
for some morning, but not so violent; total loss of appetite; eructation, relieving nausea; frequent yawning; pain in occiput with sensation as if head were drawn backward. Since the proving she has become strikingly thinner.

8d. 6th. – At 10 a. m. 6th dil., 20 globules at once. In 1/2 hour after pressure on bladder 3 times in 3/4 hour, with discharge each time; eructation; frequent yawning; pain in last lumbar vertebra, alternately with pain in shoulder – blades, aggravated by movement; loss of appetite; pains in inguinal region, hindering walking. From 1:30 to 2:30 burning heat in left cheek; small circumscribed spot on left cheek, which in 1/4 hour attained size of crown-piece, circular dark red, and somewhat raised; eructation all day; great languor. 8 p. m., pains in the last lumbar vertebra; she cannot sit straight up, as if she had no strength in sacrum; slight pain in sacrum on bending upper part of body forwards; stool twice, pappy. 7th. In night on awaking, she can with difficulty raise her head from weight in occiput; pains in first cervical vertebra, aggravated by moving head, and by pressure. She has eaten scarcely anything for some days, boiled food is very disagreeable to her. Pain in neck continued till 2 p. m. In morning after rising burning in eyelids and pressive pain in eyeballs, as if they were squeezed into head, worse on left side; redness and swelling of lower eyelids, and also redness of conjunctiva of lower lid. In forenoon she took nothing, at noon only two spoonfuls of soup; tongue learn; education all day. 2 p. m., when pains in neck ceased, a red, hot, circular, somewhat prominent spot, as yesterday, on left cheek, lasting 2 hours. In evening violent pressive pains in left eye, in middle of ball, as if it were so large that upper eyelid could not be closed over it, alleviated by closing eyes; conjunctiva of lower lid is reddened; frequent weeping; lamplight aggravates pains; failure of appetite. – 8th. No more symptoms; appetite better.-9th. About 10t-, as she was standing in dining – room, busy with jam pots, she suddenly felt uneasiness in all limbs, compelling her to make movements. She strove to stand still, but was obliged to step out, and to move arms; she could not describe the sensations experienced; she had to walk up and down for a few morning, and then was able to stand still again. If she were to make a comparison, she might be like one who suffered such restlessness from ennui as not to know what to do. She has not with this, experienced any disquiet or anguish of mind. Afterwards, it was agreeable to her to be able to sit down. She had a similar attack on the 5th, p. m., whilst sewing when she was quite well, but said nothing about it because she thought she could not describe sensation with sufficient accuracy. She had to get up quickly and walk about, whereupon she soon got rid of the restlessness in limbs. – 10th, 1 a. m., took 30 globules of 6th. In 10 morning oppression of chest, to throat as far as larynx. In 1/2 hour after dose, red spot on right cheek; gradually spot extends over whole cheek. On upper part of right cheek many red pimples, somewhat raised in centre, feeling rough; on left cheek a circumscribed red spot of size of one sixth of a whalers, for 1 1/2 hours; repeated yawning; 1/2 hour after dose, passed urine twice in quick succession, after great weariness, as if she could sleep as she sits; sudden violent pain in knee, aggravated by treading. At 9 she want to bed, as is her custom; awoke frequently with pain in throat, increased by swallowing dryness in throat; same feeling of swelling in larynx, hindering respiration pain in left knee; mucous discharge all day from vagina, coloring linen yellow. – 11th. In morning burning pain in left eye on awaking, which gradually ceased after getting up; good appetite. About 4, pain in sacrum and region of kidneys, which is very sensitive to pressure, the pressure of tapes of body – clothes causes pain about kidneys; urine lemon yellow, turbid; urging pain in bladder, with spasmodic quivering pains in inguinal region; after these pains ceased, oppression of chest. – 12th, morning, repeated during to urinate; spasmodic drawing in inguinal region; turbid lemon-yellow urine. In evening, clear urine; mucous discharge from vagina. 10 p. m., took 60 globules of 6th; in 10 morning spasmodic pain in region of loins on lying down; in bed, violent pain in scrobiculus cordis, as if stomach were constricted; awaking in night with pressure in occiput and shivering; violent pains in uppermost cervical vertebra, aggravated by moving. From vertebra the pain extends to crown up to a spot of size of a pea, in which violent jerking and pricking is felt; occiput heavy, as if it could not be raised from pillow; stupefaction; pain in region of kidneys; mucous discharge from vagina all day. – 14th. From pain in region of kidneys she could not lie on her back, and was also obliged to change sides often, finding most relief from lying on abdomen. In morning on rising, violent shooting in region of kidneys, compelling her to cry aloud, and causing her to crouch down; in the room, anguish, trembling vertigo, heat in the head, she must go into open air, where she gets better; suffering, pale face; head symptoms still continue as in night; jerking and pricking on little spot on crown worse, cannot touch it without exciting violent pain there; disquiet of mind, wishing to die; shooting in lumbar region, increased by walking, especially in left side, better towards noon. In afternoon, periodic urging and pressure on rectum, as if she must go to stool without any result; heat all over face; cheeks red and burning. Towards evening great drowsiness, her eyes closing as she sits; if awakened, she falls fast asleep again; trembling in wrists and fingers. – 14th. Had dreamt about a journey in long detail, and