebrae; colic pains about navel. Prickling in right big toe; shooting between nape and occiput; tension of corners of mouth; shooting in caecum; drawing in right forearm; drawing and tearing in left middle finger; weight and confusion of whole head with formication in eyes; shooting under left ear; sensitiveness of chest when touched. 7th, 8th, 9th, 7 a. m., 3/4 dr. Pinching in epigastrium; palpitation of heart after dinner, especially when lying; twitch in thighs during siestas; shooting in left temple; shooting twitching in head; vertigo and confusion of head till supper-time. Shooting in right outer ankle; formication in right little toe; confusion in left side of occiput jerking formication in right big toe; tearing in right upper arm, later in right shoulder-joint; itching heat on upper third of right tibia; mistiness and weakness of right type; pressure and drawing in cervical vertebrae; burning in urethra when urinating; aching in temples; lame feeling in left thigh; undefined pain in left going; chilliness and rigor; itching in left upper lid; itching burning in middle of left thigh; left testicle retracted, right lax. – 13th, 16th, 17th, 7 a. m., 1 dr. Pressure in stomach with discomfort in abdomen; pressure and aching above navel; attacks of vertigo when walking in open air; heat and burning in right side of face from corner of mouth; painful prick shooting in right big toe at root of nail; pressure in temples. Next day drawing in left spermatic cord hindering walking; scraping in anus immediately after stool; nausea increased, painful heat over body, thereafter cold feeling in lumbar vertebrae; shooting in sinciput when walking; shooting in lower third of chest on inspiration; shooting in left shoulder- joints lips dry and tense in evening. Increased heat of whole body, later prickling burning heat, burning up the oesophagus; liquid, feculent stool with scraping in posterior part of anus. (Ibid., 138).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.