
27. Dr. W. J. BLAKELEY proved iodide of A. On March 25th, 1866, he took gr. 1/2 of 2x trit. at 5, and gr. j at 7 p.m. At 7:15 peculiar chilliness of left thigh followed by formication and weight in left foot. extending up legs and later to right foot; clothes when touching limb felt cold. Chilliness, first and most on back of thigh, disappeared on application of warmth; formication (and weight) relieved by walking, later combined with pricking and burning. At 8 took gr. iss. Intermittent pain in a molar; burning heat in lumbar region, as if clothes were on fire; persistent itching at various spots, especially of back. After 2 h., with itching, early sleepiness and yawning; weakness of eyes with burning and feeling as if lachrymation would set in; tired, wearily feeling in calves; intermitting pain in right temple. 26th. -At 10 a.m. took 3 grs. At 11 dull heavy soreness of left scalp, and dullness of head, lasting all m., with occasional malar and frontal aching. At 2:15 took 4 grs. Very severe, laming pain in left calf, later embracing whole leg, disappearing during active motion, returning when at rest. Abdomen hard and distended with flatus, which is constantly discharged; severe cutting pains there at 6:30 as if he would have a stool, but only flatus (in large quantities) escaped, with some relief to pains, which was also afforded by warmth to abdomen; at 9 pains became intense, embracing entire abdomen and obliging him to bend almost double; after great straining passed large soft stool with some relief. 27th. -Severe frontal headache with dullness of entire head, during forenoon; left neck stiff and sore, worse on movement. At 11:30 aching over whole head, and heaviness of limbs with weariness of whole body. Took 3 grs. Soreness of back, especially of neck, as if beaten there; pulse (11:40) irregular, 96; in health about 75. (Hahn. Monthly, iii, 263.)

28. E. W. BEEBE, M. D., in perfect health, took, Jan. 13th, 1866, gr. j of 1x trit. In about 2 h. afterwards, while writing, felt sharp pain in upper third of humerus of right extremity, which lasted some 5 or 10 m., when suddenly it left there and appeared in metacarpal bones of right hand; after continuing for some time, felt same kind of pain in shaft of left femur. Pain seemed to be of rheumatic character, but was confined to shafts of bones (he never had any pain like it before, nor any tendency to rheumatism). Experienced no other symptoms during n., but slept as well as usual. Next m. repeated dose, but felt no particular symptoms during d., except that he felt as though he had taken cold, though he had not exposed himself in the least that he knew of; there was some slight hacking cough, with dryness and stoppage of nostrils. In evening took another dose of about gr. 1 1/8; in a short time afterwards had evacuation of bowels, which was soft and mushy, with considerable straining and tenesmus; it was very dark in colour, almost black. Slept well during n., but on rising in m. there was great urging to stool, but instead of the discharge being copious it was very scanty, as though anus was contracted; it was of mushy consistency, with occasional scybala, which were also small in size and of a peculiar black colour, resembling the feces of an ox nearer than anything else; the discharge, as before, was attended by straining similar to that of dysentery. Took another dose in m. of about a grain; had no appetite, and ate nothing all day but a few crackers and a cup of coffee, which he had been in the habit of using all the time; had some fever during day, pulse 80 and strong; in afternoon had considerable pain in stomach, with raising of wind, and of a greasy fluid similar to that one sometimes experiences after eating salt pork. The pain and pyrosis soon became unbearable, and he took a single dose of bryonia 6th, which gradually dissipated the symptoms. Had as many as 8 or 10 discharges from bowels during day, of the same nature as before; they were especially urgent on rising after sitting for a short time; there was continual aching in anus, with seeming inability to keep the sphincter closed; this aching would amount to real dysenteric straining at stool. Went to bed at n. feeling decidedly uncomfortable; had bad feeling in head, similar to that produced by a bad cold; was very restless, and slept but little during night; awoke next m. with a bad headache, which lasted all day -it seemed to be of a dull heavy character, with pressing from within outwards; was worse on motion, by stooping, and by study; nose seemed quite dry, and had some fever; thirst was not very marked. Was restless again at night; did not sleep much from pain in head; arose in m. feeling very badly; head seemed enormously large and heavy, with considerable pain. After moving about for a short time, began to hawk up quantities of thick mucus and clotted blood mixed together; this continued for upwards of 1/2 h., and seemed to come from head, and relieved its pain very materially-so much so that it felt quite natural again. Had no other symptoms of any note, with the exception of the discharges from the bowels, which continued for 6 or 7 d. longer, with from 5 to 10 stools per day; colour remained the same until near the last, when stools gradually began to assume the natural colour, and left bowels in about or nearly a natural condition. There was one marked peculiarity about effect upon bowels, viz. he was not obliged to get up at all during n., but just as soon as he began to dress in m. there was great urging for stool, &c., with symptoms as given above. (U. S. Medorrhinum and Surg. Journ., i, 335.)

