
8e. February 8th. At 1 p. m., an hour after eating took 5 dr. of tinct.; for 1/2 hour a feeling of cord about forehead and temples, close over brows, as if head were compressed by it; vertigo and dizziness in head; trembling in all limbs; heat in face, with red cheeks, alternating with shivering water flows from each nostril; blackness before eyes, with sensation as if she were fainting; drowsiness and languor all over body, obliging her to sit down; inclination to sleep, with great weariness; frequent yawning and continued eructation. IN 1.1/2 hour later, pain over navel, as if abdomen were constricted by a string, for 1/4 hour; then griping in intestines, followed by six watery stools in 1.1/2 hour; after each evacuation spasmodic constriction of anus. 4 p. m., every 5 morning repeated jerking pains on left zygoma, as if lacerated; cramp in calves, with heaviness in legs, as if weights were hung upon them; pain in right knee; utter loss of appetite till 4 p. m. every 5 morning repeated jerking pains on left zygoma, as if lacerated; cramp in calves, with heaviness in legs, as if weights were hung upon them; pain in right knee; utter loss of appetite till 4 p. m.; repeated urging and discharge of urine; pain in left shoulder and shoulder – blade aggravated by moving arm. In evening, burning as if from nettles in whole face except forehead. At night frequent griping, with much discharge of flatus. – 9th. IN morning bright red spots of size of lentil, confluent, with papule in centre of each, all over face except forehead; rough to touch; burning. Three times in 1/2 hour thin pappy stools preceded by nipping pains in intestines; pain like a wound in all vertebrae, aggravated by movement; and pressure on spinous processes. About 2 p. m. chill, as i drenched with cold water, intermitting with dry heat, especially in face with feet constantly cold; great weariness and paralytic sensation in limbs. During hot fit she falls asleep in sitting posture, and cold fit makes her (2 hours long). In evening in bed she cannot go to sleep for feeling of numbness of lower extremities from cold, though bed had been warmed. In night dreams of corpses. Towards evening she lost eruption on face. – 10th morning feeling of constriction across navel; sensation of twisting and movement in abdomen above navel as if an animal were wriggling all through intestines. Stool thin, pappy, bright yellow, three times in 1 hour. 2 p. m., violent stitches in lower part of thorax on right on inspiring, aggravated by movement and coughing; drawing pain from lower side of sternum on right as far as spine; pain like a wound in lower lips on right; frequent fits of short dry cough; difficulty of breathing, cannot take a deep breath for stitches; wound-like pain in lower right half of thorax, so that mere contact of clothes increases it; collection of water in mouth. Towards evening cold feet; cold feeling in lower extremities. Skin all over body feels cool to touch, though room is very warm. – 11th. All forenoon urging to stool every 1/2 hour, with griping in intestines and constriction in rectum without evacuation. In evening evacuation normal Towards evening collection of water in mouth; menstruation commenced following night in excess, but without any suffering – 12th. Ribs on right side still painful to touch, as if raw; vertigo, especially on closing eyes, as if everything whirled in a circle. 13th. Confusion of head, with a sensation of cord about forehead; pains in lumbar vertebrae like a wound; spasmodic pain in right kidney and liver all day, worse form 4 p. m. till about 9, with perspiration on forehead and hands; would like pain in lower ribs and right side; collection of water in mouth; increased thirst; burning in eyes. 4 p. m., chill for 1/4 hour then heat, especially in here with cold in legs for 2 hours. Great languor; overcome by slight exertion; diminished appetite. 0 – 14th, 15th. As 13th. – 16th. The same till 4 p. m.; then chill for few morning only, with heat which lasted only 1/2 hour, then felt quite well. – 17th. About 9 a. m. sensation in forehead and temples as of cord till noon; same sensation about 7 p. m.; trembling, as if she would fall forwards, without vertigo. Muddled head; trembling in upper extremities; sensation of icy cold in calves and soles the legs feel cool. – 18th. An hour after rising feeling of hoop about forehead and temples; inclination to close eyes; difficulty of opening lids, as if upper lids were drawn down again till non. Towards evening return of sufferings in higher degree; feet cold. – 19th. As before; menstruation has passed unnoticed into leucorrhoea; secretion is viscid, mucous, and stains linen yellow (Thirteen years previously, when unmarried, she suffered in same way.) No appetite in evening for 6 days. Frequent urging to pass urine, which goes off without actual discharge. – 20th. Frontal headache as before, from getting up till mid-day; leucorrhoea abundant all day. Towards evening pain like a wound in lumbar vertebrae and five lower dorsal, aggravated by pressure with hand, and by every movement; also in five lower ribs on right; pain in right renal region as previously. – 21st. (South wind; afternoon, thick fog; barometer low.) In morning on rising, frontal headache as before, relieved