Croton tiglium

17. SCH., a man, aet. 2, bilious temperament, took at 4 p. m. 1 dr. on sugar. Scraping in throat, tearing down left thigh, and in head to crown, full and distended abdomen, griping above navel. single twitchings towards left side of heart and occasional twitching and tearing in left sole. Pappy stool and burning in anus. Slept ill with many dreams. Great secretion of urine. Next day, coryza with nasal discharge lasting some day, and did not also the burning in anus. Slept ill with many dreams. Great secretion of urine. Next day. coryza with nasal discharge lasting some day, as did also the burning in anus. ( Ibid., 125).

18. Dr. St-, aet. 26, took on September 8th and 9th, 3/10, dr. Thereupon dryness of mouth and scrapy feeling in throat, diminished appetite, dryness of mouth and scrappy feeling in throat, diminished appetite, little thirst, empty eructation. Before dinner, emptiness in stomach, little appetite and thirst; afternoon, painful swelling in inner part of right upper gums. Little sleep, disturbed by tiresome dreams. -11th, evening, 1/2 dr. Next morning pressive pain in occiput, swelling of submaxilla gland, painful to touch; burning pain in left temple like a live coal laid on it.-15th, morning 3/4 dr. Burning in fauces, sour acrid taste rising up from stomach, expectoration of much viscid sour mucus. Lips dry, cracked; 2 dirty yellow, clayey stools. Dislike to beer. Slept till midnight; after that great nausea, then vomiting of much sour, pungent-smelling fluid; afterwards diarrhoea, fluid is heard splashing in abdomen, sound sleep till morning. on rising is very exhausted, trembling of hands and feet. With the vomiting has confusion of head, which lasted 3 day, as did the anorexia. On urinating, evening, burning in urethra. In morning the urine the urine passed at night was blood red with thick mucous sediment. – November 1st, 3rd, 7th, morning, 1 d. Urine increased, passed about every 1/2 hours; nausea with loathing. Constrictive feeling with occasional stitches in anus when walking, stool viscid, swelling of inside of gums on left side. Spasmodic aching deep in left ear. Sleep restless, many dreams; dryness of nose and fauces, scraping in fauces making him hawk frequently. Tensive pains in left hip- joint making rising from seat difficult. Dryness of fauces, increased; swelling of tonsils, pressure on outside painful, inflammatory redness of left conjunctiva. (Ibid., 126).

19. A maidservant, aet. 32, took on 26th, 27th, 30th, and 31st October, and 2nd and 3rd November, at 10 a. m., 1/2 dr. After 1 hour there came on sickness, 4 eructations of water; later, pain in forehead and tearing to right temple, where there was shooting for 2 hours. After another hour pains about navel like twisting in bowels, twice in succession, then tearing in left side of abdomen. 11 a. m., pressure in stomach, tearing in right shoulder, nausea, flow of acid water into mouth; cutting pains under stomach, followed by 2 slimy stools with tenesmus. Next day, when she took no medicine, she had shooting pain in crown. Slight pain in abdomen, 3 watery stools. – 4th, 7th, and 9th, forenoon, 3/4 dr. Tearing in right arm up to humerus, later, down to fingers. Sadness, nausea, 3 times feeling of turning over in stomach, then cutting under stomach, and tearing in bowels on right side near os ilii, later, splashing in bowels as if they contained nothing but water, chiefly on left side. At night 3 watery stools. On this day, when she took no medicine, splashing as of water in bowels, restlessness sleep, watery stools in afternoon. One hour after taking medicine pains in abdomen, so that she can hardly breathe, cutting about navel, and thence up to stomach so that she must crouch together, thence to left side. Nervous weakness of legs, trembling all over body, rising up of heat, low spirits, no appetite, 5 watery stools. – 11th, 15th, 16th, 18th, morning, 3/4 dr. Cutting about navel; tearing on left side from flank to right nipple for some morning; 3 watery stools. when sitting, shooting in instep of left foot as if sprained. Throat dry, twice hawking of some mucus. Cutting in bowels and about navel, watery stool. pricking as with needles in right side of brain above eye. Heat of body; burning in throat as from pepper. Press in spleen, cutting in abdomen, then 4 loose stools. (Ibid., 127).