29 a. Dr. STEVENSON, Dec. 24th, 1850, took on three successive evening 1 gr. of 3rd trit. of metallic arsenic. Slept unusually well Ist n., and could not keep awake following e. On 25th, had ulcer on right inner under-lip, sore when tongue touches it; gums swollen and painful to touch. 26th. -On waking, sensation as if head was swollen; pulse 68 (normally 55); pulsations felt all over body in m., especially in right hip- joint, which feels lame, but does not really hinder walking. Again slept better and longer than usual, and was reluctant to rise next m. On 27th, a new ulcer on left side of underlip.

29 b. Jan. 3rd, 1851, took for 3 e. successively 1 gr. of Ist trit. On 4th, 9 a.m., pulsation all over body, especially under sternum; pulse 68; heavy dull feeling in forehead; eyelids slightly inflamed and swollen; dry heat in palms; dry mouth, tongue white-coated; bloated feeling and burning in feet; pain and stiffness in lumbar muscles. 5th. -Pulse 68 in m., 53 in 3 evening; in afternoon tension and fullness in abdomen, with heaviness of head and slight vertigo. At n. sensation as if hands, fingers, and feet were swollen, feels as if he could not close hands, with cracking of finger-joints; slept little, with great inclination for sleep; head also felt swollen, and face as if bloated; pain in left head, extending to left eye and ear. Pulse in m. 68; hot rising as of bile; headache, worse when laughing, and soreness of scalp on least pulling of hair; bloated abdomen; debility and general sense of prostration; restless sleep with sense of fullness of head, felt while sleeping, worse when awaking. 7th. -Pulse in m. 68, in e. 43 (?); at n. burning of hands and feet; eyes so painful that he cannot read much; at n. dreams of danger, especially from water. 8th. -Pulse 72 in m., 64 in e.; pulsation felt all over; slept better, but was restless; when conscious felt as if he would have headache in m. on waking.

29 c. Jan. 16th. -Took 6 pellets of 30th for 5 evening running. 17th-Pulse 49 at 6 a.m., at 9 had become 64, full, and strong, with pulsations all over body. At n. feet burning hot, was compelled to keep them outside bedclothes. On 18th, pulse and throbbing as yesterday; despondency and lowness of spirits; gums swollen, feeling as if scalded; some salivation; slight left infra-mammary pains. Slept well, feet did not burn so much. 19th. -In m. tongue coated white, and marked by teeth; pulse and throbbings same; gums better; red sandy deposit in urine. 20th. – Pulse in m. 64; itching and burning in lower part of face. 21st. -Pain in muscles of left chest, great lassitude; throbbing all over; coryza, scalding and excoriating; face same. From 22nd to 27th, face same, with swelling; relieved by cold washing, worse at night; forehead feels much swollen and skin stiff, tight, and fixed. Itching relieved by pressing and pinching, not by scratching. For many n. past very unpleasant dreams, especially of danger from water. Later, skin desquamated in very small scales. (Dr. LIPPE’s provings, METCALF, op. cit., p. 208.)

30 a. -, dec. 11th, took for 6 n. running 1 gr. of 3rd trit. On 12th felt as if fumes of whisky had gone to his head; great drowsiness in afternoon and irresistible sleepiness in e. On 13th, same from 11 a.m. till n.; felt as if he should fall asleep while walking in afternoon. For 5 d. following great lassitude, weakness, and depression of spirits.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.