by closing eyes. About 2 flying heats in face; anguish obliging her to loosen dress on chest for 1/2 hour; pains in both kidneys as before; violent pains in same vertebrae and ribs as yesterday; ribs as if ulcerated; abundant leucorrhoea. She cannot take a deep breath because it increases pain; heaviness and stiffness in legs; drawing spasmodic pain from above downwards, and in iliac and inguinal region towards pubes. No appetite all day. – 2nd. In morning no more leucorrhoea; urine reddish, turbid in 1/4 hour. In 2 hours reddish flocculent loose sediment; after standing till evening supernatural urine not yet quite clear. Same drawing as modicum pains as yesterday, preventing walking. From increase of these pains right leg can with difficulty be raised; ankles painful, especially after walking, as if sprained. E., good appetite; pains as before in vertebrae all day. – 23rd. From 9 to 11 wound – like pain in same vertebrae; pain in right kidney. Towards 5 p. m. pain in forehead as before, till bedtime; wound – like pain as before in right ribs; pain like dislocation in ankles all day, more violent in night. Directly after supper, sudden cessation of pains in ribs; increased thirst. – 24th. From 9 to 11 pain in forehead as before; dislocation pain in right ankle, less in left, till 5; from 5 and afterwards, paralytic feeling, stiffness and coldness in right thigh and leg; vertebrae only painful on pressure and movement. For a week past, temper much excited; daily outbreak of anger without provocation. She could beat the children, and trembles with rage at having no occasion to do so. – 25th, a. m., urine clear, dark yellow, 2 p. m., urine, when passed, turbid, dark brownish red, like porter, forming bubbles round edge. (It was thrown away through carelessness, so that no examination could be made.) At next discharge, towards evening, it was normal. Shortly before turbid urine passed, feeling of constriction in hypogastrium; no other suffering all day.

8f. March 14th. Since February 25th till to – day, daily itching in anus and rectum. 10 a. m., chewed a leaflet of C. and swallowed juice. In 10 minutes fluent coryza, and sense of swelling in larynx till noon. In afternoon violent itching in rectum as usual. – 15th. In morning sensation as if rectum were forced out, with spasmodic constriction of anus and rectum all day. Stool causes pains in anus. – 16th, morning hard stool with great pain; burning and cutting in rectum and constriction of anus, alternating with itching in anus; vertigo with faintness; no appetite. Cannot lie on back, nor sit up, from wound – like pain in anus. An external tubercle on rectum of four millimeters diameter; alleviation of pains by standing in bent posture. – 17th. Tubercle has become larger; mucous secretion from anus, not followed by evacuation. Other sufferings as yesterday. 18th. Same sufferings, and continual painful urging to stool without result. E., at 10, took a dose of Nux vomica 6 – 19th. In morning, hard stool; later in day soft; pains in anus and rectum have ceased. Tubercle has diminished in course of day – 20th, morning normal stool; pains in rectum trifling. Tubercle has shrunk; appetite recommencing. – April 20th. Since March 14th skin, especially of face, gradual darkened as if sunburnt. Stools have continued of usual colour. – May 1st. Colour of the skin gradually disappearing up to this day. N. B. – The prover has never suffered from haemorrhoidal symptoms, and has never had her face tanned except during pregnancy. (Ibid., 106).

9. Adolph B -, aet. 7, the strongest built of 6 children; easily hurt and tearful; good appetite. Nine months ago suffered from pleurisy of right side with considerable fibrinous adhesion of lung to rib. which, however is perfectly absorbed. Quite healthy now. – November 4th. At 11 a. m. took tablespoonful of a solution of 10 dr. of tinct. in a tumbler of water. His sister, 2 years older and brother 1 year younger, had manifested no symptoms after similar dose. In 5 morning pain close to navel on left side; pressure first in right then in left eye; nausea; dryness at back of pharynx and palate; pain behind right ear; tearing pain in right temple, aggravated by touch. No suffering after dinner. At 2 p. m. took 2 dr. at once in water. In 5 minutes nausea; pains over navel somewhat to left; shooting in throat; dizziness in head; pain in head over each ear, worse on right side; tearing in right temple and eye, afterwards in left eye, reaching to temple; pain in right side of thorax, then in left; respiration became difficult; short fit of coughing. – 5th. At 11 2 dr. at once in water. In 1/4 heat in head with pains; dryness of mouth; vertigo as if he had been spinning round several times rapidly; stitch in right side. The symptoms soon pass off. At 7 p. m. 4 dr. at once in water; vertigo soon after, with n head; tearing in nostrils, especially left; tearing in left eye; pressure in throat under chin as if compressed; tearing in temples; nausea as if he must vomit, relieved by eructation; yawning; pain in forehead; pressure in right shoulder on moving arm; pain under knee on walking pricking in left ear, rendering it difficult to hear; tearing behind right ear. (Ibid.,132.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.