could remember most minute circumstances on awaking; chill and shivering in night on awaking, with heaviness and trembling in knees. Forenoon, trembling in knees; heaviness in knees and legs, as if she could not step out; stool very hard and difficult, with pain in rectum. About 4, heat in both cheeks for 1/2 hour. At 6, shivering chill for 1/4 hour, with shuddering chattering of teeth as if icy – cold water were poured all over body; then great heat, especially all over head; heat in cheeks; face red and swollen; thirst for 1/2 hour; pulse 90; then oppression of chest; difficulty of breathing; violent shooting pains in region of kidneys, increased by moving; bruised pain in thighs, extending to calves, aggravated by walking and by touch; heaviness in legs, as if she had to drag a great weight at each step. E., cutting pain in urethra on passing urine, still continuing afterwards; hands burning hot, swollen half way up forearm; she cannot keep her shoes on, because they seem to be too tight, though they are very wide; great tension in lower part of legs. – 15th. In nigh frequent awaking from tensive pain in thighs, two hands’ breadth, midway between hip and knee; stiffness in knee-joint; paralytic drawing in knee, wrist, and ankle – joints; pain when touched in legs and forearm. In morning right arm as if paralysed, with sensation of dumbness and cold; the temperature actually lower than in left arm, relieved by rubbing; good appetite at noon. From 2 to 6 p. m., violent pricking in right side of chest; she has to draw her breath slowly and cautiously on account of the pain; can only speak softly; sometimes is only easy when she does not move or speak has to pull off shoes and loosen garters; swelling of legs; visible oedematous swelling about ankles, also in calves; hands and forearms oedematous still more swollen than day before. She dreads becoming dropsical, because her legs again seem so swollen and heavy. Feeling of swelling in the thighs, two hands’ breadth in extent, midway between hip and knee. In evening, good appetite 1/2 hour before supper, rigor for some morning. – 16th. Good sleeping night, with gentle general perspiration. In morning, no more swelling in arms and legs; p. m., shooting jerking pains sometimes to right, from lower part of sternum right through to back, aggravated by movement and inspiration; pressive pain in head; in highest cervical vertebrae pain on turning head; increased pain in chest from bending trunk forwards, and in back from bending backwards; frequent eructations, whereby pains in chest are relieved indisposition to move; pale face. About 8 p. m., when sitting on sofa, had to raise suddenly and walk about; could not for the world sit till; involuntarily grasps forearms with hands, squeezes hands together, and during fit cannot prevail upon herself to speak of her condition; after a few minutes during which she walks about room, she is able to sit down again. During this muscular restlessness she felt no pains in chest and head; afterwards pains set in again. At first she tried to remain sitting but her feet would rise up in spite of her. – 7th. Slept well till 4; awoke with pain in right shoulder – blade, worse on inspiration or by moving right arm; pains spread, after rising on right side, round to chest which is oppressed in consequence. After dinner, cessation of pains till 2 p. m., then they were more violent pain in right shoulder-joint, whither pains suddenly withdrew from shoulder – blade; if she tries to move her arm she cannot, because then it feels as if broken; right arm is then quite cold and stiff; pains extend form shoulder to wrist. In course of forenoon, pains gradually cease. On rising, vertigo, nausea, and watering of the mouth. About 9 a. m., burning over eyebrow towards the temple, and then over forehead up to crown, with pressure deep into brain, getting worse towards evening. About 8 p. m., sudden cessation of head pains, and sudden violent pain in right side in region of 7th and 8th ribs, on both sides painful to touch; and at every inspiration as if wondered, worse on right, and lasted there longer; cold sensation spreads from spine out to these ribs, and on in front to sternum, more on right then left; frequent yawning and eructation; tensive, spasmodic pain, spreading from above and outside downwards and inwards on both sides, in inguinal region; lemon-yellow urine, turbid immediately after passing. – 20th. Urine of yesterday evening still turbid, with mucous grayish-yellow cloudy sediment; inner surface of vessel, as far as urine reached, is covered with reddish – yellow crystals of uric acid. Urine of this morning is again turbid when newly passed, as yesterday; towards noon it has again grayish- yellow cloud at bottom, and urine acid precipitated, as in morning; urine passed shortly become dinner is less turbid, that in afternoon is clear; both ribs are still painful to touch in morning and all day, worse p. m., when the cold feel and pressure on scrobiculus cordis again set in, with difficulty of breathing. Better towards evening; sorrowful disposition; she fears she has ruined her health by the proving. – 21st, evening after 11 p. m., periodic palpitation; drawing forcing pains in inguinal region; pressure and oppression on chest; exhaustion; emaciation; clothes that were tight before proving are now slack; cannot use her thimble because it drops off. – 22nd symptoms; appetite better. – 23rd, afternoon, little yellow burning vesicles on right ala nasi and left under lip. – 24th. Little yellow scabs where vesicles were; burning sensation here and there on face, as if there were similar vesicles there; appetite good. – 28th. No symptoms up to this date; appetite good as before the proving; she no longer looks pale and invalid. All through January no suffering.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.