20. a K-M-, medical student, aet. 26, smelt on August, 28th, 9 p. m., a solution of 2 dr. in 100 dr. alcohol. Twitching and shooting through fauces, quivering of eyelids, slight fatigue of whole body with general feeling of comfort. Sleep full of dreams; on waking gouty pain in knee to which he was subject. – 29th, 5:45 a. m., 3 dr. of above solution, 7-8 a. m, flatulence, fulness of abdomen with slight pinching. 9 a. m., violent, fixed, obtuse, spasmodic pain in middle of abdomen, worse when sitting with body bent forward than when sitting upright or walking; urging towards anus as when purged; tension and prickling in knee-joints; prostration and tense feeling of thighs; full pulse; warmth of skin, especially of hands, which are usually cold, with swollen and prominent veins; anxiety, fulness in chest, and oppressed breathing. 9:45 a. m., tensive pain in sinciput with pressure and shooting. Drowsiness, yawning, relaxation and pressive pain in stomach; general weariness, yawning, relaxation and pressive pain in stomach; general weariness and prostration of body with ill-humour. 1:30 p. m., violent tiresome tension and distension of whole belly with urging to stool and tenesmus, discharge of flatus with fulness at anus, worse when sitting than when waling or standing. Broken up, firm stool with straining. Laboured full breathing with tightness of chest. Pressive, colicky pains in belly. 3:30 p. m., congestion from abdomen to head with heat of skin and sweat. Pressure and fulness of stomach; gouty formication in knee. After milk – soup taken 1 hours later, abdominal pains relieved, but all day prostration, weariness and pain in abdomen.-September 1st, 6:30 a. m., 7 dr. of solution. 8 a. m., 5 dr. Pains in umbilical and hypogastric regions. Urging towards anus, and feeling in interior of rectum as if about to be purged; pulse small but quick. – 2nd, 6 a. m., 10 dr. Scraping in throat; oppressed breathing; pressure in stomach, urging spasmodic pain in epigastrium, especially when sitting, then tensive pain. 9 a. m., slight pinching pains in belly with urging towards anus. Ordinary stool at 6 a. m., and at 9:45 a. m. a stool half soft, half firm. 7 p. m., violent pains in sinciput, with throbbing, tension and pressure out at forehead an confusion, increased by beer and bread. At 9:30 p. m., drank water and was relieved, slept with tiresome dreams till 1 a. m., when he woke suddenly and had violent headache. 1 a. m., took 15 dr. and in 1/2 hour the headache was gone but confusion remained till morning. Anxiety, oppression and fulness in stomach and chest. From 3:30 till 6 a. m., slept. On waking, had violent pinching pains with rumbling and gurgling in epigastrium; soon afterwards, following spluttering, malodorous flatus, he had urgent call to stool, which was evacuated amid rapping spasmodic pains in belly. Faeces soft, dark, and fetid. then slight searching pain and retraction of belly and forcing in epigastrium and umbilical region. This lasted all next day, especially after dinner. – 14th, 6 a. m., 25 dr. Tension pressure, anxiety and oppression in stomach and epigastrium; confusion of head; nausea; inclination to vomit. Tension and pressure in right upper arm with weakness extending to fingers. 7 a. m., pinching pains in upper belly, rumbling in bowels. After taking milk, loathing and great nausea with inclination to vomit. Increased general heat, slight sweat and headache; oppressed respiration; jerking in head and formication in both arms. 11:30 a. m., griping and rumbling with fulness in belly and urging towards anus; pain in belly worse when touched or pressed; tension in right side of throat. 4 p. m., urging to stool with full belly and rectum; difficult and scanty stool. All day disinclined to do anything, drowsiness, prostration, weariness and disinclined to do anything, drowsiness, prostration, weariness and weakness. – 22nd, 6 a. m., 15 dr. Soon, tensive pain in epigastrium with pressure in stomach and nausea.

20 b. Smelt strongly 16 dr. of pure oil. Full, giddy head; like a veil before eyes; fulness and pressure in forehead; tension and searching about navel, and forcing towards anus, when lying on sofa; increased heat of body; urging to stool. 4 p. m., when walking out pinching and tension about navel, out pressing in stomach with sudden nausea; oppression and anxiety; confusion of sinciput; cannot breathe through nose; slight febrile movement over upper apart of body. 10 p. m., rubbed stopper over sugar, which he ate. Slept badly, woke after midnight with heaviness in thighs, dizziness and confusion of whole head till morning; inclination to break wind, which came away like a shot; heaviness of whole abdomen with retracted walls; dull vermicular movement and slight rumbling about navel; tensive pain in both upper arms; urine pale and frothy. – 7th, 4 p. m., 2 dr. oil on sugar. Burning scraping in fauces and gullet; numb feeling all over body; coryza, slight discharge; when in open air confusion of whole head with forcing and twisting towards orifices of both ears; tensive pain in both inguinal regions; fulness of abdomen and forcing to anus; increased saliva and collection of mucus in larynx; pressure and tightness in stomach; sudden coldness and paleness of hands switch shrivelled fingers; when walking spasmodic, pinching, searching pain in belly and round navel; fulness and dazedness of head with weight in forehead. 5 p. m., in room sight dim with slight vertigo; heat in face and of whole body, with light perspiration; low voice; anxiety; oppression and aching in stomach with great nausea; fulness and oppression of both sides of chest with burning stitches in left thoracic cavity and towards both scapulae; pale and cold face; increased pain in upper part of body. 7 p. m., a transient febrile rigor over back; rumbling and rattling in belly; searching pain about navel with increased pain when touched or pressed. 8 p. m., great forcing and tenesmus in rectum, and pinching flatulent pain when sitting as if he wanted to go to stool; when walking slight flatulence with urging to stool; after walking sudden call to stool; splashing, rumbling, and pinching in bowels. when sitting in the closet forcing and tenesmus, but 3 very small liquid stools of brownish -grey colour squirted out; thereafter prostration and slight pain in belly; all evening a tickling painful feeling in tip of tongue with clammy taste. From 8:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m., sleep with sudden waking; confusion of head with dulness an pressure in forehead; all abdomen painful; crawling and slight tearing in knees; collection of mucus in larynx with tickling and irritation; on getting up to write rumbling in bowels and fetid flatus. From 12:30 to 3:30 a. m.,, anxious, oppressed, tossing about in bed, with sleeplessness and constant erections, then fell asleep and had many anxious dreams; wakes at 5:30 with an emission; slight griping in bowels, increased by touch; on pressing on navel the pain extends to anus and the bowel protruded there somewhat. In bed, morning using to stool, which was soft but formed and bright brown, with uncomfortable feeling in anus after evacuation; taste clammy, tongue white; urine pale organs coloured, slightly turbid, and sediment. – 8th. All day fulness, distension, tenseness, and rumbling in belly; after dinner and walking more violent pains in belly, and at 4 p. m. hurried call to stool, and soft stool of

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.